
Does C6 Bank have an annuity?

Discover in this article all the features and advantages of the C6 Bank card. Also, check whether or not there is an annuity charge to use the features of this financial product.


C6 Bank: check all the details here

Conheça o cartão C6 Bank, como funciona, suas vantagens, cobrança de taxas e tarifas. Saiba tudo aqui! Fonte: C6 Bank.
Get to know the C6 Bank card, how it works, its advantages, fees and tariffs. Find out everything here! Source: C6 Bank.

Wondering if the C6 Bank card has an annuity charge? In fact, with the growth in the offer of cards by fintechs, this is a frequent question. This is because many customers are looking exactly in the market for cards that offer annuity exemption.

First of all, let's get to know the bank. Therefore, it was founded in 2018 and has evolved a lot since then. In this way, it seeks to offer diverse services with a very high quality for people from all over Brazil.

In this sense, one of these services is the C6 Bank card, which in turn has a loyalty program and Mastercard benefits like no other.

But anyway, let's talk about what matters and find out if the card has fees and charges. Let's go!

minimum incomenot informed
BenefitsAtoms points program
C6 Tag
Discounts and offers
card features

Credit card

C6 Bank

International MasterCard

ZERO annuity, international coverage, loyalty program and other advantages.

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What is the advantage of C6 Bank?

Conhece a C6 Tag? Essa é apenas uma das vantagens do seu cartão. Fonte: C6 Bank.
Do you know C6 Tag? This is just one of the perks of your card. Source: C6 Bank.

Therefore, one of the main advantages of the C6 Bank card is that it has no annual fee. In addition, we can have access to a loyalty program that will offer very good benefits and advantages compared to other cards.

Another very good advantage of the C6 Bank card is that the brand that the card offers to customers is one of the most accepted in the world. Namely, Mastercard. In addition, the customer will have the advantages of the Mastercard Surpreenda program.

Along with the above advantages, the customer has the C6 Tag, which allows him to avoid the toll queues. Finally, another advantage that we can be sure of, is that the C6 Bank account is completely free. That is, it is not necessary to pay any kind of fee.

How does the C6 Bank card work?

C6 Bank has two types of cards that are offered to its customers. So the regular C6 Bank card and the C6 Bank Carbon card. But what is the difference between the two cards? 

Let's go! The common card offers services without charging any amount related to the annuity. Unlike the Carbon card, which already charges an annuity.

However, there are ways to zero this annuity rate during the time the card is used. But this we will see in the next topics. Anyway, the C6 Bank card has the advantages we saw above and much more.

It is important to mention that to apply for the card you must be over 18 years old. However, the bank does not require a minimum income. In addition, the card has international coverage and its limit varies according to the customer's profile.

What is the annual fee for the C6 Bank card?

Afinal, o cartão C6 Bank tem anuidade? Fonte: C6 Bank.
After all, does the C6 Bank card have an annual fee? Source: C6 Bank.

Is it still not clear whether the C6 Bank card has an annual fee? Let's talk now in detail about this.

Therefore, as we mentioned, the card has 2 modes, where one of them does not charge annuity and the other does. See below:

  • Common C6 Bank Card: Zero annuity;
  • C6 Bank Carbon Card: 12x R$85.00.

Well, as we can see, the annual fee for the C6 Bank Carbon card is R$85.00 per month. Therefore, a high value if we compare it with other credit cards that banks and finance companies offer in the market. But, one must consider the numerous advantages of the card.

Despite this, C6 Bank gives the customer the option of a card with no annual fee. However, with fewer benefits and simpler functions than the Carbon card. But don't worry, there is a way out.

In other words, C6 Bank developed a way for Carbon card users to be exempt from these amounts related to the annuity. We will follow more about this in the next topic.

How to get exemption from C6 Bank card annuity?

As we could see, the Carbon card charges a very hefty annual fee for its holders. Despite all its advantages, this point can be decisive in the customers' decision to apply for the card or not.

However, there is a new way to be exempt from the annuity. That is, when investing from R$50 thousand in C6 Bank CDB, the customer is exempt from the annuity. In addition, it will have numerous advantages.

The investment is a considerable amount. However, it should be noted that C6 Carbon is a premium modality of C6 Bank. In other words, aimed at a more select public that will probably be able and interested in investing in the bank.

Anyway, now that we've clarified whether the C6 Bank card has an annual fee, check out our recommended content and see the step-by-step guide on how to apply for one.

How to apply for C6 Bank card

Discover the step-by-step process to apply for your card without bureaucracy. Check out!

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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