What are the most popular courses in Brazil? Check the options
Do you want to start a college but are in doubt which course to take? So find out in this article the most sought after courses and what kind of professional they can train, in addition to checking their salaries and graduation time.
Discover the 10 most popular courses in Brazil
Do you know by heart what are the most popular courses in Brazil? Many can speak medicine, some law, but, in reality, there are several types of courses that are sought after by Brazilians.
In recent years, entering a college has become a normal path for more people, as higher education has become more accessible to the population.
How to enroll in the most popular courses?
Learn how to enter a higher education course and start your career!
But, when choosing the ideal course, many people may be in doubt and seek to know which are the most popular courses in Brazil to understand which professions are in high demand.
Therefore, in this article we will show you which are the most popular courses in Brazil, in addition to showing you some valuable tips for you to learn how to choose the best course for you!
What are undergraduate courses?
In summary, before knowing which are the most popular courses in Brazil, it is interesting to better understand what these courses are in practice, since they are all undergraduate courses.
Thus, undergraduate courses are courses offered by universities and colleges where you learn about a whole new field that can help you enter the job market.
They are offered to those who have graduated from high school and would like to continue working in a specific area, such as engineering, health and even technology.
What are the benefits of studying an undergraduate course?
At first, taking an undergraduate course is something that can open many doors for you, in addition to showing a whole range of knowledge and new realities about the world.
But the main advantages of taking an undergraduate course are:
- Be able to be more professionally qualified when looking for a job;
- Being able to start working in the area that you have more affinity with;
- Meeting new people and networking;
- Having the opportunity to get jobs with higher salaries;
- Become a more valued professional in the job market;
- Being able to participate in public tenders with better positions;
- Achieve a solid career.
Did you see? You have a lot to gain from graduating! But, to achieve all these advantages, it is essential to find a course that you have an affinity for and that you can, within your reality, seek the right opportunities to grow!
What are the 10 most popular courses in Brazil?
In short, for you to be able to take an undergraduate course, you need to choose a course option and register to take the entrance exam for that course, which is a test applied with the aim of attesting your knowledge.
Namely, each course has a maximum number of vacancies to be filled with the entrance exam. Therefore, when taking the test, the educational institution will not offer vacancies for everyone, only for those who do well.
That is why many people seek to know which are the most popular courses in Brazil, to get an idea of how much dedication it will take to pass the course.
Therefore, for you to have a better idea, we have separated below the 10 courses most sought after by participants of the entrance exam to find out which are the most popular courses in Brazil!
1. Medicine
Firstly, there could be no other course option. The Medicine course is the most sought after by many Brazilians who dream of pursuing a medical career.
Many of them find the profession beautiful, as it manages to save lives. Others end up participating because medical careers tend to be solid and financially stable.
To enter this course much study and preparation is required. And after being in college, the study continues for a long 6 years of graduation. After being graduated and specialized, the average salary of a doctor is around R$ 7 thousand.
2. Law
Another undergraduate course that is very popular is law. From there, you start to study and understand the laws of Brazil and can use your training to act as a lawyer, prosecutor, judge, among other positions.
This course is usually an interesting option for anyone who would like to work as a public servant in the future. It usually lasts for 5 years and, after graduation, it is possible to earn from R$ 3 thousand to R$ 6 thousand or more.
3. Administration
Administration, on the other hand, is a very broad course that allows you to work on several fronts in a company. Upon graduation, it is possible to work in finance, human resources, operations and many other areas.
This way, this course ends up being the most chosen by those who are still undecided about which course they want to take in college, since administration offers several opportunities in the job market.
4. Accounting
If you like doing accounts, the accounting sciences course might be a good option! Also known as accounting, this course teaches you how to control a company's expenses and profits.
This course usually lasts 4 years and a recent graduate can earn up to R$ 4 thousand with accounting.
5. Nursing
If you like taking care of people and want to work in hospitals, a nursing course can be an interesting way to start your career in the health field.
This course, which lasts for 4 years, teaches you how to care for people and work alongside doctors to ensure the complete recovery of patients.
Namely, those who graduate in this profession can earn around R$ 2.7 thousand in their first job.
6. Psychology
Psychology, on the other hand, is a course made to study the human brain and the behaviors that people have according to the scenarios in which they grew up.
This is a profession with a lot of human contact, where the professional needs to know how to listen and offer the best solutions for the patient's improvement.
Namely, in most cases, psychologists often work alone and have their own office. But, you can also find work in hospitals and clinics easily. Upon graduation, the starting salary averages R$ 2,300.
7. Civil Engineering
The civil engineering course helps train people capable of building, designing and managing different types of works, where it accompanies all stages of construction to ensure the quality of the project.
Namely, this course usually lasts 4 to 5 years and has an average salary between R$ 5 thousand to R$ 11 thousand.
8. Physical Education
For those who like sports and practice physical exercises, the physical education course can be a good option.
From it, you will study more about the human body and physical capacity so that you can prepare athletes, set up training sessions and even teach in schools.
The course can last from 3 to 4 years and the trained professional can find an average salary of R$ 2.8 thousand.
9. Pedagogy
In summary, the pedagogy course teaches you about the main lines of education, where you learn how the whole process of educating another person works.
Generally, those who take this course end up working in municipal or state schools or day care centers as a teacher or pedagogue, being responsible for preparing classes and monitoring people's pedagogical development.
This course usually lasts 4 years and those who graduate in the area can find a starting salary of R$ 1.9 thousand.
10. Architecture and Urban Planning
Finally, on our list we have the architecture and urbanism course, which helps train professionals capable of designing works and coordinating constructions that manage to create a functional, comfortable and aesthetically beautiful environment.
This course usually has a lot of technical drawing classes, but you don't need to be a professional draftsman before joining the course. This skill you can learn during graduation!
But, in summary, the architecture and urbanism course usually lasts 5 years, and a trained professional earns an average of R$ 6 thousand.
How to choose the ideal undergraduate course?
After knowing which are the most popular courses in Brazil, it is normal to be in doubt as to which one to follow. Mainly because in addition to them, the country's universities also offer a huge range of undergraduate course options.
With all these options, it's more than normal for people to be confused about which course to follow for their careers.
Therefore, a good way for you to choose your ideal course is to analyze the following factors:
- Professions you can follow;
- Course competition;
- Work routine of professionals;
- Salaries that are possible to achieve;
- Lifestyle of professionals;
- Work schedule;
- Profile you need to have.
In this way, by analyzing these factors, you can already arrive at some courses that better fit the reality that you would like to create in the future and that have a certain affinity.
How to enroll in the desired course?
In summary, now you know which are the most popular courses in Brazil and know the importance of completing a degree and how to choose the desired course.
But, and after choosing the course, how do you enroll in it and enter your dream college?
That's what you'll learn by reading the article below!
How to enroll in the most popular courses?
Discover the 5 most used ways to enter undergraduate courses!
About the author / Leticia Jordan
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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