
Believe Who Wants: check out how to participate in this framework

By participating in this panel, you can tell everyone your unusual story and still prove it is true on national television! Find out more about Domingão's chart here.


Tell your incredible story to all of Brazil

Conheça tudo sobre este quadro! Fonte: Freepik.
Know everything about this painting! Source: Freepik.

Do you have a shocking story that no one believes? Then you need to know Believe Who Wants!

Namely, he is a very exciting and curious picture that appears on the Domingão program with Huck.

Homem sentado em sofá azul sorrindo com um notebook no seu colo

How to sign up for Believe Who You Want?

Learn about the entire application process and the main requirements of the board!

Thus, from it, three participants share extremely shocking stories that could hardly be reality. 

In this post you will learn more about the dynamics of this framework, the advantages of participating and how to be part of it!

How does Believe Whom You Want work?

Conheça a dinâmica do programa para participar! Fonte: Freepik.
Discover the dynamics of the program to participate! Source: Freepik.

In short, the Believe Who You Want framework works in a simple way. Thus, three people are invited to tell the same shocking story, but in different ways. 

In this way, the judges of the program must analyze the story, ask questions to the participants and choose which one is telling the truth. 

So at the end the person with the true story gets up and tells the viewers details of it!

Who can enroll in Believe Who Want?

Namely, registration for the Believe Whom You Want board is open to everyone, no matter what your skill level or what story you want to tell. 

In summary, there are no specific requirements to apply, and the only thing the interested person has to do is apply to the program, which is very simple.

What are the advantages of participating in Believe Who Wants?

At first, the advantages of participating in Believe Who Wants are many. From there, you can tell your shocking story to the world and be seen on national TV.

Plus, since you're going to be telling the story to everyone in one show, it's easier to prove that it's true.

Finally, by participating in the program, you have the chance to meet several celebrities, as they will be there as judges on the panel.

And what are the disadvantages?

In short, the board itself is a lot of fun and doesn't offer many downsides for those who participate.

Thus, you can be more relaxed when participating in it, since it is not possible to lose out on the program!

How to subscribe to this board?

Veja como contar sua história para todos! Fonte: Freepik.
See how to tell your story to everyone! Source: Freepik.

In summary, registration is extremely simple and practical and can be done completely free of charge and online. 

Therefore, if you are interested in the framework, we recommend that you access the next post, which contains all the information necessary to register!

Homem sentado em sofá azul sorrindo com um notebook no seu colo

How to sign up for Believe Who You Want?

Check out all the necessary steps to subscribe to this board!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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