
Esquadrão da Moda: check out how to participate in this program

Esquadrão da Moda helps several women change their look and take better care of their appearance to increase their self-esteem! Learn more about the program here.


Join the program and become your best version

Veja como esse programa funciona! Fonte: Freepik.
See how this program works! Source: Freepik.

Esquadrão da Moda is a program created to recognize the diversity of ways and styles of dressing, inspiring people to feel confident and safe to show the best of themselves.

In summary, to do this, the program offers a unique experience for participants who have the chance to change their look and renew their wardrobe.

Mulher de blazer rosa segurando dois cabides com vestido enquanto tem uma arara de roupas no fundo

How to subscribe to the Fashion Squad?

Registration is completely online and can be done in 3 steps!

In addition, participants receive various fashion and beauty tips to maintain their look even after the end of the program.

Therefore, if you are interested in knowing more about the Esquadrão da Moda program, then read our post and find out how it can benefit your life.

How does the Fashion Squad work?

Entenda a dinâmica do programa! Fonte: Freepik.
Understand the dynamics of the program! Source: Freepik.

In summary, Esquadrão da Moda stands out for offering the opportunity to change a woman's lifestyle. 

For this, an application is made where friends and family can indicate a known person to be part of the program.

Thus, when selected, the program plays a joke at the beginning. That way, she can know by surprise that she's on the show.

From there, a process begins that involves several beauty professionals, such as hairdressers, makeup artists and stylists. 

Namely, these professionals work to give the participants a new image, renewing their look.

In addition, the program also aims to convey an important message of self-esteem, reinforcing that it is possible to feel good regardless of your lifestyle and appearance. 

Thus, at the end of the program, the chosen one has the opportunity to see her friends and family, who followed the moving process, and show the result of the work.

Who can enroll in the Fashion Squad?

Namely, Esquadrão da Moda does not establish criteria for participating.

This way, anyone can enroll in the program, regardless of what they look like, their lifestyle, or even their age.

What are the advantages of participating in the Fashion Squadron?

In summary, participating in Esquadrão da Moda is a unique opportunity to change your look that offers numerous advantages for participants, such as:

  • Access to styling consultations and makeup tips from the most renowned professionals in the market;
  • Opportunities to know how to take care of one's own beauty;
  • A new look that reflects each participant's style and culture.

Therefore, participating in the program is a unique opportunity to change your look and work towards your self-esteem!

And what are the disadvantages?

Despite the benefits offered by Esquadrão da Moda, there are also some disadvantages that need to be considered. 

For example, the program may be time and cost demanding. Namely, it involves many steps that need to be taken to ensure the success of the transformation.

In addition, there is also a risk that the new look will not please the participant as much. 

How to enroll in this program?

Saiba como fazer parte! Fonte: Freepik.
Find out how to take part! Source: Freepik.

By now, you already know how the program works and what its advantages are. 

Therefore, if you are interested in learning more about the application process, read our post below and find out how to apply to Esquadrão da Moda!

Mulher de blazer rosa segurando dois cabides com vestido enquanto tem uma arara de roupas no fundo

How to subscribe to the Fashion Squad?

The process is very simple and can be completed in just a few steps!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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