
Verdecard credit card: what it is and how it works

Verdecard credit cards bring exclusive benefits and special discounts at accredited stores. Check out!


Verdecard Card: exclusive benefits and discounts at Quero-Quero stores

Cartões Verdecard. Fonte: Quero-Quero.
Verdecard cards. Source: Quero-Quero.

First, Verde Gestora de Cartão de Crédito SA is the financial institution responsible for Verdecard cards. In fact, she only owned the Quero-Quero card. But, with the success of the financial product, the company launched the Verdecard credit card, which has exclusive benefits and discounts.

So, are you interested and want to know more? Also, just keep reading!

Annuity12x of R$8.99
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RoofRegional (RS, SC, PR)
BenefitsDiscount at Quero-Quero stores;
Different forms of payment in associated stores.
After all, what are the characteristics of the Verdecard card?

How to apply for a Verdecard

The Verdecard credit card can increase your purchasing power, in addition to giving you exclusive discounts. See how to apply!

Verdecard advantages

Mas, afinal, quais as vantagens do cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, what are the advantages of the card? Source: Pexels.

First, it is important to mention that the Verdecard card is widely accepted in the southern regions of the country. Therefore, before joining, check the official website to see the list of accredited stores.

Some card benefits include exclusive discounts at Quero-Quero stores. In addition, it also offers different forms of payment in its affiliated stores.

In addition, he still has a period of 40 days to pay invoices and you can request additional cards.

You still have access to your invoice, limit, statement and other features online and without leaving home.


Main features of Verdecard

The Verdecard card has exclusive differentials, such as discounts and super special payment conditions when buying at Quero-Quero stores. In addition, it is also accepted in thousands of other establishments.

In addition, it also works on Vero and GetNet machines.

But attention! It is important to inform that this card is not yet accepted in all regions of Brazil. It is a good option for people who live in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, where it is accepted without complications.

Who the card is for

Então, para quem é indicado? Fonte: Pexels.
So who is it for? Source: Pexels.

Furthermore, this card is ideal if you want to increase your purchasing power, as it offers different payment terms at accredited stores.

By the way, are you interested and want to know more about the Verdecard card? So, read the recommended content and check it out!

Discover the Verdecard credit card

The Verdecard credit card is accepted in more than 200,000 stores with exclusive discounts! Come find out more about it!

About the author  /  Aline Barbosa

Writer and producer of content for various subjects, she is passionate about writing and the new. Always in search of knowledge, it aims to transmit what it has learned in a light and uncomplicated way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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