
How to send resume to Carrefour? Check it out here

Shipping is very simple and can be done entirely over the internet from a computer, tablet and even on your cell phone! Learn more about this process below.


Access jobs with salaries of up to more than R$ 3,700.00

Veja como se candidatar às principais vagas! Fonte: Freepik.
See how to apply for top jobs! Source: Freepik.

If you want to learn how to send a resume to Carrefour, know that you've come to the right place!

Nowadays, Carrefour has several opportunities open for you to work in more than 500 units spread across the country!




Open Vacancies good benefits

Have PLR and access special agreements with Carrefour vacancies!

You will be redirected to another website

Among the available options, you will find positions of assistants, cashiers, salespeople, receptionists, attendants and many others.

But, to be able to access it and apply for vacancies, you need to know how to send a resume to Carrefour.

Therefore, we will show you the step by step to send resume to this company. Check out!

What are the requirements to work at Carrefour?

First of all, it is essential to know the main requirements that Carrefour adds to its vacancies.

Thus, by getting to know them, you can better analyze whether your profile fits the vacancies available at Carrefour.

Therefore, the requirements to work at Carrefour may vary depending on the position and level, but it is possible to find criteria such as:

  • Complete high school;
  • Knowledge in the Microsoft Office package;
  • Experience with the duties of the position;
  • Time availability.

Namely, in the description of the vacancies available at Carrefour you can find the requirements that each position has.

How to send resume to Carrefour?

Now the time has come for you to learn how to send your resume to Carrefour!

Therefore, the main site where you can check for Carrefour vacancies is 99jobs. So, we've added a step-by-step guide below for you to apply for jobs in this market through this channel!

  1. Access the official website for Carrefour job vacancies at 99jobs by clicking on the link highlighted at the beginning of this post;
  2. Click on “Opportunities” at the top of the page;
  3. Check the open positions and click on the one you are interested in;
  4. After reading the description, click on “I want to apply” to apply for the vacancies;
  5. Register on the platform and upload your resume.

That way, by following these steps, you will already be able to send your resume to a job at Carrefour.

Assaí or Carrefour: which is the best company to work for?

Veja as oportunidades que este atacadista pode oferecer! Fonte: Assaí.
See the opportunities that this wholesaler can offer! Source: Assai.

In summary, Carrefour offers great opportunities for you to operate and grow in the market. But he is not the only company that can offer this.

Therefore, for you who are looking for a job, it is also interesting to find out about the open positions at Assaí Atacadista.

Namely, this company has 250 stores for you to work in different sectors and receive great benefits, such as agreements with gyms and a career plan.

In addition, those who work at Assaí Atacadista can receive salaries between R$ 1,440.00 and more than R$ 2,200.00.

Therefore, in the following post you can learn more about the open positions at Assaí and learn how to send your resume to this great company!

How to send resume to Assaí?

Learn how you can apply for available positions at Assaí Atacadista!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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