How to get a part-time job?
A part-time job can be a good solution for those who want to study and work. In today's article we will show you how to get that job. Check out!
Find out how to work part time!
For those who intend to study and work, a part-time job can be a great solution. This is because, with it, you have a salary compatible with the market, but manage to work less. Also, it's common to look for a part-time job to have extra work. In times of unemployment, many Brazilians end up having more than one job to support the family. Therefore, in today's article we will show you how to get a part-time job. Continue reading and find out more!
What to do to work part time?
Understand what your options are
First, it's critical to understand what your options are. For example, knowing what you will want to work with. In some cases, there is no preference. But as there are several job options, sometimes it's good to focus on one or two. So, among some options such as telemarketing, receptionist or waiter, which would you do better?
Also, think about whether you already have experience in any area. That's because some kind of experience can help you get the job in the future. Furthermore, it can also help to perform a better job role. Finally, if it's a matter of necessity, it's important to be open to all options. So, be ready for whatever vacancy appears. At these times, it is essential to be flexible.
Invest in your resume
As we mentioned above, it's important to review your past experiences. In addition to understanding how they can add to the new work. To do this, start building your resume. Remember to include essential information, such as full name, age, address and phone number. Also, if it's for a remote job, also include your LinkedIn. In that sense, make sure your LinkedIn is also up to date.
Take qualification courses
In general, part-time jobs do not require any qualifications. That's because these are operational jobs. For example, receptionist or telemarketer. However, it is important to have some basic courses under your belt. Mainly to show your interest. That way, if you haven't already, sometimes it's worth taking an Office Package course, for example. Because most companies use Excel, and having a course in the area can be a differential.
Get ready for the job interview
Also, preparing for the job interview is one of the main steps. That's because it's no use having the best resume and not communicating clearly and objectively. By the way, communication is always very important to get a part-time job. Because vacancies are usually in direct contact with the public.
In that sense, don't forget to be nice to the interviewer. Try to soften the tense atmosphere of an interview with a good conversation. So, think of the interview as just a conversation with a new person. That way, you stay calmer and manage to let the information flow better. By the way, the interviewer will probably notice your tranquility. That is, more positive points for you.
Use your skills to your advantage
Finally, always use your skills to your advantage. That is, if your case is to get a part-time job as an extra, you need to manage your time. That way, always stay organized and with everything up to date. That way, you won't be exhausted from having too much work. Remember that it's important to have time for leisure and spending time with your family, for example.
Also, when it comes to getting the job, turn to your colleagues! The network of contacts, or the famous networking, never fails at these times. In that sense, let people know that you are looking for a new part-time job. That way, whenever someone knows of a vacancy, they can already refer you.
What to do to get a job fast?
Need to find a job fast but don't know where to start? So, read this post and check out our tips!
How much is the part-time salary?
In short, the salary of a part-time job will pay a little less than a regular job. That's because, naturally, you work fewer hours than you would in an 8-hour job. That is, in part-time employment, you can work 4-6 hours. Therefore, the salary can vary between R$1,100 and R$1,500 per month. However, this depends a lot on each employer and type of work.
What are the types of part-time jobs?
Now that you know a little about how to get a part-time job, let's show you some types of jobs. Check out!
First, we have the option of working in telemarketing. This is usually the first job for someone looking for a part-time job. That's because call center companies often need a lot of people. In addition, the vacancy does not require a degree or courses. I mean, it's pretty easy to get.
In short, work in malls or high street can be very good or very tiring. Therefore, if you like contact with the public on a daily basis, it may be a good option. In addition, working in a store can even give you a chance to grow if you do well in the job.
When we talk about jobs that require a degree, teaching is a good option. It is very common for teachers to work in more than one school. This is because a teacher's journey in a school is only 20 hours. Therefore, it is possible to get an extra job to cover expenses.
In that sense, working as a receptionist is a great option to get a part-time job. In addition, it is very common to get these vacancies through networking. For example, a colleague who owns an office or a school. So, remember to activate your network of contacts!
Finally, we have the option of working in a restaurant. In this sense, normally these vacancies are to work as a waiter. In addition, it is very common to find this job in tourist places. Mainly because in high season they always hire more staff.
Plus, you found out about some part-time jobs, and you figured out how to get one. In addition, we also leave you an article below so you can discover how to work with what you love. Check it out!
About the author / Leticia Maia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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