
Beware of payroll loan scam

If you are negative and need a loan, see now the tips for not falling into a scam and getting the money you need.


payroll loan scam

Golpe do empréstimo consignado (Imagem: ParanáBanco)
Payroll loan scam (Image: ParanáBanco)

The payroll loan scam is leaving more and more people in complicated situations. There are many elements that make this tactic not cool, efficient.

Even though it is getting popular, many still fall for this lie. Therefore, it is essential that this subject be further discussed. Thus, it is possible to avoid several losses.

So, the purpose of this post is to make your work easier. Here, you will stay on top of everything about the payroll loan scam. See what details you should always be aware of.

How does the payroll loan scam?

Como funciona esse tipo de golpe? (Imagem: Conectejá-Proteste)
How does this type of scam work? (Image: Connectjá-Protest)

They are used by fraudsters. Therefore, to carry out the scam, these people pretend to be members of a bank or financial institution. Thus, they create fake websites, phones and emails.

They then disclose what their lines of credit are. All of them are always very attractive. Also, when they close a deal, they ask for upfront deposits. When you make that payment, they disappear with all your data.

So frauds and thefts are made with your information. The worst part is that getting back the invested money is always complicated. That's because this type of person usually "disappears from the map".

However, that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. The next topics will teach you more about prevention and damage control.

What types of loan scam?

Quais os tipos de golpe do empréstimo? (Imagem: BancoVotorantim)
What types of loan scam? (Image: BancoVotorantim)

The people who most fall for this type of scam are, therefore, retirees and pensioners. That's because they are the main targets.

Even so, this is not a rule and anyone can be unlucky enough to come across scammers. Know now the types of fraud that are applied nowadays.

Discover Banco Inter's payroll loan

Do you know the payroll loan from Banco Inter? If not yet, then it's time to find out more about this product that is one of the best on the market.

payroll loan scam

Golpe do empréstimo consignado (Imagem: MeuTudo)
Consigned loan scam (Image: MeuTudo)

Here, credits are offered to retirees and INSS pensioners. Also, wage earners and civil servants enter the list. Scammers often use the payroll loan scam to forge documents.

WhatsApp scam

Golpe do WhatsApp (TecMundo)
WhatsApp scam (TecMundo)

Also known as an online loan scam. Criminals send a message to your mobile device. In it, they offer fake credit with very low interest rates.

Protecting yourself from scams like these

Se protegendo de golpes como esses (Imagem: ProgramadorDigital)
Protecting yourself from scams like these (Image: ProgramadorDigital)

The loan itself is therefore a legal action. However, it is very common to find people who distort this and end up giving you a blow. That's why you should be wary of anything that's too easy.

Believe me, this can save you a lot of headaches. Now let's say you want to apply for a loan. We separate some tips to always be considered in this type of situation.

1- Research is always essential

1- Pesquisa é sempre essencial (Imagem: BlogLAHAR)
1- Research is always essential (Image: BlogLAHAR)

It is common, then, that in moments of desperation, people fail to pay attention to the details of the transaction. However, this is a serious mistake. Hurry and lack of knowledge can bring you serious problems.

So try to be as rational as possible. Don't just accept the first offer that comes along. The interesting thing is to always do some research before making a decision like that.

So, a tip is to look for the CNPJ of financial institutions or advertisers. Thus, it is possible to check if there are any reports of a coup or something like that. You can use the sites Reclame Aqui and Procon to check this information.

2-Zero bureaucracy? be wary

2- Zero burocracia? Desconfie (Imagem: Agilize)
2-Zero bureaucracy? Be wary (Image: Agilize)

Taking out a loan is not complicated. However, this is not a bureaucratic process either. Each and every institution establishes some criteria for offering credit.

So this is a form of protection. After all, they can be at a loss when making this kind of deal. Therefore, if you do not identify anything of the kind, start to suspect.

Main payroll loan scams

Principais golpes do empréstimo consignado (Imagem: EscobarAdvogados)
Main payroll loan scams (Image: EscobarAdvogados)

Generally, this type of credit is requested, therefore, at specific times. Either because you are going through a complicated situation or because you want to pay off a purchase.

Therefore, if you receive such a proposal “out of the blue”, be careful. Believe me, there are countless malicious companies out there. To help you stay alert, follow a complete list of payroll loan scams.

1- Forged documents

1- Documentos falsificados (Imagem: TJMG)
1- Forged documents (Image: TJMG)

Counterfeiting is easy for scammers. That's why you shouldn't trust your documents to anyone. This doesn't just refer to the physical. Imagine that you receive an email offering a loan.

During the transaction, you will probably be asked for your document numbers such as CPF and RG. In these cases, never inform them without being completely sure that the transaction taking place is secure.

A small spoiler, credit is not contracted by email. So be very careful. Scammers, when receiving this type of data, will directly falsify them. Thus, you will suffer very unpleasant consequences.

2- Forgery of signatures in contracts

2- Falsificação de assinaturas em contratos (Imagem: BlogMovingImóveis)
2- Forgery of signatures in contracts (Image: BlogMovingImóveis)

Do not assume that all scammers follow a pattern of behavior to extort money. Many of them create new techniques and arguments that will then convince you to pass on important information.

One such tactic is signature forgery. Therefore, never sign any blank paper. Or else, a document that does not contain all the clear information. The ideal is to read everything before anything else.

Still, if you can't understand the agreement described, that's okay. In that case, ask for help from someone you trust. The important thing is that you don't trust your signature in anyone's hands.

This is especially true when talking about financial services such as types of credit.

3- Early deposit

3- Depósito antecipado (Imagem: Midiamax)
3- Early deposit (Image: Midiamax)

Let's say you received a call talking about the possibility of having access to a credit. The attendant was very helpful explained how everything works and so on.

