Universities with the largest endowments in the world: discover the top 30 now
Do you know the 15 universities with the largest endowments in the world?! No?! So read our text and find out what they are right now!
You know what it is endowments?! Rare in Brazilian universities, the term in English refers to endowment funds, which are a kind of parallel funds created from private donations from legal entities and/or individuals that directly support certain institutions. Abroad, these funds are responsible for a large part of the financing of the largest universities in the world – if we add the amounts of the 30 largest endowments, is about 347.77 billion dollars! It's a lot of money, isn't it!? If you were curious to know more, then be sure to read our text and find out which are the universities with the largest endowments in the world. So, do you have any bets?
About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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