


These and many other acronyms form part of the financial market, and can often seem scary and complicated. In fact, they are simpler than it looks. Once you understand the concept, they will make your life (and a lot) easier.

Thinking about those who have just entered the world of investments, Mr Finance has prepared a guide with the main nomenclatures you need to know. Turn the page to find out what's behind each one.

CDB (Bank Deposit Certificate)

Every investment is a loan you make to someone, in which a bonus (interest) will be paid after a certain period, based on some indicator of the economy. The CDB is nothing more than making a loan to a bank.

Due to its profitability, CDB is one of the most popular investments among fixed income investors. You can find bonds with yields above 100% of the CDI.

CDI (Interbank Deposit Certificate)

Maybe you don't know, but banks lend money to each other. That's right! While most people think the banks are rivals, they are actually communicating with each other. This is because, according to the Central Bank, all banks need to close the day with a positive balance, and when this does not happen (because there were more withdrawals than deposits, for example), they borrow money from other banks, paying a fee ( the CDI).

The CDI, therefore, is not an investment, but a reference for several investments, such as the CDB, for example.

SELIC (Special Settlement and Custody System)

The SELIC Rate is the basic interest rate in Brazil. It is defined by the Copom (Central Bank Monetary Policy Committee) every 45 days.

In addition to serving as a parameter for other rates, the SELIC Rate directly influences inflation and credit.

LCA (Agribusiness Letter of Credit) and LCI (Real Estate Letter of Credit)

In the case of LCA's and LCI's, you will also be making a loan to the bank, which in turn has lent money to the real estate (LCI) or agribusiness (LCA) sector.

What differentiates LCI's and LCA's from a CDB is that they are exempt from income tax.

LC (Bill of Exchange)

The LC can be compared to a CDB, the difference is that the destination of the money is a financial one (institutions that lend money in exchange for interest), and not a bank.

The LC may bring a little more risk, since if the economy is bad, the tendency is for people not to pay their debts.

FGC (Credit Guarantee Fund)

The FGC is a private institution with the aim of keeping the system safer. This is because when a bank fails, the FGC remunerates investors up to the limit of R$250 thousand per CPF (per financial institution).

COE (Certificate of Structured Operations)

The COE is nothing more than a fixed income indexed to a variable income such as, for example, the variation of the dollar, the IBOVESPA, among others.

Very popular in the US and Europe, the advantage of the COE is that your capital is protected, as it is a fixed income.

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