Real Estate Credit

What is the best bank for Real Estate Financing?

Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Caixa Econômica or Santander: Which is the best bank for real estate financing and how to be more prepared to acquire your first property? Check out!


Choose the best bank to conquer your dream of home ownership

Mas, afinal, qual o melhor banco para financiamento imobiliário? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, which is the best bank for real estate financing? Source: Pexels.

It is undeniable that financing a property is one of the best options if you want to purchase your own home, but cannot pay in cash. So, there are several options on the market. So, which is the best bank for Real Estate Financing? 

In this article, we will learn about the best options for banks to finance real estate, in addition to learning how to prepare to finance a property. Do you want to know more information about it? So read on to find out all about it!

4 best bank options for real estate financing

Financiamento Imobiliário. Fonte: Pexels.
Real estate financing. Source: Pexels.

So let's get to know 4 options for financial institutions for real estate financing. Check out!

Bank of Brazil

Banco do Brasil real estate financing can be done on residential or commercial properties, new or used and you can finance up to R$5 million of the value of the property.

In this sense, you can do a simulation on the institution's website and hire through the internet or through the institution's application.

Furthermore, it is one of the best financing on the market, as you can finance up to 80% of the property and use your FGTS (for residential property) to deduct part of the financing amount and pay in up to 420 months with a grace period of 6 months for the first installment. 

Want reduced rates? So, know that the shorter the term to settle your debt, the lower the interest rates!

Also, during your negotiation with the institution, specialists in Real Estate Credit will be at your disposal to support you and then just pay at an agency to sign the contract.

And besides, if you already have a loan from another institution, you can take it to Banco do Brasil and try to renegotiate it, as long as there are no restrictions on the name. Furthermore, it is no wonder that Banco do Brasil's credit is among the best in the market!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratecustom rates
Deadline to payUp to 420 months
release periodUninformed
Mortgage Loan ValueUp to 80% of property value
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsHiring by cell phone
And in addition, you can use FGTS
Furthermore, it has a term of 420 months for payment
But, after all, what are the characteristics of financing?

How to apply for Bank of Brazil credit

Banco do Brasil real estate credit has customized rates and up to 420 months to pay. Now it's time to apply for your credit.


Bradesco's real estate financing has competitive interest rates and you can change them later. So, look at the options:

In the case of Residential Savings: Fixed rate per year + current savings remuneration that varies according to the Selic rate.

When contracting, you can change the index to a fixed rate per year + TR (referential rate) only once.

For this, the contract must be: Registered; up to date with payments; with at least one installment paid; no active amortization event with FGTS; without an active extension event and it is not possible to change the fixed rate index per year + TR to the Poupança Mais index.

In the case of Residential: Fixed rate per year + TR.

Thus, to take out Bradesco real estate credit for the acquisition of residential properties, you are subject to analysis and other conditions with a fixed rate of 2.99% per year + interest on current savings and the CET varies according to the conditions.

In this way, do a simulation on the Bradesco service channels through the institution's website, application or agency and receive the proposal within 1 hour!

In addition, Bradesco's real estate loan has unique conditions such as a fast process and digital 100%!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 2,99% per year 
Deadline to payUp to 360 months
release periodWithin 1 hour
Mortgage Loan ValueUp to 80% of property value
Do you accept negatives?No
Benefitsquick hire
And you can also choose the form of amortization
But, after all, what are the characteristics of credit?

How to apply for Bradesco real estate credit

If you want to simulate your financing without leaving home, check out Bradesco real estate credit.

Caixa Econômica Federal

Caixa's real estate financing is available to people who do not have name restrictions. Caixa also has 2 types of credit: the Housing Financial System and the Mortgage Portfolio. 

In this sense, the Housing Financial System works based on the balance of savings accounts and the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS).

On the other hand, the Mortgage Portfolio works in the same way, but it is possible to finance properties with higher values and the Caixa financing portion can be up to 30% of the family's gross salary.

Also, if you need to, you can use the FGTS amount to deduct the financing amount and you still have up to 35 years to pay the financing!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to payUp to 35 years
release periodUninformed
Mortgage Loan ValueInstallments of up to 30% of the family's gross salary
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsYou can use FGTS
And on top of that, you can use up to 30% from the gross income
In addition, long term to settle the debt
But, after all, what are the characteristics of financing?

How to apply for a housing loan

Apply for your housing loan from Caixa. With it, you have up to 35 years to pay and you can also use the FGTS balance. Check out the step-by-step process here.


Santander real estate financing allows you to finance your property with rates starting at 9,49% per year + TR in up to 35 years, with installments that fit in your pocket.

And besides, you can make income with anyone, not necessarily needing to be your family and after sending the documents, the valuation of the property together with the technical analysis will be carried out.

Also, the credit analysis is done on the spot and you can simulate and contract online with a response within 24 hours.

On the other hand, for non-clients of the institution, all you have to do is open a current account and simulate and contract your real estate financing!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 9,49% per year
Deadline to payUp to 35 years
release periodWithin 24 hours
Mortgage Loan ValueUp to 80% of property value
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsUp to 35 years to pay
And in addition, immediate release upon approval
In addition, up to 80% of the property value
But, after all, what are the characteristics of financing?

How to prepare to apply for real estate financing?

Mas, afinal, como se preparar para financiar um imóvel? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how to prepare to finance a property? Source: Pexels.

To apply for real estate financing, you need to prepare yourself by planning financially and also understand how real estate financing works to avoid surprises in the long term.

For this, you need to start separating the necessary documents that are identification documents such as RG and CNH and CPF, in addition to proof of income and residence.

Among all the documentation evaluated by the institution, there is an analysis of the family's gross income, history of financing in the buyer's name, credit restrictions in his name and also compatibility between this and the value of the property.

In this sense, you should do a simulation to find out how much you can spend on buying a financed property.

That is, what will be the values of the monthly installments of the financing in addition to comparing all the available options.

After that, you need to know how much you can give down to the property, so plan financially.

That's why, we recommend that you manage to give at least 30% down payment and don't spend more than 30% of your monthly income!

So, do some spending planning to find out how much you can give down, and how much you and your family can save per month.

So, make a spreadsheet to write down all expenses and expenses for the month and set goals to achieve specific results thinking about your future.

Therefore, reading the contract is also one of the most important steps, so you don't need to be in a hurry to close the contract, but read all the terms carefully and clear your doubts with a lawyer or broker you trust.

That way, follow all these recommendations and acquire your own home! For more similar content, click on the recommended content below!

Financing with a low score in 2022

Do you have a low score, but do you really need to make a financial dream come true? In this article we will show you how to finance your property with a low score.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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