Government Aid

Withdrawal-birthday or withdrawal-termination: understand the difference

The two modalities offer great advantages and this leaves workers in doubt as to which one to follow. Therefore, in this article you will know the main differences between them to be able to choose wisely!


Get to know the withdrawals and check out 3 tips that will help you choose

Saiba qual das duas escolher! Fonte: Pexels.
Find out which one to choose! Source: Pexels.

For those who work with a formal contract and want to access their FGTS balance, they are certainly in doubt about joining the birthday withdrawal or termination withdrawal.

These two types of credit can allow the worker to access the fund balance in different ways, amounts and at different times. 

How to query FGTS by CPF

See how you can find out the value of your fund just by CPF!

But even those who know what a withdrawal-anniversary or withdrawal-termination is is in doubt when choosing, since each of them has interesting advantages and disadvantages that should be well analyzed.

Therefore, we decided to prepare this post to explain more about each of these withdrawal methods so that you know which one is the best for your use.

What is a birthday withdrawal?

Conheça mais sobre essa modalidade. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn more about this modality. Source: Pexels.

In summary, to understand the difference between the anniversary withdrawal or termination withdrawal, it is necessary to know in depth what each modality is.

Therefore, the birthday withdrawal is a type of withdrawal that allows the worker to receive part of his FGTS balance once a year in the month of his birthday.

In this way, in every year, the worker can access the money in his fund and can use it in any way he wants. A lot of people take advantage of this moment to buy something they wanted or invest the money in securities that yield more.

In addition, those who adhere to the birthday withdrawal can advance this money using a type of credit that many banks have.

Thus, by anticipating your birthday withdrawal, you can access today the amount equivalent to the total amount of withdrawal you would make in 10 years! And the best part is that this type of credit has lower interest rates than others.

But, it is necessary to consider that the birthday withdrawal can prevent you from accumulating capital in your fund, since in every year part of the amount will leave the FGTS account and go to your bank account.

In addition, if you choose the birthday withdrawal today and end up regretting it, you can only change the modality after having stayed with it for two years.

In this way, it is important to consider these points before joining the anniversary withdrawal, in order to be sure of the decision you will be making.

Mulher segurando várias notas de dinheiro em formato de leque em frente ao seu rosto

birthday withdrawal

Find out more details about this withdrawal modality.


What is termination withdrawal?

Now that we know about the anniversary withdrawal, let's see how the termination withdrawal modality works in practice.

In summary, the withdrawal-termination is the modality that allows the worker to access up to 80% of the value of his guarantee fund when he is dismissed without just cause by the employer.

Namely, withdrawal-rescission was the first type of withdrawal created by the FGTS and for many years it was the only one. But with the rise of the anniversary withdrawal, workers can now decide which withdrawal they want to join.

But, although there are two modalities, withdrawal-rescission is the standard FGTS withdrawal modality. That is, all accounts already come with this modality pre-configured, without you having to adhere to it at first.

In addition, termination withdrawal offers the advantage of allowing your FGTS money to grow over the years so that you can access a greater amount in the future in cases of emergencies.

However, like the birthday withdrawal, this modality also has a downside.

The fact is that in Brazil, it is very difficult for an employer to dismiss his employee without just cause, because in doing so, he has to pay a fine of 40% of the amount of the fund's balance.

Therefore, the most common thing is for the employee to resign or for an agreement to be made between the company and the employee. Thus, despite offering more security, withdrawal-termination is a difficult option to access.

What is the difference between anniversary-withdrawal or termination-withdrawal?

So far you have been able to check what each FGTS withdrawal method means. 

But, to make the main differences between the anniversary withdrawal or termination withdrawal clearer, we have separated below the main characteristics where the two withdrawal modalities end up differentiating themselves.

Time to make the withdrawal

Firstly, one of the differences between withdrawal-anniversary or withdrawal-termination is related to the moment in which they can be accessed.

