Government Aid

Find out about the Single Father Allowance benefit

The Single Father Aid will help several families with payments of up to R$3 thousand. In today's article, we'll show you how it works and also how to register to receive it. Check out!


Find out all the details of Single Father Assistance

O Auxílio Pai Solteiro é uma extensão do Auxílio Emergencial. Fonte: Pexels.
Single Father Assistance is an extension of Emergency Assistance. Source: Pexels.

Before talking about Single Father Aid, it is important to mention that with the Covid-19 pandemic, the government made Emergency Aid available to help families who lost their jobs. In addition, Brazil also offered the Single Mother Aid. Basically, an extra share of the pandemic aid.

How to apply for Single Father Assistance

See how it works to receive Single Father Assistance.

However, single-parent heads of families were included in this aid. Therefore, the Single Father Allowance benefit encompasses single parents who support their families alone. In today's article, we'll show you what it is and how this aid works. Check out!

What is Single Father Assistance?

In short, Emergency Aid offered an extra quota for families headed by women or single mothers. In this sense, during the 5 months of assistance, these women received an extra share of the benefit. More specifically, R$6 thousand in installments of R$600.

Therefore, Congress revised the project and established that men who raise their children alone were also entitled to the benefit. Thus, the Single Father Assistance benefit was created. That is, solo parents can receive the installments retroactively, in 2022.

What are the benefits of Single Father Assistance?

First, the benefit is retroactive release. Therefore, the value of the installment will change depending on each beneficiary. For example, those who received R$600 in the first 5 installments of Emergency Aid can now receive R$3,000. 

But in other cases it will be necessary to calculate the difference in the amount received. Therefore, after this calculation, it is possible to find out what the value of your benefit will be.

The amount to be transferred will depend on the situation of each beneficiary, since it is a retroactive release. In general, there are two situations that encompass most beneficiaries with the retroactive release of emergency aid.

Who is entitled to assistance?

In summary, all men who do not have a spouse, partner or partner and have a family member under the age of 18 can receive the aid. However, it is important to remember that only those who have already signed up for Emergency Aid in 2020 will receive the aid. This is because the Single Father Aid benefit is a retroactive amount, corresponding to the year 2020. 

In addition, the government can also look at other factors. For example, if the person responsible is registered with CadÚnico and if he or she receives Bolsa Família or Auxílio Brasil. In addition to checking whether the application was made via Caixa Econômica Federal platforms.

How do you know if you will receive Single Parent Allowance?

O Auxílio Pai Solteiro vai ser pago pela Caixa Econômica Federal. Fonte: Pexels.
The Single Father Allowance will be paid by Caixa Econômica Federal. Source: Pexels.

Finally, the Single Father Aid promises to benefit many families in this period that we are still facing. In this way, you must have already registered for Emergency Aid in 2020. That is, if you are in doubt whether or not you will receive the benefit, check the website of the Ministry of Citizenship. There, you can check if you were one of those selected for the Single Father Aid benefit.

So now you know about the aid, but you still need to know how to apply to receive it. Read the recommended content below and we'll let you know how to receive the benefit step by step. Check out! 

How to apply for Single Father Assistance

See how it works to receive Single Father Assistance.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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