
How to work as an application driver? Check the options

There are several apps on the market that allow you to make your own schedule and earn greater than R$ 2 thousand per month! Check here what these options are.


Discover 4 apps to work as a driver

Veja o que cada um deles pode oferecer a você! Fonte: Pexels.
See what each of them can offer you! Source: Pexels.

Nowadays, working as an app driver can be a good deal for anyone who would like to have higher earnings or simply a job with more flexible hours.

In addition, the demand for these professionals is high since there are several driver apps on the market with several people asking for rides every day.

How much does a App Driver make?

Find out how much you can earn in this profession!

However, many people are still in doubt whether they really should work as an app driver, as it is not a fixed job. 

Therefore, in this article we will show you more about the job of an app driver, how much they earn and how you can become one! 

What are transport apps?

Entenda mais sobre essa categoria de aplicativo! Fonte: Pexels.
Understand more about this application category! Source: Pexels.

In short, transportation apps are platforms that help connect a driver with a passenger who needs to reach a specific destination.

In this way, when entering the app, the driver can receive several requests for rides to take, where he helps a person to reach their destination and in the end receives a payment for the ride made.

Namely, most apps create the routes that drivers need to take. So they just need to follow the map until they reach their final destination.

How to earn money as a driver

See how to get the extra money you need when working as an app driver!

Who can work on these apps?

To be able to work as an app driver, you need to meet some basic requirements.

In short, they can change depending on the platform, but in general, most apps may ask the driver to:

  • Be over 18 years of age;
  • Possess a definitive driver's license;
  • Have the EAR observation in the wallet.

Regarding the last requirement, the EAR observation is nothing more than an indication on the driver's license that the person performs paid activity.

Also, some apps may only allow people over 21 to work as a driver on it.

You also need to consider that the application can add criteria to accept your vehicle. Namely, most of them accept vehicles manufactured up to 13 years ago that have 4 doors and 5 seats.

Therefore, if you want to work as an application driver, it is important to check these requirements to see if you will actually be accepted on the platform.

What is the routine of an app driver?

Basically, the routine of an app driver is very flexible and can be easily combined with other day-to-day demands.

As it is not a fixed job, there is no time to enter or leave, thus allowing the driver to make his own schedule.

Therefore, drivers usually enter the application to pick up work at peak times, which is when there are more requests for rides.

Namely, the time will depend a lot on the application and the type of public that uses it. But, it is common to be during the morning or late afternoon, as many people ask for rides to and from work.

In this way, the driver simply configures the application that is available for races and drives around the city until he finds a request and actually starts working.

What is a driver's compensation and benefits?

At first, a person who works as an application driver can make good earnings from work.

But, as there are several racing applications that have different rules for remunerating their drivers, it is not possible to arrive at an exact value of how much this professional earns.

However, drivers working on major apps such as Uber, 99 and Lady Driver claim to be able to earn anywhere from R$ 2,000.00 to R$ 8,000.00.

Regarding benefits, as an app driver does not work with a formal contract, he does not have access to common labor benefits, such as transportation or food vouchers.

Is it worth it to be an app driver?

In summary, an app driver can make their own schedules and receive well at the end of the month according to the number of rides.

However, he does not have work benefits and is a less stable job option.

Given this, a lot of people may wonder if it's really worth working as an app driver.

Therefore, we have decided to separate below the main advantages and disadvantages of this work so that you know if it is a good option for you.


First, let's learn more about the advantages of working as an app driver!

In this way, when you start in this profession, you can access several very attractive benefits, such as:

  • Receive your money on the day or week;
  • Choose your own working hours;
  • Have application support for any problems;
  • Earn more than a registered driver.

Also, many racing apps allow you to work as a driver even without a car.

For this, you can rent a car that meets the criteria that the application establishes in order to make good money.


Despite the advantages, we cannot deny that working as an application driver also has some negative points, such as:

  • Not having stability;
  • It is not possible to take paid leave;
  • Lots of fuel costs;
  • You may need to do a lot of repairs to your vehicle.

In addition, the vast majority of applications allow the passenger to rate the driver's service with stars. 

But if you always receive negative reviews, it can become more difficult to access rides in the app because the algorithm will always give preference to drivers with the best reviews.

What are the transport app options to work with?

Namely, there are several transport applications for you to work as a driver. Below, we list the most famous ones today.


In first place we have Uber, which was the app that popularized the use of transport apps.

From it, you can earn up to R$ 180 per day and you can have more job opportunities, since many people use this app.

In addition, Uber has partnered with car rental companies, allowing you to rent a vehicle to work with them.

Motorista de aplicativo comas mãoes no volante e seu celular ao lado com a rota

How to sign up for the Uber app

Make earnings from R$ 2 thousand with this application!


In second place we have inDrive, which is a transport application that is a little different from the others.

From there, the driver and the passenger define the price of the ride. That way, you have more freedom to use your prices and get paid fairly for your ride!

Homem dirigindo automóvel em estrada deserta

How to sign up for inDrive

See how to have more autonomy when driving with this app!


99, on the other hand, is a racing app very similar to Uber. From there, you can access several races a day and make good money in the app.

Namely, its main differential is the fact that 99 offers a card for you to use in your purchases. Also, by having it you can get paid faster for your races.

Celular branco dentro de um carro mostrando uma rota no GPS

How to register on 99

Know the requirements of this app and learn how to apply!

Lady Driver

Finally, on our list we have the Lady Driver app, which is an option created to allow women, children and the elderly to move around more safely.

To do this, today the app only accepts women as a driver and can offer them a 30% higher remuneration than other apps.

In addition, Lady Driver has interesting features. Here, the driver manages to earn for the time she waits for the passenger and can even schedule the days and times that she will be free to make the rides in the app.

Mulher usando camiseta amarela dirigindo um carro conversível

How to register in the Lady Driver app

Have earnings of up to R$ 8 thousand with this application! See how in this article!

How to work as an application driver?

Saiba como ter essa profissão! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn how to have this profession! Source: Pexels.

If you liked what you've seen so far and would like to work as an app driver, know that the process for this is very easy!

Namely, you only need to register in the indicated application, where you will inform your personal data and send documents, such as RG and CNH.

In this way, the company will analyze your request and, when you are approved, the application already gives you the driver functions where you can make your first races and earn money with the application.

On the other hand, if you want to earn money in other ways, access the recommended content below and check out how to do it by watching videos.

How to earn money watching videos

Discover the apps and websites that pay you to watch!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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