
Impulse purchases: how to control?

Shopping can be a very satisfying moment, however, for some people it can become a big problem or serious illness. Let's understand how shopping compulsion works!


Beware of emotions when shopping

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: mercadoeconsumo)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: MercadoEconsumo)

Impulse purchases are those purchases that consumers make without having planned. But how can we control these purchases?

In most cases, buying on impulse is not a problem as long as it is an exception, because when it becomes part of a routine, it is recommended to stick to the signs.

So, let's talk a little about impulse buying, and give you tips on how to avoid it.

How to control impulse purchases

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: psicoonlinenews)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: psicoonlinenews)

To control impulse buying, we first need to understand how compulsive behavior works.

Next, it is recommended that planning be carried out, so that the consumer knows how to deal with finances in an intelligent and assertive way.

Finally, having self-control and decision-making help to achieve positive results during the process.

What is oniomania?

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: exame)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: exam)

Oniomania is the name given by specialists to the uncontrollable and constant urge to buy products and more products.

According to these experts, about 3% of Brazilians suffer from this disease, and many of them don't even know it.

This disease, in addition to bringing psychic consequences, brings financial consequences, due to exorbitant expenses.

According to researchers, in a survey carried out in 2018 by the SPC – Credit Protection Service and CNDL – National Confederation of Store Managers, the most purchased products are:

  1. Clothing, footwear and accessories;
  2. Shopping in supermarkets;
  3. Cosmetics and perfumes;
  4. Bills in bars and restaurants.

That is, we can see that, most of the time, expenses are made in places where they are for momentary things, to satisfy the pleasures of the moment.

How to identify compulsive behavior?

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: blu)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: blue)

To diagnose compulsive behavior, some symptoms are very clear, such as:

Triggers must be analyzed of impulse purchases

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: mixvale)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: mixvale)

In this first symptom, we must analyze the triggers that are responsible for generating the desire to go shopping.

For this, it is necessary to carry out a self-assessment each time a new purchase is made, in order to be able to analyze the triggers.

Review your card statement

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: melhoresdestinos
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: Melhoresdestinos

Another negative sign that may indicate a compulsion is the overspending that usually appears on card bills.

In addition, when you are always in debt, or negative, it is a negative sign, and constant evaluations must be made.

Identify your feelings after shopping

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: uol)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: wow)

Another tip is to identify feelings, emotions, everything you feel after shopping.

This is because, as we mentioned, consumerism is a mirror of emotions, so knowing how to identify which emotions these are is paramount.

That is, compulsive behavior is mainly characterized by the habit of shopping frequently and without planning.

Another way is to answer some questions, see:

  1. Can't you resist the impulse to go shopping?
  2. Do you spend more than planned, even if it hurts you financially?
  3. Do you feel that it undermines all your plans and those of those close to you?
  4. Do you feel the need to go shopping, regardless of the product that will be purchased?
  5. Do you constantly buy things you won't use or use only a few times?
  6. Do you get into debt frequently?

So, if you answered YES to almost all of these questions, or to all of them, pay attention to the next tips that we will give you.

Well, those who suffer from the oniomania disease, if they don't police themselves, will spend more and more to meet needs that don't exist.

10 tips to avoid impulse purchases

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: mercadoeconsumo)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: MercadoEconsumo)

So now let’s get to know 10 tips to avoid impulse purchases:

Make shopping list 

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: decorfacil)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: decorfacil)

And, the first tip we will give is for the compulsive to start making a shopping list.

That's because, when a person writes down everything he needs to buy, before even leaving home, the chances of making unnecessary expenses reduce.

Yeah, the person will only worry about spending on the products that are on the list.

However, it is always important to compare prices and places where the values are better.

Be careful with your credit card 

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: uol)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: wow)

Another tip concerns the constant use of credit cards.

That's because credit card purchases can reach the recommended limit, causing the person to spend more than necessary.

cash purchases 

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: CDL)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: CDL)

Another tip is to get into the habit of making cash purchases, rather than making installment purchases.

This is because, when making cash purchases, the buyer no longer has installments to pay frequently.

So, by always paying for purchases immediately, he will have better control and financial planning.

Do not use overdraft

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: simplypag)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: simplypag)

Using overdraft is also not an alternative, as it should only be used in exceptional cases.

That is, it should not be used as a credit option, as it can cause serious risks to the budget.

compare prices

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: veja)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: see)

As we mentioned earlier, comparing prices can also be a good alternative to save money.

This is because, when shopping without even researching, you run the risk of buying more expensive products than elsewhere.

Stop following brand and store profiles on social media

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: flix)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: flix)

In the current context, following brand and store profiles on social media has become a trend, which when combined with consumerism, is dangerous.

This is because it increases the risks of making unnecessary purchases, as it also increases the temptation.

That is, it is as if you were inside a shopping center every day.

Therefore, reduce the profiles of brands and stores, and choose to follow only those that are really important to you.

ask for discount

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: kangu)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: kangu)

When saving money and avoiding unnecessary purchases, asking for discounts is also a highly recommended decision.

Therefore, conscious planning, seeking solutions such as negotiating purchase prices, is also ideal for reducing excessive consumption.

postpone the purchase

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: suno)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: swine)

Another tip is to make the decision to postpone shopping whenever you desperately want to shop.

This is because, by postponing purchases, the shopping compulsion passes, and the person is able to better think about whether or not that purchase should be made.

Don't shop when you're sad or angry

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: hiper)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: hyper)

According to experts, the desire for shopping is closely linked to emotions.

That is, if you are sad or angry, or have had bad experiences, it is not recommended that you go shopping while you are at the height of these feelings.

So, you should wait for these moments to pass, to then think clearly, if the purchases need to be made.

Evaluate if that purchase is necessary

Compras por impulso: como controlar? (Imagem: finançaspessoais)
Impulse purchases: how to control? (Image: personal finance)

And the last, but not least, is about assessing whether that purchase is really necessary.

That is, do you need a new sneaker or are the several pairs that are in your house no longer enough?

You need to carefully analyze all the circumstances to make the best decisions, and thus avoid making impulse purchases.

And if you ended up getting into debt while shopping and are thinking of taking out a loan, click here to learn how to avoid negative loan scams.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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