Government Aid

Find out if you have FGTS balance to withdraw in 2022

The FGTS balance is now available for withdrawal. In short, this is the so-called extraordinary withdrawal and can be made by all workers registered with the benefit. In today's article, we will explain in detail how to withdraw your balance. Check out!


See how the extraordinary FGTS withdrawal will work

Veja como vai funcionar o saque extraordinário do FGTS. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
See how the extraordinary FGTS withdrawal will work. Source: Adobe Stock.

Recently, the federal government released an FGTS balance to withdraw. The so-called “Extraordinary Withdrawal” releases up to one thousand reais for those who have access to the benefit. Therefore, this withdrawal is optional, that is, anyone who does not want to receive it does not need to.

Furthermore, to check whether you have an FGTS balance to withdraw, simply access the FGTS website or app. And also, on these platforms you can see how much money is available for withdrawal.

In fact, the money goes directly to a Caixa account. Be it the digital social savings account or another Caixa account. In this sense, you can make the transfer to your account until November 10th.

In fact, if the money is in a digital social savings account and is not moved by December 15th, the amounts will return to the FGTS account.

To explain even more details, in today's article we will show you everything about this FGTS balance to withdraw. Continue reading and find out!

How do I check if I am entitled to FGTS of up to R$1 thousand?

In summary, there are two ways to check whether you can receive the extraordinary balance. Either through the FGTS website or through the benefit application itself.

Therefore, on the website you can check whether you can receive the FGTS balance to withdraw. Unfortunately, it is not possible to see the amount that will be credited. However, on the website you can see the date of receipt.

When we talk about the application, with it, it is possible to discover even more information. In addition to the right to receive the extraordinary withdrawal, you can also find out how much you will receive.

Furthermore, those who are not interested in receiving the benefit can also inform them through the app. And you can also request the creation of a digital social savings account. Basically, the app's functions are similar to in-person service.

In fact, for those who prefer, it is also possible to go to a Caixa Econômica Federal branch to access this information.


How to check how much you will receive from FGTS?

Utilize o app para consultar o saldo FGTS que você tem para sacar. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Use the app to check the FGTS balance you have to withdraw. Source: Adobe Stock.

As we have already mentioned, the Extraordinary Withdrawal can be up to one thousand reais. But not everyone can receive this full amount. In this sense, to find out how much you will receive, simply access the FGTS application.

Using the app, you have access to the amount you will receive and also the credit date. In fact, the payment dates correspond to the date of birth. Similar to the original FGTS benefit.

In short, payment dates range from April 20th to June 15th. Starting with those born in January and ending with those born in December. It is worth remembering that withdrawal must be made by December 15th.

Check out the complete calendar released by the federal government:

Birth monthFGTS withdrawal
Extraordinary Withdrawal Calendar

Step by step to check FGTS balance to withdraw via the app

Descubra como baixar o app do FGTS. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Find out how to download the FGTS app. Source: Adobe Stock.

Now that you know how the FGTS balance will work to withdraw and also where to check it, we will show you how you can access the application. In this sense, just download the app on Android or IOS.

After that, you will need to log in or register. In fact, through the application you can also deny receiving the Extraordinary Withdrawal. This is because it is optional and can remain in the FGTS fund.

Finally, now that you know that you can have an FGTS balance to withdraw, you may want to see even more about the FGTS. Therefore, see the recommended article below on how to check your benefit just using your CPF number. Check out!

How to query FGTS by CPF

Do you want to know how to check your FGTS just using your CPF? We will show you in this article!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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