
Payroll Cash Loan: How it works

Learn how the Caixa consignado loan works, with reduced fees and payroll deduction. It is ideal for those who need money quickly. Find out more details in this post!


Caixa loan: no credit guarantor and immediate approval

Mas, afinal, como funciona o empréstimo consignado Caixa? Fonte: Caixa.
But, after all, how does the Caixa payroll loan work? Source: Caixa.

The Caixa consignado loan is recommended for employees of partner companies, retirees and INSS pensioners. In other words, after approval, this group will have the installment discounted monthly from their payroll.

Furthermore, it does not require insurance or a guarantor for approval. On the other hand, it is important to note that if you receive a salary from Caixa, the chances of approval increase. So, take the opportunity to request portability before applying.

Without further ado, check out more details about this loan. Then, you will know if it is ideal for you! Certainly, the information will be important for making the best decision.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to payUninformed
release periodUninformed
loan amountdepends on the analysis
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsPayroll discount;
Low interest rate;
No insurance or guarantor.
So, find out details about the loan

How to apply for a payroll loan

Find out how to apply for the payroll loan. With it, you don't need a guarantor and you also have a reduced interest rate. Check out!

Advantages of Consigned Cash

Então, conheça as vantagens do empréstimo. Fonte: Pxhere.
So, learn about the advantages of the loan. Source: Pxhere.

First of all, those who need quick money and approval without bureaucracy have found a good option. In addition, check out the advantages that we have listed below.

  • Payroll deduction, without bureaucracy;
  • Reduced rates;
  • Hiring without leaving home;
  • No need for a guarantor;
  • Control and security to avoid wasting your income.

Main features of the payroll loan

The main feature is that this loan is discounted directly from your paycheck. In other words, you don't need to worry about setting aside money each month for this. Likewise, the discount is automatic.

Furthermore, it is aimed at INSS beneficiaries and employees of partner companies. However, there is a guarantee that it will not exceed 35% of what you earn in installment payments.

Finally, it has one of the lowest rates on the market, although the rate is not disclosed before the simulation. So, find out all the conditions, such as payment deadline, number of installments and rates applied during the simulation.

Who the loan is for

Este empréstimo é ideal para você? Fonte: Unsplash.
Is This Loan Right for You? Source: Unsplash.

Firstly, this credit option is recommended for INSS pensioners and retirees, as well as employees of private companies with a Caixa agreement. In addition, it is necessary to have an account at Caixa to facilitate the Caixa Consignado loan process.

On the other hand, ensure easy approval through portability, that is, transferring your salary to a cash account.

Additionally, you need to have internet access to follow the request. So, if you liked it, access the recommended content below. That way, you will have even more information!

Learn about the Caixa payroll loan

Find out details about the Caixa payroll personal loan here, with direct payroll deduction and reduced interest rate.

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