Remember the winners of Big Brother Brazil and find out now how they are doing
How are the winners of Big Brother Brazil today?! If you also want to know, then check out our text.
19 people won the most popular program in Brazil
That Big Brother Brasil is a reality show that makes the minds of many Brazilians, that nobody can deny. The 2020 edition is there to prove what we're talking about, since it's on people's lips, including many celebrities, like Bruna Marquezine. 18 years after its debut, we already have 19 people who can be called winners of the most popular program in Brazil.
By the way, speaking of which, how are they nowadays, huh?! If you also want to know, then check out our text and remember right now who were the winners of Big Brother Brasil, in addition to knowing their current whereabouts.
1. Paula von Sperling – BBB19
If we are going to talk about the winners of Big Brother Brasil, then let's start by talking about the last winner of the program, Paula von Sperling. Although her victory was somewhat controversial, as the participant managed to be the target of love, but also of hate, the truth is that Paula left BBB19 a millionaire, whether the haters like it or not.
In less than a year of her successful exit from the program, Paula claims that she has already spent all of her prize money of R$1.5 million. The news was given by the former BBB on her social networks, who said: “I hope the gossip sites don't see this, but I've already spent it. Money is for what? However, where she managed to burn that money in such a short period of time is not revealed.
2. Gleici Damasceno – BBB18
The first black person to win Big Brother Brasil, Gleici Damasceno won one of the most exciting finals of the program, when he competed for the public's preference against Kaysar, a refugee from Syria, and Ana Clara and her father, whose participation together was the biggest news of this edition. In the program, Gleici, in addition to having formed a romantic couple with Wagner, won over the public when she was chased around the house for supposedly being considered “weak” by the participants and showing a good view of the world.
Although he is not as popular in the media as his former competitor Kaysar, who has participated in a Rede Globo soap opera, the Earth Orphans, in addition to being the winner of the 2019 Dances of the Famous painting, Gleici is betting on her life as an actress and digital influencer. Regarding the millionaire award, the BBB18 winner managed to give better living conditions to his family, who lived humbly in Acre.
3. Emilly Araújo – BBB17
Among the winners of Big Brother Brasil, another one that accompanies Paula from BBB19 in the relationship between love and hate is the winner of the seventeenth edition, Emilly Araújo. Although she suffered from a very toxic relationship within the program, which even caused her ex-partner to be expelled, it is undeniable to say that the winner accumulates a huge amount of haters thanks to the controversies within the program, in addition to her self-esteem and self-confidence that gave what to talk about.
Nowadays, Emilly Araújo invests in her career as a digital influencer, doing several sponsored advertisements on her Instagram, living exclusively from her work. Regarding the prize money, she invested part of it, while she spent the rest, mainly helping her family. And, of course, she treats herself to some treats, like buying a nice pair of ballet flats and designer sunglasses.
4. Munich – BBB16
“Look at heraaaaaa!” – and then, who doesn’t remember this iconic BBB16 phrase, made by Ana Paula right after returning from a fake wall, huh?! However, although it had a huge public preference, the most controversial participant of the edition was expelled after drunkenly patting another participant. Thus, Munik, Ana Paula's inseparable partner, ended up taking advantage of her friend's popularity and won the show's 16th season.
Until today, Munik remains very active in the world of Brazilian celebrities (or would it be sub?!). With her ex-husband, she participated in the program Power Couple Brasil on Rede Record, getting close to consecrating champion again. Currently, he makes fortunes working as a digital influencer, getting paid to promote brands in his Instagram, which has more than 8 million followers.
5. Cézar Lima – BBB15
In the fifteenth edition of the program, the winner was Cézar Lima. With a formal tone, always using fancy words, the winner of the program gained the public's attention by speaking philosophical phrases, but without losing his country man posture. No wonder, it is precisely this path that the winner follows today.
Common youtube channel, Cézar Lima makes motivational videos, gives tips and is always commenting on Big Brother Brasil. About the prize of 1.5 million reais, the BBB15 winner says that never touched the prize, fully applying the money received.
6. Vanessa Mesquita – BBB14
If there was a Big Brother Brasil with several controversies, including about homosexuality, it was certainly the 14th edition of the program. In addition to having had horrible fights, in which one of the participants even broke the window of the leader's room, it was in this season that he had the first and, until then, the only homosexual relationship within the program. The couple was formed by the participants Clara and Vanessa, who were, respectively, in third and first place in the BBB14.
