Financial education
Is it safe to pay to increase the score?
In general it is not safe to pay to increase the score, but you can opt for some services. Understand how to increase the score fast!
Financial education
How to get points in Score Turbo Serasa?
Want to learn how to get points on Score Turbo Serasa? Check the text and increase your score faster to get credit approved!
Is it safe to borrow from Serasa eCred?
Do you want to know if it's safe to borrow from Serasa eCred? In it you will find personalized offers and your data will be protected. Look!
Financial education
How to register with Serasa Consumer?
Learn how to register for Serasa Consumer, Serasa's free platform to monitor CPF and credit score 24 hours a day. Know how!
How to register with Serasa Empreendedor?
See how to sign up for Serasa Empreendedor, a free tool that will help you with the management, finances and health of your business. Check out!
Which score is good for a credit card?
Find out which score is good for credit card approval and how to quickly increase your score with Serasa Turbo Score. Check out!
Keep ReadingHow does Serasa eCred work?
Find out here how Serasa eCred works and how we can find the best loan and credit card options within the site. Check out!
Keep ReadingHow to query CPF by name
Learn now how to query the CPF by name in this article. In addition, we will show you some precautions with your registration. Check out!
Keep ReadingHow to improve your Serasa Score 2.0 in 2021
Do you know what score is? Don't even know what that is? Then continue reading because we are going to explain everything about Serasa score 2.0! Check out!
Keep ReadingSerasa promotes action for consumers to settle debts in 2021
To settle debts in 2021, you can count on Serasa's action, which offers negotiations with installments from R$9.90. Know more!
Keep ReadingSerasa eCred: best loan options for NEGATIVES
Do you want to apply for a loan even if you are negative? Get to know Serasa eCred right now and find out how it can help you get out of the red
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