Looking for the ideal Government program for you!

Discover the benefit for single mothers that can change the reality of millions of women across the country

With Permanent Aid it is possible to receive a monthly income of R$1,200 and achieve a dignified life for you and your children!


Permanent Aid is a benefit created by the Federal Government to offer financial security and a better life to thousands of single mothers across the country. With it, mothers in vulnerable situations receive R$1,200.00 per month to help with household expenses and provide comfort and well-being for their children. See now how this program can change your life!


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Check out below some of the many benefits you gain when you register for Permanent Aid, and how the program can change your life for the better:

Earn a fixed monthly income of R$1,200.00
Have access to health, education, adequate food, leisure, and much more!
Provide comfort and well-being for you and your children
Gain financial freedom and relief from household expenses

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To apply for Permanent Aid, you must first see if you meet all the requirements set by the government. To find out what they are, check out our complete content!

The Permanent Aid is still being processed in the Chamber of Deputies, but it is expected to be approved soon. To learn more about the payments and when the PL is expected to be approved, read our full content.

One of the main channels that the government uses to select beneficiaries of its social programs is the Single Registry. Therefore, it is important to have an updated and active registry. However, it is important to follow the other registration rules for this benefit. Check out our content and see what they are.

Permanent Aid is an essential measure to provide quality of life and security to single mothers across the country.

With it, single mothers can offer adequate nutrition, as well as health and education to their children.

But this is not the only social program that aims to improve the lives of Brazilians. Bolsa Família has been helping millions of families escape poverty and extreme poverty for over 20 years!

With a monthly income that can go beyond R$$600, it offers the chance of a better life to those who need it most. Want to know more about Bolsa Família? Then check out the content below right now!


Government aid

Bolsa Familia

More than $600 CadÚnico

Find out how Bolsa Família works and how to register to receive more than $600!

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