Want to test your age? So see what are the 15 technologies that people under 20 do not know
Want to test your age? Then get to know the 15 technologies that people under 20 do not know about! If you know, you already know!
Nowadays, it is very easy to try to guess if someone has more or less than two decades to live. Just ask the person if they've seen any of the 15 technologies under-20s don't know about.
If you know, then done! That person is over 20 years old; otherwise, she didn't live through the beginnings of technology, when the cell phone was used exclusively for work and the computer weighed tons.
Are you curious to take this test and find out your true age, at least in technological terms? If so, then see what are the 15 technologies that those under 20 do not know about. Have a good time!
15. Diskette
It's impossible for anyone to have lived through the 90s and not remember the diskette, the grandfather of the flash drive. Created by IBM in 1967, this technology had the function of storing files, but with a maximum capacity of 1.44 MB. Thinking that today the most advanced cell phones have 512 GB, it is bizarre to imagine that this storage space already existed a day ago, right?
If you have this trinket in your house, do it like you don't. Future Canteen, a restaurant in the city of São Paulo and reuse the floppy disk in your favor. In the case of this commercial establishment, they made the item the individual order of each customer. Interesting, isn't it?
14. Cassette tape
The good old cassette tape, which revolutionized access to music, could not be missing from our list of technologies that people under 20 do not know about. After all, in a world where Spotify exists, it became obsolete a long time ago!
Introduced in 1963 as a welcome replacement for roll recorders and eight-track cartridges, the cassette tape packed informal meetings between family and friends until the mid-90s. into oblivion.
13. walkman
Anyone who remembers the cassette tape will remember its inseparable companion: the Walkman. However, in case you are under 20 years old and don't know it, it was nothing more than a portable sound device for you to listen to your songs recorded on cassette tape wherever you are.
Last year, this invention that certainly kicked off the devices we have today made 40 years since its invention. Launched on July 1, 1979, the walkman was the creation of Masaru Ibuka, one of the founders of Sony, who wanted to listen to music in stereo using headphones during a business trip he was making abroad.
12. Discman
Just as cassette tapes lost their place to CDs, the walkman, in turn, was replaced by the discman. The first device was created by Sony in 1984 and these devices were successful in the 1990s with the popularization of CDs.
However, its fame came to an end in the 2000s with the availability of MP3 players, which we will talk about below. In other words, this is another one of those technologies that people under 20 years of age don't know about, which means a generation without knowing what it's like to have their expensive CD scratched by this device. Good times, but not!
11. MP3
As we have already mentioned, in the early 2000s, the Discman was replaced by the MP3 Player, since this device had a reduced size, which made it much easier to listen to your music on the street. However, as you can imagine, this is another one of those technologies that the under-20 generation has only heard about.
One of the big disadvantages of most devices MP3 Player it was its limited storage capacity. It was common to find devices with a maximum capacity of 256 or 512 MB, which made you spend hours choosing the songs that would be put on the device. After all, every space was very important.
10. VCR
Leaving the musical world a little and going to the audiovisual sector, who doesn't remember the VCR, right? And not only that! Who doesn't remember the habits that this device gave us, which was going to the video store and spending minutes and minutes choosing the movies to be watched at the weekend. Pure nostalgia!
The VCR still allowed the generation of the 80s and 90s to have all their best moments recorded on VHS tape, which ended up being lost with the evolution of technology. At that time, it was common to gather family members to watch the homemade images recorded by the camcorder, which, incidentally, could easily be on our list of technologies that people under 20 years old do not know about.
09. DVD
Obviously, since we're talking about the VCR, we couldn't stop talking about the DVD! It was officially born in 1995, after VHS had dominated for a long time, putting an end to this video format for good.
However, unlike the VCR, the DVD it lasted for much less time and had already come to an end in the mid-2000s. A curious detail is that, in the last years of glory, the device suffered a space dispute with Blu-ray, which barely lasted three years. In the end, the two got into a leaky boat and went down together!