Then he says that to complete the loan application a guarantee is required. Thus, you must pay a bill or deposit a certain amount.

There are, then, several arguments used to convince you to do such a thing. Among the main ones are government, INSS, interest rates, among others. However, you shouldn't believe any of them.

No service offering a loan can ask for anything of the kind. There is no such thing as paying before receiving the money. So, there is only one possibility, payroll loan scam.

4- Very easy money

4- Dinheiro muito fácil (Imagem: BomPraCrédito)
4- Very easy money (Image: BomPraCrédito)

Taking out a payroll loan is not as complicated a task as it seems. Thus, this type of credit offers you higher limits and a much lower interest rate.

However, you need to be alert about this. Many banks actually offer lower interest rates. However, they are still within the financial market average.

So, if you notice that the institution where you are applying for credit does not follow this standard, be careful. As much as the values seem interesting, don't believe it right away.

This is often a way of persuading the customer to provide their data. The end result is almost always the same, blow.

5- Passwords and bank accounts

5- Senhas e contas do banco (Imagem: Pinterest)
5- Passwords and bank accounts (Image: Pinterest)

One of the most classic attempts by scammers is to ask for bank password confirmation. Understand that to hire a consignment, you do not need to inform this.

Therefore, if asked to do so, disconnect immediately. Still, some banks ask for your fingerprint or until you click on your password numbers.

Even so, they in no way ask you to reveal it. This is the biggest indication of a scam, always be very attentive to this type of request.

6- False INSS employees

6- Falsos funcionários do INSS (Imagem: JornaldaRegião)
6- False INSS employees (Image: JornaldaRegião)

It is quite common for scammers to tell INSS officials. This is one of the most used ways to offer some credit. Often, the institution even exists and it is not a scam. However, these people do not work for welfare.

Also, be aware that those who work at the INSS are not authorized to offer any loans. No type of financial service is the responsibility of these people.

Therefore, when receiving such a call, always be suspicious. Do not pass any data or contract any type of credit. Even if you don't fall for a complete blow, the chances of being harmed are very high.

7- Credit offer

7- Oferta de crédito (Imagem: MobileTransaction)
7- Credit offer (Image: MobileTransaction)

Many people receive offers of credit through unconventional channels. Know that this type of service should not be suggested by phone or email. So if they contact you, be suspicious.

Do not pass on any important information. Unfortunately, many scammers call people saying they have access to credit. With that, they ask for some data just to confirm the contracting of the service.

Therein lies the danger. You don't have any credit, so they will use your details to commit some fraud. This is how many people have loans in their names without proper authorization.

8- Married sale

8- Venda casada (Imagem: EuTenhoDireito)
8- Married sale (Image: EuTenhoDireito)

When taking out a loan, you always receive other service suggestions. However, they are not requirements to have access to the money. Therefore, there is no obligation to hire them. The danger is that not every bank will let you know this information.

Still, many even claim that their credit will not be released if they do not accept these “extras”. Therefore, in this type of situation, the ideal is to make it very clear that you know about the subject. Thus, creditors will not insist any more.

Also, if you've ever felt compelled to accept this type of upselling, beware. The ideal is to go to the bank and demand its cancellation.

If it is still not enough to resolve, look for Procon and inform about everything that happened. They will take appropriate action against the payroll loan scam.

9- Release of credit with negative margin

9- Liberação de crédito com margem negativa (Imagem: CapitaldoCrédito)
9- Release of credit with a negative margin (Image: Credit Capital)

Imagine that you receive a benefit from the INSS. Therefore, you are well aware that there is a certain limit for taking out a loan or a payroll card. However, some scammers take advantage of this information to distort it.

Thus, they offer credit with a negative margin, ignoring this barrier established by the INSS itself. Bear in mind that this type of situation is simply not possible.

Therefore, when you receive such a proposal, you already know that it is a scam and never trust his spokesperson. Also, if you need money, look for a recognized bank or financial institution. There they will give you viable and legal options under the law.

I was the victim of a payroll loan scam, now what?

Fui vítima de um golpe como esse, e agora? (Imagem: FinanZero)
I was the victim of a scam like this, now what? (Image: FinanceZero)

Unfortunately, many people end up believing false promises. In these cases, it is important not to let yourself down and take the necessary measures.

So, imagine that someone took out a loan without your authorization. You need to follow a logical steps. The first is to file a police report with the civil police.

So, with the BO in hand, try to contact the Social Security ombudsman, the INSS. If so, call 135 or visit their website. Also, file a direct complaint with the Central Bank.

Just call 145 or, if you prefer, search the institution's website. Finally, go to the local Procon and register your complaint there. So, there are 4 main steps, see:

1- Open a BO

2- Get in touch with the Social Security ombudsman.

3- Seek help from the Central Bank

4- Look for Procon.

Also, do not forget to look for the bank or financial institution where the debt is located. It's important that you tell everything that happened and leave your complaint there. Remember consumer rights.

You can have access to your request history without bureaucracy. Also, the Reclame Aqui website is a great alternative. It belongs to a company and its function is to receive reports about different situations.

The most interesting thing is that when you leave your complaint there, you don't go unanswered. The company's team will give you a return on your case. Now, let's say you've tried everything and nothing works.

So maybe it's time to seek the help of justice. This is the last measure to seek reimbursement or cancellation of charges.


Conclusão (Imagem: SINESP)
Conclusion (Image: SINESP)

Ultimately, that's all you should know about this topic. Now, you already know how not to fall into a payroll loan scam. Just remember the information given here. With them, it's much easier to protect yourself from bad people.iwaves.

10 loans with the lowest interest rates

Do you need urgent money to clear your name? Get to know the loans with the lowest interest rates to take back the reins of your financial life

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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