
Thirteenth salary calculation: how to do it

Do you know how to calculate the thirteenth? It is very simple and can be done by hand. However, there are currently several tools that help with this task. Continue reading and check out how to calculate this labor benefit.


Find out how to calculate your thirteenth

Vamos te mostrar como calcular o décimo terceiro. Fonte: Pexels.
We'll show you how to calculate the thirteenth. Source: Pexels.

The thirteenth salary is a benefit offered to workers guaranteed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws, the CLT. We can say that he is an extra salary at the end of the year. To calculate the thirteenth, we use the proportion of 1/12 months worked. That is, if you work for a whole year in the same company, you will receive the full benefit. In other words, the entire amount of your salary. 

In today's article, we will show you how to calculate the thirteenth in detail. Continue reading and find out!

What is the thirteenth salary?

As we mentioned, the thirteenth salary is the benefit guaranteed to workers by the Consolidation of Labor Laws. This is because the company accumulates this benefit throughout the period worked. That is, if you work one year you receive the full salary. However, if you worked only 6 months, you receive half the benefit.

In addition, the benefit is not only granted to formal workers. Some other categories also receive the bonus. This is the example of employees on leave due to illness, employees on leave due to accidents at work and retirees and pensioners.

The thirteenth bonus can be paid in two installments, so that it is easier for companies. However, if it is paid in a single installment, it has a deadline of November 30th. If the company chooses to make the payment in two installments, it works as follows:

The first installment must be paid between February 1st and November 30th. This amount can also be anticipated when the employee goes on vacation. The second installment must be paid by December 20th.

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Want to know how to calculate your vacation? We will show you what vacations are and also how to calculate them step by step. Check out!


How to do the thirteenth calculation?

Nowadays, it has become easy to calculate your thirteenth. There are several online calculator options. However, we will explain to you how the calculation of the thirteenth works. See the necessary information:

  • gross salary: salary without deductions;
  • number of dependents: for example, a child;
  • average overtime: put an average of the amount of overtime you do in the month;
  • number of months worked: this number that stipulates how much you will receive;
  • installment: here you define whether it will be a single installment or two installments.

With this information you can already calculate your thirteenth. Likewise, doing the math manually is not that difficult. Just divide your gross salary by 12, which corresponds to the number of months in the year. Thus, you find out the monthly amount of your salary. Then, multiply that value by the number of months worked in the year.

But stay tuned, there are some factors that influence the thirteenth. This is the case of the night premium, overtime and commissions. This is because these amounts must be added to the gross salary before dividing by the 12 months. In addition, unjustified absences also influence the calculation, as only the months in which the employee worked more than 15 days at the company are counted.

How to calculate the value of the single installment?

O décimo terceiro pode ser pago em uma ou duas parcelas. Fonte: Pexels.
The thirteenth can be paid in one or two installments. Source: Pexels.

Now that you know how to calculate the thirteenth overall, it's time to understand more about the single installment payment. As we showed above, this calculation is very simple. It is only necessary to have the value of your gross salary and the number of months worked.

In addition, it is necessary to make discounts, such as INSS, on the amount to be received. Another tax to be deducted is the Withholding Income Tax, this amount also influences how much you will receive from the thirteenth.

How is the thirteenth calculation in two installments?

As we mentioned, the Christmas bonus can be paid in two installments. In this sense, the first installment can be paid between February 1st and November 30th. Well, the second must be paid to the worker by December 20th.

To calculate the value of the two installments, it is a calculation very similar to the one we have already mentioned. In other words, the difference is that the gross salary amount is divided by two. However, if you need to perform the proportional calculation, just do not count 12 months, but the amount you worked.

To calculate the second installment, the process is exactly the same. However, consider Income Tax and also the INSS, as these amounts are not included in the first installment.


Discover more employee benefits

The thirteenth benefit is a mandatory benefit by law, more specifically by the Consolidation of Labor Laws. In addition to this, there are even more benefits that a company can offer its employee. Some are mandatory, some are not.

Likewise, in the case of options, they are usually offered to attract the best professionals in the market with good working conditions. See now some of the benefits guaranteed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT):

transportation vouchers

Vale Transporte is essential, especially for employees who live far from work. The law reinforces that the company is obliged to pay the voucher for workers who live more than one kilometer from the job.

Likewise, the company is entitled to deduct 6% from the salary to pay the Transport Voucher. However, to attract professionals, companies are leaving this practice aside.

FGTS - Severance Indemnity Fund

The FGTS, or Severance Indemnity Fund, is deposited monthly into an account that the employee does not have access to. In this way, it is only possible to withdraw the FGTS if the employee is fired without just cause or becomes ill.

In addition, it is also possible in the case of buying real estate. For those who are CLT, the benefit corresponds to 8% of the salary. As for young learners, it corresponds to 2%.

additional night

The night premium is an exclusive benefit for people who work at night. These schedules depend a lot on the function and also on the work area of each one. In this sense, the value of the night shift is at least 20% of the working hour.

Therefore, after learning more about the thirteenth calculation and also more labor benefits, calculate yours now and plan your expenses this year-end. In addition, in the article recommended below, we teach you how to calculate the nightly premium. Check out!

How to calculate overnight surcharge online

Do you work at night? In this article we will show you how to calculate the nightly premium online. Read now and find out more!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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