Government Aid

How to apply for Single Father Assistance

Single Father Assistance will benefit several families headed by men who support the group alone. So, find out how you can sign up to receive it!


Learn how to apply for Single Parent Allowance

Entenda como funciona o cadastro do Auxílio Pai Solteiro. Fonte: Pexels.
Understand how Single Parent Assistance registration works. Source: Pexels.

Single Father Aid was a recent government decision to include single parents in the extra quotas of Emergency Aid. Therefore, heads of single-parent families will be able to receive up to R$3 thousand retroactively from the government.

How to enroll in the CadÚnico Program

If you want to get government benefits, be sure to check out this article to learn how to enroll in CadÚnico.

In fact, the government will be based on who has already received Emergency Aid in 2020. Therefore, in today's article we will explain how signing up for aid works. Continue reading and find out!

How do I register for Single Parent Assistance?

Afinal, como se cadastrar no auxílio? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how to register for the aid? Source: Pexels.

In short, there is no specific registration for Single Parent Assistance. This is because this benefit is just an extension of Emergency Aid. This way, the Ministry of Citizenship will use the same registration as those who received the benefit in 2020. 

In other words, the government will carry out an automatic selection to decide who will receive the benefit. In fact, there are some criteria involved in addition to Emergency Aid. For example, who was included in the Bolsa Família Program. As well as those who were registered in the Single Registry. However, remember that this only applies to families who were also entitled to the benefit of R$600 in 2020. Furthermore, if the person responsible signed up through Caixa Econômica Federal, they may also be entitled.

How to receive the benefit?

In this sense, to receive the aid you just need to wait for notice from the government. In other words, you don't need to register. As we mentioned, the Ministry of Citizenship will use the Emergency Aid database to select families.

How do I get the Single Parent Allowance?

Finally, the aid will be distributed by Caixa Econômica Federal. Therefore, to withdraw the benefit you need to download the Caixa Tem app. With it, you can access your digital savings account and transfer the benefit to other accounts. Furthermore, if you prefer to withdraw the aid, you can also go to Caixa branches or even Casas Lotéricas.

Therefore, as we mentioned, the Single Parent Allowance is linked to some other government benefits. For example, Auxílio Brasil! In this other article, we show you all the details of Auxílio Brasil. Check out!

Get to know the Brazil Aid benefit

Find out how the Bolsa Família replacement works!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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