Financial education

Protect yourself against a banking trojan

The banking trojan is a virus that invades people's financial transactions and steals both data and money from them. Learn more here about how it works and how you can protect yourself from this virus.


Banking Trojan: Know and Protect Your Data

Entenda sobre o Trojan Bancário e saiba como se proteger de possíveis fraudes e golpes. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Understand about the Banking Trojan and learn how to protect yourself from possible fraud and scams. Source: Adobe Stock.

The banking trojan is one of the main viruses that has been causing concern for people and, mainly, for companies that work with financial transactions.

That is, the banking trojan has enormous potential to steal data and commit fraud. Whether with card passwords, pix keys, number of documents and much more. In other words, the virus looks for all sorts of banking information.

Therefore, it is essential to invest in protection and adopt security habits that can minimize and avoid situations in which we can be vulnerable to it.

Anyway, be it a common user or a company, there are methods to improve network security. After all, in a few clicks, it is possible to contract a silent and deadly virus for our data.

So, don't leave it for later and learn to protect yourself against banking trojan!

What is a banking trojan?

Many people who are not familiar with viruses on the net, end up not knowing the danger they are running when the subject is the banking trojan.

In other words, it is one of the thousands of viruses that currently exist on the internet and that can infect any device.

However, this is a different virus. After all, it has a specific function the moment it infects a computer. This function is to steal bank and transaction data that are housed on the computer.

That is, it is a real risk for companies that work mainly with transactions or moving money on a regular basis. However, these companies tend to invest heavily in data security.

But ordinary users are at the mercy of this risk and can have their devices infected. That is, the probability of having your bank details stolen is immense. This without even realizing it.

Especially because most common users are unable to invest in data protection as companies do. However, we can have some habits that minimize the risks of being infected.

Mister Panda will show you how to do this, but first let's find out how this banking trojan works on computers!

How does a banking trojan threat work?

Afinal, como funciona a ameaça de um trojan bancário? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, how does the threat of a banking trojan work? Source: Adobe Stock.

We must understand that these viruses are very discreet, that is, their intention is that we do not even notice that the device has been infected. In this way, they work while we are doing common tasks. In that sense, we can contract this virus in different ways. 

One is via email. Look, you've certainly received emails from companies you've never heard of or from various promotions. These are so-called spam, emails sent by machines that contain viruses hidden among them. Therefore, the moment we click on the email or download an attached file, we also contract the virus.

Then, after contracting the virus, it lodges itself in our computer and does not cause any problems regarding the machine's performance. That is, the computer continues to function normally.

However, the problem is in the information, because if we keep bank details in some folder or even card passwords, this virus at some point will find this data and send it to those responsible for sending it.

Therefore, people who do not take the necessary precautions and tend to make payments, transfers and movements in general through the computer, may have this information stolen.

In conclusion, we must know the forms of protection to avoid falling into scams and fraud!

How to avoid CPF fraud?

CPF frauds have become increasingly frequent. That's why we've separated 5 infallible tips that will help you avoid this inconvenience. Check out!

How to protect yourself from a banking trojan?

Acompanhe alguns cuidados e se proteja do trojan bancário. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Follow some precautions and protect yourself from the banking trojan. Source: Adobe Stock.

As we already mentioned, the Banking Trojan is a virus that has been causing terror for companies that move a lot of money over the years. For obvious reasons, companies tend to be very concerned about this subject.

In this sense, the search for more effective ways to increase security and shield the system against these viruses happens daily by programmers and professionals in the area.

However, viruses have been around since the internet has developed and are available to anyone. Therefore, it is impossible to definitively put an end to it.

However, it is possible to prevent and reduce the chances of infection and having the data stolen. Whether in more common and casual users, or also in companies that work with financial transactions.

Therefore, follow some precautions that we must take to not be infected and become victims of the banking trojan.

effective antivirus

Having an antivirus that really works is essential to maintain security within a computer system and network. Therefore, there are numerous programs today, but not all of them offer real security.

Thus, it is worth investing in paid antiviruses that have their quality proven by thousands of internet users.

email filtering

In addition to antiviruses, we can invest in an email filtering system, so that we can know whether an email that has arrived on our computer is real or nothing more than spam with viruses.

Therefore, as we saw earlier, e-mails with viruses are a very simple way to infect computers and that many people do not pay attention to. 

As a result, they end up falling for this spam that, consequently, infects computers and can end up stealing bank details of various types.

Restriction for malicious websites

With the advancement of technology, many people can create websites of different niches in a very simple way, just using specific programs and platforms for this.

However, what is recommended to avoid this type of scam is to restrict computer access to malicious sites. After all, they can carry hidden viruses that can infect computers in just one click.

Keep the system up to date

In addition to all these tips, we must keep our system properly updated to increase the system's protection against this and other types of viruses.

Even more so because operating systems try to update their security methods all the time, precisely to prevent viruses and other problems.

Anyway, taking these measures it is possible to reduce or even end the chances of being infected with the banking trojan. Also, to be even more protected, access our recommended content and learn more about how to monitor your CPF and avoid market scams.

How to monitor your CPF and score?

Do you want to know how to monitor your CPF and score, as well as be aware of all financial transactions carried out on your behalf? So, get to know Serasa Antifraude here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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