08. Analog camera
Nowadays, with cell phones and digital cameras, it is strange to remember the perrengue that generations below the 2000s went through in this regard. After all, who never hoped that their photographs would come out framed and that the film hadn't burned, spoiling all the records? So it is!
With the screens, it was very easy to know if the photo came out the way you wanted it or not, but in the past, it wasn't like that... Besides, there was a limited number of photos to be taken, which is unimaginable in today's times. . To close the whole perrengue, it was still necessary to go to a store that developed your photos at an absurd price. Anyway, life in this sense was not easy!
07. Mimeograph
Do you know the printers of today, which print your files at an impressive speed? Well, as you may know, they are a somewhat new invention, so how was it done until the mid-80s when it was necessary to make copies of documents!? The solution had a name: mimeograph.
The machine was a manual tumbler that smelled of alcohol, whose function was to make copies of written paper on a large scale, and used a special type of paper called a stencil for reproduction, usually beaten with a typewriter. To make these copies, there was the mimeograph operator, which obviously became one of the professions that no longer exist.
06. Fax
Continuing on the line of communications, who remembers the fax, which was extinguished by the practicality of e-mail, which is gradually being replaced by conversation in real time, such as WhatsApp? If you are under 20, you certainly won't remember!
More than a century before smartphones and even personal computers, the fax machine already allowed the (almost) instantaneous sending of messages over long distances. With the advancement of technology, it has become obsolete and today has fallen into oblivion by the Brazilian population.
05. ICQ
And let's go to the top 5 technologies that people under 20 don't know about? If so, then let's go ICQ, one of the first social networks invented in the world and, certainly, the first one that actually became popular in Brazil.
In 1996, the ICQ revolutionized the concept of online instant messaging and had over 100 million registered users at its peak. Created by Israelis, it still exists today and even has a mobile app version. Regardless of this, anyone under the age of 20 in Brazil will not know what ICQ is because it fell into disuse years ago!
04. Gameboy
Among the 15 technologies that people under 20 do not know about, it was inevitable not to mention the Gameboy, the video game laptop that revolutionized the market. There wasn't even a child until the mid-90s who didn't have a device like that to call their own!
About the device, an interesting piece of news came out in 2017 about a little girl trying to use the Gameboy as if it were a touch screen. This may sound very strange to you who are over two decades old, but the truth is that we already have some generations familiar with more advanced technological concepts, such as touch screens.
03. Telesp Celular
For sure, anyone who followed the beginning of cell phones will remember Telesp Celular and its product that is just below! By far, it was what made the devices popular in Brazil, since their price was much more affordable (by the way, I miss cell phones costing less than 300 reais!).
For those who don't know, Telesp Celular was the telephony operator of the Telebras group in the state of São Paulo, a subsidiary of TELESP – Telecomunicações de São Paulo. In 1999, the company launched the first prepaid cell phone, however it became Vivo in 2003, joining the list of technologies that people under 20 years of age do not know about.
02. Blackberry
More modern than Telesp Celular, the blackberry became popular until 2010, when it lost its strength compared to smartphones, mainly with the advent of the Iphone. Although it is a more recent invention, this technology has already fallen into oblivion, especially for those under 20, as they were a child in their prime.
Sensation and dream of consumption for many in the 2000s, the BlackBerry had its production closed for good this year, after much resistance. Through Twitter, the official profile of BlackBerry explained that the older devices that are still on sale will have the company's support until 2022. In a smartphone world, this will be a low requirement, you can be sure!
01. iPod
And, of course, we couldn't end our list of 15 technologies that people under 20 don't know about without mentioning one of Apple's main devices, which popularized the brand: the Ipod.
For those who don't remember, it's basically a music playback device. Over time, other features were added, but the iPod ended up being beaten by another invention by Apple itself: the iPhone, a smartphone that had everything the iPod offered and a little more!
With it, we end our list. We hope you enjoyed it and that you had several moments of nostalgia! To the next.
About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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