Government Aid
Termination withdrawal: what is it and how to withdraw this benefit?
See how withdrawal-termination works in practice and find out the amounts you can withdraw from your guarantee fund with it. To do so, continue reading and check it out!
Withdraw up to 80% from your fund with this withdrawal method
If you work with a formal contract, you need to know the withdrawal methods available from the guarantee fund. Namely, nowadays you can opt for two: the birthday withdrawal and the termination withdrawal.
In summary, withdrawal-termination is the standard FGTS modality, which allows you to access a good part of the value of your fund in cases of unfair dismissal.
Find out if you have FGTS balance to withdraw in 2022
Find out here how to check the value of your balance in the guarantee fund!
However, when making this withdrawal, many people may be unsure of how it is done and the amount that can be accessed.
Therefore, to help you, in this post we have separated the main information about withdrawal-rescission with a step-by-step guide at the end on how to request it!
What is termination withdrawal?
In summary, withdrawal-termination is one of the withdrawal methods that workers can use to receive an amount from their balance in the Worker Guarantee Fund for Time of Service, better known as FGTS.
Namely, withdrawal-termination is accessed by the worker when he is fired from the company where he worked without just cause.
Therefore, when subscribing to this modality, the worker has the right to withdraw part of the amount available in their fund in a single payment.
How does this benefit work?
Namely, withdrawal-termination is a form of withdrawal that can only be accessed by workers who were dismissed without just cause.
This happens because the amount in the FGTS works as if it were an emergency reserve for the worker.
Thus, in times of unforeseen circumstances not caused by him, the worker is able to receive money from his fund to cover his bills.
What is the withdrawal-termination value?
The amount that can be withdrawn from the withdrawal-termination is equal to 80% of your FGTS balance. This way, if a person has R$ 3,000.00 in the FGTS, they can withdraw R$ 2,480.00, which is the equivalent of 80% of R$ 3,000.00.
Furthermore, in cases of unfair dismissal, in addition to the termination withdrawal, the worker is also entitled to receive a termination fine in the amount of 40% from the guarantee fund, which is paid by the employer.
Thus, using the same example above, a worker with R$ 3,000.00 of FGTS will receive a fine of R$ 1,200.00.
Therefore, if you add this amount to 80% of the FGTS balance, in total the worker will be able to earn R$ 3,600.00 when being fired without just cause.
When is the termination withdrawal paid?
In short, for the worker to be able to request the termination withdrawal, his employer must generate a key to redeem the fund value.
Namely, the court determines that the employer has a period of up to 10 calendar days from the day of dismissal to generate this key.
Therefore, when the worker receives it, he or she has a period of up to 30 calendar days to make the withdrawal-rescission.
Who can use the FGTS withdrawal-termination?
Namely, the termination withdrawal amount can only be accessed by workers who were dismissed without just cause.
Therefore, people who resigned from their job or were dismissed with just cause are unable to access the termination withdrawal amount.
Is it worth opting for withdrawal-rescission?
Even though the termination withdrawal is a modality designed to guarantee the worker's subsistence in cases of dismissal, it is still an optional withdrawal modality.
This happens because in addition to it, you can also choose to use the birthday withdrawal, a withdrawal method where you receive a part of your fund every year in the month of your birthday.
Therefore, because these two modalities exist, people may be in doubt as to which one to opt for.
Therefore, we have separated the advantages and disadvantages of withdrawal-termination below so that you can know whether this option is really beneficial.
In short, by using withdrawal withdrawal you will be able to have an interesting emergency fund that grows over the years and allows you to use the money in times of greatest need. Learn more about these advantages below!
Do you have an emergency fund?
We never know when an emergency will happen, so it is always interesting to have a good emergency fund.
However, most Brazilian workers are not in the habit of saving money. In this scenario, withdrawal can help them receive an amount to support themselves in the event of an emergency, such as job loss.
This way, by joining the withdrawal-termination plan, you can have this security and can continue looking for another job opportunity with more peace of mind.
Increase your money in the fund
Another great advantage of withdrawal-rescission is that your money stays in the guarantee fund for longer.
And as FGTS money has profitability, the longer you leave it there, the greater the value you will be able to access in the future!
The option is already configured
Finally, withdrawal-termination is a withdrawal method that is already pre-configured in your FGTS.
This is the standard modality that comes with all FGTS accounts. This way, you don't need to take any action to join it!
Even though withdrawal-rescission offers several positive points, it can also be a bad withdrawal option depending on the person's profile.
Namely, its main negative point is that with withdrawal-termination you can only access the value of your fund in cases of unfair dismissal.
However, as this type of dismissal generates a fine that employers must pay, it is common for many companies to end up making agreements with the employee or waiting for them to resign on their own.
Therefore, although it offers more security and guarantees, it can still be the most difficult withdrawal option to access.
How to join the withdrawal-termination?
Withdrawal-termination is the standard FGTS withdrawal method that is already configured in all accounts.
This way, the worker does not need to take any action to join it, as it is automatically present in all FGTS accounts.
The only time you may need to adhere to it is if you have changed the withdrawal to the birthday withdrawal.
So, after spending two years with this modality, you can change to withdrawal-termination again.
How to withdraw this benefit?
Namely, requesting withdrawal is very simple and can be done in both digital and in-person environments.
Therefore, to make the request online, you must perform the following step by step:
- Open the FGTS application and log into your account;
- Click on the card “You have amounts available for withdrawal”;
- Inform how you want to receive the amount, whether it will be in a bank account or in physical Caixa environments.
Once this is done, you will receive the amount at the location indicated within 5 working days after requesting it.
However, if you have opted for one of Caixa's physical environments, such as Lottery Units, Caixa Aqui Correspondents, self-service rooms and Caixa branches, you must attend the location to receive the amount.
Furthermore, another way to request the withdrawal-rescission is from the physical branches of the bank.
Therefore, to make the request in person, you only need to appear at the agency with an identification document, such as ID or CNH and carrying your work card.
To check out more information about government benefits, access our recommended content below.
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Find out here how to access this benefit granted to Brazilian workers.
About the author / Leticia Jordan
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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