An animal rights activist, Vanessa couldn't have done anything else with her money other than investing it in what she most believes in. And that's exactly what she did! Although fully applied the prize amount, the winner uses her financial earnings in favor of the cause. Through them, Vanessa was able to fulfill her dream of enrolling in veterinary medicine and helping abandoned animals.
7. Fernanda Keulla – BBB13
Anyone who follows Big Brother Brasil up to the present day is certainly more than used to Fernanda Keulla, the BBB13 winner. That's because, in addition to being able to remain in the world of celebrities, she is one of the presenters of the BBB Network, interviewing those who were eliminated right after they left.
In her edition of the program, Keulla and André formed one of the most beloved couples in Brazil. Including, the relationship of both lasted for a long time after the reality show, which came to complete two years. Today, the presenter goes alone after stating at Carnival 2020 that “got stung” by her ex-boyfriend.
8. Fael – BBB12
Among the winners of Big Brother Brasil, there are always those who were the darlings of the edition, taking the fortune home with a big gap in relation to their opponent. A classic example that is still marked by the huge percentage is Fael, the big winner of the BBB12 with 92% of the votes.
Today, Fael is far from the celebrity world, with very little information about his whereabouts. However, it is known that the big winner of the 12th edition of the reality show invested the millionaire prize in two farms, where he set up a training center for agronomists and veterinarians, Fael's profession, currently living on the income from them.
9. Maria Melilo – BBB11
Those who follow Big Brother Brasil will certainly remember Maria Melilo. She, who had a contagious spontaneity, won over most Brazilians and won BBB11, taking home R$1.5 million. Unfortunately, in the same year that he won the “BBB 11”, Maria Melilo faced liver cancer, but came out victorious in yet another battle in her life. Today, Maria says that she would like to act and that she would agree to return to the program, if she was summoned.
We reached the 10th edition of the program, half of the entire trajectory that the BBB has already had in the country. Among the winners, many remained in fame, while others managed to break financially even after bringing a fortune to the house. There are even those that no one has ever heard of again. So, let's find out more about how the winners of Big Brother Brasil are doing in their first editions?! If yes then let's go!
10. Marcelo Dourado – BBB10
One of the most controversial Big Brother Brasil winners in the history of the program, Marcelo Dourado entered the eighth edition after having already participated in the fourth season of the reality show. Although it won with more than 60% preferred by the public, it is undeniable to say that its very prejudiced speeches maybe they weren't well seen nowadays, as we can see in the BBB20, in which sexist behaviors are being highly condemned.
Controversies aside, the truth is that Dourado disappeared into the celebrity world after winning the show and invested once and for all in his fighting career. In 2019, in the program Globo's High Hours, the BBB10 winner stated that he teaches group fitness classes, in addition to being a personal trainer and regularly competing in Jiu-Jitsu Federation Championships.
11. Max Porto – BBB9
Who doesn't remember Max Porto, right?! Without a doubt, one of the greatest strategists who participated in the most famous reality show in the country, Max also engaged in a romance within the program with Francine, third place in the edition. It was even on the ninth Big Brother Brasil that the terrible white room was announced, causing participant Leonardo to ask to leave confinement.
Regarding the money that Max Porto took home, we can say that he was one of the winners of Big Brother Brazil who enjoyed every last cent of his fortune. The winner of BBB9 paid off all his debts with the prize money and spent all the rest of the money, because, according to him, “the important thing is to do what needs to be done, help those who need to be helped and use the money to have fun too”. Result: today, Max has millions in debt. It seems that his lifestyle, of spending as if there were no tomorrow, didn’t bring good results, right?!
12. Rafinha – BBB8
12 years ago, Brazil chose former BBB Rafinha to be a millionaire, who won against Gisele in a fierce dispute that made him the winner by just 0.15% of difference in votes. In fact, it was from its edition, the eighth of the program, that the feared Big Fone was deployed and, thanks to him, the triple walls, so common today, emerged.
While Max Porto, Rafinha's friend, wasted his entire fortune, the BB8 winner was more zealous with the money he won. Until today, the winner claims that he did not spend even 1 real of the prize of R$1 million. The money was entirely invested in real estate and today Rafinha has a tattoo studio in the city where he lives, Campinas.
13. Diego Alemão – BBB7
Who doesn't remember the big winner of BBB7, Diego Alemão, right?! He, who marked the trajectory of the program by being the main “enemy of the villain” of the edition of the time, Alberto Cowboy, in addition to forming a romantic triangle with Iris and Fani, made history on Big Brother Brasil after achieving the unforgettable mark of 91% in the vote to take the prize home.
