
Ponto Frio vacancies: how to check the options?

Ponto Frio has several opportunities to work in stores and receive high wages along with a good benefits package! Learn more about vacancies here.


Opportunities with salaries of up to R$ 9 thousand

Veja como é trabalhar no Ponto Frio! Fonte: Freepik / Ponto Frio.
See what it's like to work at Ponto Frio! Source: Freepik / Ponto Frio.

There are currently several Ponto Frio vacancies open in various areas, from customer service to store management.

Namely, this company offers several benefits to its employees and has a fun and motivating work environment that stimulates growth.

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How to send resume to Ponto Frio?

Submission is completely online and you can check all open positions!

In addition, Ponto Frio offers great benefits to employees, such as medical and dental care, telemedicine, and many others!

Therefore, if you are interested in knowing more about the Ponto Frio vacancies, then continue reading this article and learn everything about the company!

Who is Ponto Frio?

Conheça mais sobre essa grande empresa! Fonte: Ponto Frio.
Learn more about this great company! Source: Ponto Frio.

In short, Ponto Frio is a Grupo Via retail company, with more than 1,000 stores spread across more than 40 Brazilian municipalities. 

Namely, it has several employees and has approximately 60 million customers. 

In addition, this company values diversity and has a well-defined goal: that the leadership be composed of 42% of women by 2025. 

Finally, Ponto Frio is committed to the continuous growth of its employees, offering opportunities for professional development, with differentiated benefits.


How to check vacancies?

Namely, you can check all Ponto Frio vacancies on the company's official page on the Gupy platform. 

So, you can access the page and check the open positions, with information about the city where you work, main activities and requirements to access them!

What are the main Ponto Frio vacancies open?

In summary, Ponto Frio is offering several job openings in many cities in Brazil. Below you can see the three main positions available.


Namely, in this position you will be responsible for opening and closing the cashier, receiving payments, serving customers, issuing invoices, among others.

To access it, it is only necessary to have completed high school and availability of schedule.


Inside Salesperson

As an internal seller, you will be responsible for serving customers, presenting products, delighting the public and making sales both in physical and online environments.

Stock helper

Finally, another interesting opportunity currently open is that of inventory assistant. Here you will receive, check, label and store the goods.

For this, it is necessary to have completed high school, availability to work from Monday to Saturday and experience with inventory.

What is the average salary for this company?

Namely, Ponto Frio offers attractive salaries, ranging from R$ 1,000 to R$ 9,000 for contractors, depending on the position and level.

What are the benefits offered by Ponto Frio?

At first, as Ponto Frio is part of Grupo Via, which is a large company, you can access more attractive labor benefits, such as:

  • Medical and odontologic assistence;
  • Food allowance;
  • Partnership with Sesc;
  • Life insurance;
  • Telemedicine;
  • Baby layette;
  • Gympass;
  • Mom card;
  • Pregnancy companion program;
  • Extended maternity and paternity leave;
  • private pension;
  • Via discount club.

How to send resume to Ponto Frio?

Veja como enviar seu currículo! Fonte: Freepik.
See how to send your resume! Source: Freepik.

Ponto Frio certainly offers great benefits and a good salary to work in the company.

So, if you've come this far and want to take advantage of the opportunities that the company offers, check out the post below for a complete step-by-step that shows how to send your resume to the company! 

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How to send resume to Ponto Frio?

Submit your resume today to be called for interviews!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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