Financial education

How much does 200,000 earn in Savings?

Need to save and want to know how much 200,000 is in savings? Or do you want to compare with other incomes? Keep reading and we'll tell you everything!


Find out how much your money earns in Savings

Quer investir na Poupança? Veja quanto rende neste artigo. Fonte: Pexels.
Do you want to invest in Savings? See how much it yields in this article. Source: Pexels.

When we talk about saving money, many people think about Savings. However, with the ease of investing, currently this may not be the best way. However, Savings is still a safe way to save and invest money. After all, it is the oldest type of investment in Brazil, and therefore has a lot of credibility and security. It is no coincidence that more than 70% of Brazilians use this modality. So, do you want to know how much 200,000 is earned in Savings? So, read on!

How does Savings work?

To obtain income from Savings, it is necessary to make a deposit and keep it for at least 30 days. Interest only accrues when these 30 days are completed. Savings accounts exist in any bank and are very easy to open. Especially if you are already an account holder. 

If you are not yet an account holder, opening an account is very simple. Just go to any bank with a photo document, CPF and proof of residence. Having a savings account does not require the customer to be registered with the bank, but some banks ask for a minimum deposit at the beginning.

In addition, this account also offers a debit card to carry out transactions. In some institutions, it is still possible to make transactions directly through the application.

Another guarantee of Savings is the Credit Guarantee Fund, the FGC. This fund guarantees that in the event of a bank failure, all those who have deposited money can receive up to R$250 thousand back.

But what is the yield on savings? Check out this information below.

How the 2021 Savings income works

Want to know how savings income works? Check out our tips and discover the best way to use this application!


What is the Savings yield today?

A poupança rende 70% da taxa Selic mais a Taxa Referencial. Fonte: Pexels.
Savings yields 70% of the Selic rate plus the Referential Rate. Source: Pexels.

Savings is a fixed investment modality. That is, its yield value does not change. This may or may not be an advantage. It depends a lot on your goals.

Currently, Savings yields 70% of the Selic rate, which may vary. 

The yield is calculated together with the Referential Rate. Selic is currently high. That's why we see many banks announcing that they yield even more than this rate.

And this has become a safe alternative to Savings: investing in banks that yield more than 100% of Selic.

However, the Referential Rate is zero. And it is also important to point out that no matter how much the Selic rises, the savings account does not yield more than 6%. 

After all, how much is 200 thousand in savings? See the answer below.

When does it yield 200 thousand in Savings 2021?

Apesar de seguro, a poupança nem sempre é o melhor investimento. Fonte: Pexels.
Despite being safe, savings are not always the best investment. Source: Pexels.

To find out how much you earn 200,000 in Savings in 2021, you need to analyze the rates and exemption from income tax. Let's assume that the value revolves around 5%. To know how much it will yield, just multiply the amount to be applied by the percentage. That is, with 200 thousand applied, you can obtain an income of up to 10 thousand reais! Or even more, because here we only made an assumption with the rates. 

What other types of investment?

Incredible as it may seem to many, savings have the worst profitability on the market. Mainly because it has a fixed rate, which does not change and does not exceed 6%. Despite being a sure income, it cannot always bear much fruit. So, get to know some more types of investment:



This form of investment is through the “Certificate of Bank Deposit”. They are like a loan that the financial institution makes with its client, in exchange for remuneration. A benefit in relation to Savings is that the CDB yields daily and not monthly. 

The CDB or CDI are also a safe form of investment. This is because they also have the Guarantee Fund that we mentioned earlier, the FGC. And there are still banks that offer a yield of 100% CDI, the Interfinancial Deposit Certificate.


This modality is very similar to CBD. The only difference is that it is related to real estate (LCI) or agribusiness (LCA) investments. Therefore, the bank that performs the LCI and LCA must have projects in this area.

Like Savings, this type of investment is free of Income Tax for individuals. So a big draw.

Now that you've learned about two more forms of investment, it's time to decide which one is best for you. So plan and invest! As well as take the time to read our recommended content.

Is it worth opening a savings account?

Opening a savings account can bring security, but it is no longer so advantageous in terms of income. So is it worth it? Check it out here!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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