
Get to know the Caixa payroll personal loan

Find out details about the Caixa payroll personal loan here and get quick cash with direct payroll deduction and reduced interest rate.


Consigned cash: for INSS beneficiaries, public servants and employees of associated private companies

Então, que tal conhecer o empréstimo? Fonte: Caixa.
So how about knowing the loan? Source: Box.

Like others, the Caixa Consignado personal loan is discounted directly from the payroll. However, it offers quick approval.

Furthermore, it is aimed at INSS beneficiaries and employees of companies associated with Caixa who need credit. With internet simulation, you can start the order without leaving home.

So, learn more about how this loan works! Also, find out why it would be beneficial for you.

How to apply for a payroll loan

Find out how to apply for the payroll loan. With it, you don't need a guarantor and you also have a reduced interest rate. Check out!

How does the Caixa Consignado personal loan work?

Mas, afinal, como funciona o empréstimo? Fonte: Unsplash.
But, after all, how does the loan work? Source: Unsplash.

Therefore, this loan is for civil servants, INSS beneficiaries and employees of private companies with Caixa agreement. 

Certainly, if you have an active Caixa account and receive a salary for it, the chances of approval of the Caixa payroll personal loan are greater. In addition, the hiring is done without a guarantor.

Undoubtedly, simulating credit is an essential part of the project. So, do this simulation on the Caixa website to find out the number of installments and the interest rate.

In addition, the release is made after approval and the deduction of each installment is made on the payroll. During payments, be sure to check your payslip to track payments.

What is the limit of the Caixa Consignado personal loan?

Only through the simulation is it possible to know the maximum value for each customer. However, Caixa claims that the installments cannot commit more than 35% of your income. 

Is the Caixa Consignado personal loan worth it?

Mas, será que vale a pena? Fonte: Caixa.
But is it worth it? Source: Box.

It is important to evaluate the budget to answer this question. On the other hand, we help you in the decision by separating the advantages, in addition to the disadvantages of the Caixa payroll personal loan.


Among the advantages of the loan, we can highlight the ones mentioned below.

  • Direct payroll deduction;
  • No need for a guarantor;
  • Reduced rates;
  • Little bureaucracy;
  • Monthly commitment limit of 35% of income.


Firstly, the limitation of availability by audience can be a nuisance. That is, only companies associated with Caixa can provide credit to the employee.

As well as INSS beneficiaries or public servants can access it. In addition, the release of money is only made after credit analysis. So, if there are many restrictions, maybe there will be no approval.

How to make a personal loan Caixa Consignado?

Há várias maneiras de solicitar o crédito. Fonte: Caixa.
There are several ways to apply for credit. Source: Box.

Now that you have all the information, learn how to take out your Caixa loan. Certainly, these are simple steps and with little bureaucracy you will have money in your hands.

If you are not a beneficiary of the INSS, check first if your company has an agreement with Caixa. In other words, talk to HR or contact the Caixa customer service at 0800 726 8068.

After that, choose the loan contracting channel. If you happen to be an account holder, internet banking or application. On the other hand, there are also Caixa correspondents or branches.

In addition, do the simulation and apply for the loan, deciding the value and number of installments. After approval, check if the amount is in the account, in addition to checking the discount for fixed and monthly installments on the payslip.

If you happen to be interested, check out the recommended content below. You will certainly have more detailed information on how to apply for the payroll loan!

How to apply for a payroll loan

Find out how to apply for the payroll loan. With it, you don't need a guarantor and you also have a reduced interest rate. Check out!

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