
See how to work and earn money serving customers

In this post, find out everything about the receptionist routine, the necessary skills and find out how much you earn in this profession!


Find out if this job is for you

Entenda tudo sobre o trabalho de recepcionista!. Fonte: Freepik.
Understand everything about receptionist work!. Source: Freepik.

Are you thinking about working as a receptionist, but still don't know if you have the skills to work in this position?

Mister Panda will show you everything you need to know about receptionist work.

Pessoa trabalhando como recepcionista

Find your receptionist job

Check out the top strategies to land a job as a receptionist quickly!

In addition, you will understand what is the profile of a person who will be able to stand out in the position of receptionist.

Continue reading and you will understand whether being a receptionist is really the ideal position for you. All your doubts will be explained by Mister Panda.

How is the day to day of a receptionist?

Entenda a rotina da recepcionista. Fonte: Freepik.
Understand the receptionist routine. Source: Freepik.

First of all, one of the main functions of the receptionist is to control office hours.

Therefore, as soon as you arrive at the service, you will have to structure the agenda.

In addition, you need to organize the documents that will be used that day.

Thus, it has already become clear that an important skill for the receptionist is to be organized to handle everything the company needs.

After all these tasks are done, it's time to do customer service. During the day, he will respond to customer queries in a friendly manner.

On the other hand, whenever the phone rings at the company, you will answer and, if necessary, forward the call to your superior.

Basically, the receptionist's routine is this. These functions are simple, but require a lot of organization, friendliness and disposition.

What is the profile of those who work in this profession?

The good news for those looking to work at reception is that you don't need higher education, not even technical training.

By the way, your working day will be 8 hours a day. So, you need to have that time available.

In order to be able to do the job in an excellent way it is recommended that you have some skills:

  • Be communicative;
  • Have patience;
  • Knowing how to use the computer (use of Excel spreadsheets and online agendas);
  • Be organized so as not to get confused with the tasks of the day;
  • Have the ability to serve the public, always being friendly in responses.

If you believe you have this professional profile, you can now start looking for receptionist jobs.

What are the areas of expertise of this professional?

The areas where you can work at the reception are very diverse.

Most companies that provide customer service will need you.

To get an idea of where to work, let's explain with examples:

  • Accounting or law firms;
  • Clinics;
  • Hospitals;
  • Banks;
  • Airports;
  • Schools and Colleges;
  • Gyms.

There are still many other areas that could be working, but these are the main ones.

What is the average salary of a receptionist?

First, know that this worker's average salary is R$ 1,118.20.

However, depending on the region where you live, you can get a salary higher than this.

How to find job openings for this profession?

Veja como arrumar emprego como recepcionista. Fonte: Freepik.
See how to get a job as a receptionist. Source: Freepik.

The way job opportunities are found has changed in recent years.

Therefore, if you want to get a receptionist vacancy, Mister Panda recommends you to check the article below where you will understand all the details about it.

Trabalho na clínica

Check out receptionist jobs

We selected the best strategies to get a job as a receptionist and earn very well.

About the author  /  Felipe Silverio

My name is Felipe Silvério, I study Law at UniFSP, since I was very young I kept the habit of reading, that's why I found myself at work as an editor.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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