
Carrefour vacancies: how to check the options?

Carrefour has more than 700 open opportunities in several different positions. Salaries from this company can reach up to more than R$ 3,700.00 and you can receive great benefits! Learn more below.


Work at one of the largest employers in the country

Conheça as principais vagas abertas! Fonte: Freepik / Carrefour.
Discover the main open positions! Source: Freepik / Carrefour.

Did you know that there are several Carrefour vacancies open? This large supermarket chain present in several Brazilian cities offers great opportunities for you to grow with it.

On its official website, you can find vacancies for cashiers, sellers and even apprentices.

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How to send resume to Carrefour?

Learn the complete and simple step-by-step to send your resume today!

In addition, Carrefour has a large network of stores in Brazil, with around 500 units spread across all Brazilian states.

Therefore, in this article you will learn more about Carrefour, the main open positions and how to apply for them!

Who is Carrefour?

Conheça mais sobre essa empresa! Fonte: Carrefour.
Learn more about this company! Source: Carrefour.

First of all, it is interesting to get to know Carrefour to find out if the vacancies available in this market are ideal for you!

Therefore, Carrefour is a large group that owns hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores and wholesalers.

It appeared in Brazil in 1975, but was originally founded in 1959 in France, and today it is present in 33 countries and has more than 10,000 units around the world!

Namely, of all these units, Carrefour concentrates in Brazil around 500 different stores in all Brazilian states and in the Federal District.

In its stores, Carrefour receives approximately 13 million people every day, where they can buy hygiene, food, cleaning items and many others.

Due to the great movement in its units, Carrefour operates with numerous employees. 

Today, its stores and offices have more than 88,000 employees who work under the CLT regime and receive excellent labor benefits.

In addition, Carrefour knows how to value its employees and always creates actions to include more people in the team and promote diversity!

How to check vacancies?

In short, you can find all of Carrefour's vacancies on, LinkedIn and also on 99jobs.

And in addition to checking vacancies, you can also send your resume from these sites.

What are the main open positions at Carrefour?

Namely, Carrefour has several vacancies open in several Brazilian cities. In addition, vacancies are for very diverse positions, where it is possible to find opportunities ranging from an apprentice to salespeople.

Therefore, to help you in your search, we have separated the main open positions at Carrefour below.

electronics salesman

Firstly, we have the electronics salesman position, where you can work in the company's stores, serving customers, answering questions and registering sales of products in your sector.

shop operator

In summary, store operator is another position available at Carrefour. From it, you will work with customer service and product registration at the point of sale.


Namely, this opportunity is available to Carrefour chain hypermarkets. From there, you will be able to open and close cashiers, help customers pay for purchases and pack them.

Pharmacy attendant

Another interesting open opportunity is that of a pharmacy attendant at Carrefour, where you will supply the products, price them, register them at the cashier and provide customer service.

What is the average salary for this company?

In summary, as Carrefour is a large supermarket chain and has several different positions, it is possible to find very varied wage values.

But, for those who want to apply for the positions mentioned above, they can receive a salary between R$ 1,400.00 up to more than R$ 3,700.00 per month.

What are the benefits offered by Carrefour?

Namely, Carrefour offers several very interesting labor benefits to its employees, such as;

  • Medical and odontologic assistence;
  • Transportation vouchers;
  • Private Pension;
  • Life insurance;
  • On-Site Meal;
  • PLR – Profit Sharing;
  • Gympass;
  • Agreement with pharmacies;
  • Partnership with Sesc.

That way, those who work in this network can access benefits that improve their quality of life!

How to send resume to Carrefour?

Saiba como se candidatar às vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
Find out how to apply for jobs! Source: Freepik.

In summary, if you liked what you learned about Carrefour, you must certainly be eager to learn how to work in this chain!

For this, you need to know how to send your resume to the company to be able to apply for vacancies.

Therefore, in the following post, you will know how to send your resume to Carrefour and thus get one of the countless vacancies that the company has!

Menino usando camiseta azul usando o notebook

How to send resume to Carrefour?

In just 5 steps you can already apply for vacancies in this famous supermarket chain!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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