From the jackpot of R$1 million reais, the reality champion invested the prize and continued working with his family. Today, he lives exclusively on his real estate investments in the market, building houses on land and then selling them or buying apartments and renovating. In other words, money really is something that Diego Alemão has no shortage of!
14. Mara – BBB6
Mara, who participated in Big Brother Brasil 6, stood out throughout the program and ended up winning. After playing in the final with Mariana Felício, whose partner, Daniel Saullo, she met inside the house, and with him was part of the cast of Power Couple Brasil 4, presented by Gugu Liberato, the winner managed to make a beautiful leap in quality in her life , since he was very poor before entering the reality show.
Thanks to the prize of one million reais, Mara was able to pay for the treatment of her daughter, Araci, who was unable to walk after suffering a brain injury. In addition, the former nursing assistant invested in an inn in Porto Seguro, on the coast of Bahia, in addition to having bought some properties there. But Mara's good phase didn't end there! In December 2019, after five years of studies, the BBB5 winner graduated in Theology at the age of 46. Incredible victory for her, isn't it?!
15. Jean Wyllys – BBB5
Without a doubt, one of the most famous Big Brother Brasil winners in the country is Jean Wyllys, who won the fifth edition of the program against none other than actress Grazi Massifera. Whether because of his time on the reality show or because of his political life, which is full of enemies, especially against the current president Jair Bolsonaro, it is undeniable that Wyllys has reached places that very few former BBBs have managed to access.
And where is Jean Wyllys these days?! Well, after several threats he received, including his own life, the winner of Big Brother Brasil, who was a federal deputy for PSOL, had to resign his position to protect himself. Therefore, went to live abroad, more specifically in Berlin, the capital of Germany. Currently, he pays his bills through lectures he gives at private institutions across Europe, in addition to receiving funds for the column he writes on UOL.
16. Cida – BBB4
The first woman to win Big Brother Brasil, Cida was chosen for the program thanks to a raffle, in which two participants entered the house a few days after the others. Ironically, both were the final two, but it was Cida who ended up winning with 69% of the votes.
Currently, the winner can hardly say where she put the money, which she lost everything. The R$500 thousand was spent after she became the guarantor of a former advisor, who did not pay the rent, and had to settle the debt to avoid the lawsuit. In addition, Cida helped relatives and friends, paid a lawyer against an ex-boyfriend who wanted her money and bought two houses on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Nowadays, he lives in a kitchenette in the city of Itaguaí, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro.
17. Dhomini – BBB3
Let's go to the final stretch of our list of Big Brother Brasil winners?! In the third edition of the program, Dhomini was the winner and returned home the richest. Pursued throughout his confinement, he struck up a romance with none other than Sabrina Sato. The couple was very dear outside the house and the muse only left before the final because she faced her reality show partner on the wall.
Today, the ex-BBB Dhomini sells cosmetics and gives motivational talks with tips on how to open your own business and succeed in sales. And what's left of the R$500 thousand he received for winning the program?! Well, basically nothing, except the comfortable house he currently lives in in Goiânia. At the time, he even invested the money in land, real estate and even in a gas station, but the business did not progress.
18. Rodrigo Cowboy – BBB2
And the second winner of Big Brother Brasil was Rodrigo Leonel, who became known in the house as Rodrigo Cowboy thanks to his countryman way of being. At the house, the horse trainer got involved with the student Thaís Ventura, and the two starred in one of the confinement romances.
With the R$500 thousand received when winning Big Brother Brasil in its second edition, Rodrigo ended up buying a thousand calves at R$ 350 each at the time, in addition to paying two years' rent for a farm. With that, all the money was invested, but unfortunately, nothing turned out, which made his fortune disappear. Today, he claims that don't even have a bank account. What a situation for a winner of a huge amount of money, no?!
19. Kleber Bambam – BBB1
If there is an unforgettable personality from Big Brother Brasil, it is, without a doubt, Kleber Bambam. When the program debuted, it became a national craze, as there was nothing like it before, except for SBT's Casa dos Artistas, which had a similar format. However, confining unknown people was a novelty that no one could escape.
Thus, BBB1 broke out in Brazil and there was no one who did not follow the trajectory of the victorious Kleber Bambam and his priceless doll, Maria Eugênia. Over the 18 years after the end of the program, BamBam managed to stay in the celebrity world and today he lives in Las Vegas, betting on the world of bodybuilding.
And then, did you remember all the winners of Big Brother Brasil?! Certainly, the program was a turning point not only for its winners, but also for several other artists, such as Sabrina Sato It is Thanks Massafera.
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That social networks have changed our relationship with celebrities, no one can deny this. Today, our behavior is influenced by digital influencers. Look!
About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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