
C6 Rainbow credit card: how it works

Find out how the C6 Rainbow card works, which respects LGBTQIA+ people and supports their cause through participation in projects. As well as offering a financial product with no annual fee, with international coverage and an incredible points program.


C6 Rainbow card: representativeness without any annual fee

Saiba como funciona o cartão C6 Rainbow. Fonte: C6 Bank.
Find out how the C6 Rainbow card works. Source: C6 Bank.

Many look for companies that represent them, because identification generates a sense of proximity. Therefore, this is what C6 Bank wanted to show with the C6 Rainbow card, as it is not enough just to respect, but to apply practical actions.

So this card was created with the traditional C6 perks. However, it is possible to financially help LGBTQIA+ people with small values, but which are important.

So stay with us if you want to know how this inclusive card works!

minimum incomenot informed
BenefitsPoints that do not expire;
Financial aid to the LGBTQIA+ community;
Zero annuity.
Discover the main features!

How to apply for the C6 Rainbow card

Apply for this free credit card and support institutes that change the lives of LGBTQIA+ people!

Advantages C6 Rainbow

Mas, afinal, quais as vantagens? Fonte: C6 Bank.
But, after all, what are the advantages? Source: C6 Bank.

Among the main advantages, we have the possibility of using your corporate name on your C6 Rainbow card. In addition, all purchases accumulate points that do not expire. That is, Atoms points can be exchanged for products or donated to necessary causes.

Furthermore, the card is linked to a free digital account, which is why it also has a debit function. In fact, you can take advantage of other advantages, such as the benefits of Mastercard international coverage, payment by approximation and zero annuity.

In conclusion, there is also a social commitment to LGBTQIA+ people, as it sponsors the DiverS/A Fair and supports the +Diversidade Institute, for example.

Key features of the C6 Rainbow

We can highlight that the main feature is the support given by the digital bank to the LGBTQIA+ cause. That is, there are incentives for employees to participate in lectures and constant debates on the themes. This is so that all respect is translated into a credit card.

In addition, this card in the most basic version has no annual fee, offers accumulation of points with each purchase and even a free parking and toll tag. Finally, have a colorful card with your social name.

Who the card is for

Mas, este cartão é para todos? Fonte: Unsplash.
But, is this card for everyone? Source: Unsplash.

This is certainly a card for everyone who can relate or would like to support important causes. So, if this is your case, learn more about the card that includes LGBTQIA+ people in its actions in the recommended content below.

Discover the C6 Rainbow credit card

Learn more about the C6 Rainbow international credit card with no annual fee, which supports the LGBTQIA+ community and prints the plastic with the social name.

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