
Renner vacancies: how to check the options?

Renner has several positions open for you to earn good wages, have a career plan and even access discounts on products in the store! Learn more about vacancies here.


Find out how to find the best vacancies at Renner

Veja como verificar as opções disponíveis! Fonte: Pexels.
Here's how to check the available options! Source: Pexels.

Renner is one of the largest and oldest fashion retail companies in Brazil. For this reason, it might be a good idea to check open Renner vacancies.

Namely, this company is committed to social responsibility in maintaining a healthy and safe work environment.

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How to send resume to Renner?

Check out the requirements and the complete step-by-step to send your resume!

In this way, it offers its employees a pleasant work environment, which offers professional development and well-being incentive programs based on several attractive benefits.

Therefore, in this post you will learn more about Renner's vacancies and how to apply for them! 

Who is Renner?

Conheça mais sobre essa empresa! Fonte: Renner.
Learn more about this company! Source: Renner.

In summary, Renner is one of the largest and oldest fashion retail companies in Brazil. Founded in 1965, the company offers more than 6 million items in its stores across the country and on its online store. 

Namely, Renner aims to offer customers a unique and innovative experience, with quality service, in addition to being committed to social responsibility and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment.

That way, when you work for this company, you will be inserted in a good work environment that offers several opportunities for you to grow and specialize!


How to check vacancies?

Namely, there are several ways to check vacancies at Renner. One way is by accessing the company's website, where you can view open positions and send your resume. 

What are the main open Renner vacancies?

Currently, Renner has open positions for positions such as assistant, store salespeople and many others. Meet some of them here.

Store Assistant

The store assistant is responsible for assisting with day-to-day store tasks such as organizing the sales area, adding price tags, and helping customers find the desired products. 

In addition, the store assistant is also responsible for offering the company's financial services and serving customers.


Stock helper

The stock assistant, on the other hand, is responsible for receiving and checking the goods, organizing the store's stock, checking unlabeled products and making adjustments. 

In addition, the stock assistant must keep track of the products that enter and leave the store's inventory.


Finally, the cashier is responsible for serving the store's customers, carrying out purchase transactions, receiving payments, returning and exchanging products and checking that the products are charged correctly. 

In addition, the cashier must maintain the organization of the cashier, fill out forms and issue invoices.

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, the average salary at Renner varies according to the position held and the level of experience. 

For example, a shop assistant earns an average of R$ 1,420.00, while a stock assistant can earn R$ 1,554.00 per month. As a cashier, he earns around R$ 1,460.00.

What are the benefits offered by Renner?

Namely, Renner offers its employees a series of benefits, such as meal vouchers, transportation vouchers, life insurance, day care assistance and a health plan. 

In addition, the company offers its employees professional development and well-being incentive programs.

How to send resume to Renner?

Saiba como acessar as vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
Learn how to access vacancies! Source: Freepik.

Namely, sending a resume to Renner is super simple and can be done completely online via the company's website.

Therefore, to learn how to send your resume to open positions at Renner, just stay with us and access the following post!

Mulher de batom vermelhos usando um notebook em estabelecimento público

How to send resume to Renner?

Learn how to send your resume and have more chances of being called for an interview!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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