Therefore, the birthday withdrawal has a higher frequency. It can be held every year in your birthday month.

On the other hand, the severance pay can only be withdrawn if you are fired without just cause. If that doesn't happen, the money will remain in the fund and you won't have access to it with this modality.


withdrawal amounts

Another aspect that differentiates them is in relation to the values that you can access. Therefore, with withdrawal-termination you will always be able to access 80% of the value of your fund.

That way, if you have R$ 1,000.00 in the fund, you can withdraw the amount of R$ 800.00.

On the other hand, the anniversary-loot value system is not so simple. It works from value ranges that allow you to access up to 50% of your balance value.

And in addition to the percentage, you can also access an additional installment, depending on your FGTS balance range.

To better understand, look at the table below that shows the ratio of balance ranges, percentage and additional installment.

balance rangepercentageadditional installment
Up to R$ 500.0050%
From R$ 501.00 to R$ 1,000.0040%R$ 50.00
From R$ 1,001.00 to R$ 5,000.0030%R$ 150.00
From R$ 5,001.00 to R$ 10,000.0020%R$ 650.00
From R$ 10,001.00 to R$ 15,000.0015%R$ 1,150.00
From R$ 15,001.00 to R$ 20,000.0010%R$ 1,900.00
Above R$ 20,001.005%R$ 2,900.00
Check the amounts that are released in the anniversary withdrawal. Source: Box.

Thus, according to the table, a person who has R$ 1,000.00 in the FGTS can access, through the birthday withdrawal, the value of R$400.00 plus the additional installment of R$ 50.00, thus totaling R$ 450.00.

Membership term

Another point to be aware of is the withdrawal period. Namely, withdrawal-rescission does not offer any deadline since it is the standard FGTS modality. Thus, it is possible to join it at any time.

However, the story may be a little different with the anniversary loot. Therefore, if the worker wants to access the withdrawal in the same year of membership, he needs to join the modality until the last day of his birthday month.

If he joined later, he will only start receiving the withdrawal amount from his birthday month of the next year.

How to choose the right withdrawal type for you?

Conheça três pontos para analisar e assim decidir entre as duas modalidades de saque. Fonte: Pexels.
Know three points to analyze and thus decide between the two modalities of service. Source: Pexels.

After learning more about the two modalities, many people may be in doubt about which one to choose, since both offer interesting advantages for the worker.

So, if you are in doubt, we separate below three tips that can help you when choosing one of them.

Analyze your company and industry

First of all, it is interesting that you see how your industry is currently doing and the company you work for. 

Here it is important that you analyze whether the sector is up, down or if your company is laying off many employees or hiring more.

Analyzing these points can show the chances you may have of being fired without just cause. Therefore, if you believe that the chances are low, it may be more interesting to opt for the anniversary withdrawal.

But, if things at your company are strange and it is not able to make as much profit, it may be more interesting to opt for termination withdrawal to protect yourself in the future.

Check your financial needs

Another point to look into is your financial needs. At the moment, do you need extra money to pay the bills or are you able to keep up with what you receive?

Or maybe you want to invest in a new project and may need more money at the moment.

If you have a more immediate need for money, the birthday withdrawal can be a good option to have the desired amount without having to borrow at the time.

Know your financial profile

Finally, it is also interesting that you know yourself when it comes to personal finances.

So, if you are more the profile of someone who doesn't keep money and prefers to use all the resources they have, it might be more interesting to stick with the termination withdrawal to have a guarantee in the future.

But if you are the type that saves money and even invests, the birthday withdrawal can be a good opportunity for you to grow your assets.

Therefore, to choose between the anniversary withdrawal or termination withdrawal, you need to analyze your finances and your behaviors very well in order to make the ideal choice for you.

On the other hand, if you want to know more about withdrawal-termination, access the recommended content below.

Homem de terno com as mãos para cima comemorando

Termination Withdrawal

Learn more about this modality and learn how to withdraw the money for it!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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