Financial education

Financial Planning 2022: tips for getting organized

Financial planning should start with an awareness of how much you earn and spend monthly. Put everything on paper and take control of your finances. As well as avoid unnecessary expenses, negotiate debts and start investing. Learn more below.


Get out of debt and start thriving financially!

Afinal, como realizar um bom planejamento financeiro para 2022 e sair do vermelho? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how to carry out good financial planning for 2022 and get out of the red? Source: Pexels.

People are unaware of what good financial planning can provide for personal and family financial life if used correctly and structured. Proof of this is the thousands of Brazilians who are in debt or who do not know what to do with their capital. Therefore, we have prepared content that talks about how to invest, save and what to do to put financial planning into practice.

It is worth remembering that each case is different, and that certain situations vary according to each person's income and family situation. Therefore, details regarding values are defined by those responsible for the family.

It sounds complicated, but it's not. Starting the year with good financial planning is essential for the progress of the coming months. So if you're interested, just follow us until the end!

How to start financial planning this year?

The first step in drawing up good financial planning for the year is to put all your income and expenses on paper. And remember, put exactly all the expenses and all the income you receive.

Then, after that, you will have in hand how much you have to spend and what fixed and variable expenses you have. But what is this for exactly?

It serves for you to visualize how much you are earning, the unnecessary expenses and how much you can save with it. So you start to realize that you can have a smaller income and reduce your expenses.

Anyway, in the next steps we will teach you how to take care of possible debts and planning for the coming months. Let's go!

financial planning school supplies

The turn around is enough to leave all parents with their hair on end. See how to plan!

Debts: how to deal with them in your financial planning?

Não deixe de incluir as dívidas em seu planejamento financeiro. Negociá-las deve fazer parte do processo! Fonte: Pixabay.
Be sure to include debt in your financial planning. Negotiating them should be part of the process! Source: Pixabay.

Debts are a big point of concern and must be dealt with immediately. Yeah, they are responsible for preventing planning and financial prosperity from occurring.

Therefore, concentrate the monthly income left over on debt payments. In this sense, it is essential to put all debts on paper and plan to pay first the debts that have the highest interest rates.

If the situation is very chaotic, you can look for the banks or institutions to which these debts are linked and negotiate to reduce or pay in installments. In this way, it will be possible to slow down and have all the amounts that will be directed towards the payment of debts within your financial planning.

Remember, the important thing is not when we are going to pay the debts, because it can take time. But it is essential to negotiate and pay every month. Also, don't make more debts to pay off the previous ones. It's not a good idea!

And now?

Once you have a well-structured and solid financial plan, you can start thinking about the next steps to make that money grow naturally.

That is, we should think about investments, emergency reserves and other possible options to protect your capital and make it grow without affecting current spending and expenses.

In this sense, we must understand that we do not want to spend a lifetime just saving money, because money is a tool and must be used. But in the right way.

So let's talk about emergency reserve and how to consolidate it. In addition to the investments you can make safely. So let's go!

emergency reserve

We never know how, when and why something bad can happen, whether at work, at home or in any other environment we frequent. Be it an accident or mishap, these things can occur.

Therefore, we have to use the financial planning that we create to prepare our capital for emergency situations that require immediate expenditure of a high or low amount in the budget.

Therefore, now that you know what you receive and what you spend, it is possible to plan an amount that will be deposited in an account opened specifically to keep an emergency balance.

That is, every month we will deposit a certain amount, even if it varies. However, the balance in this account will only be active in emergency cases. But what good can this bring?

You see, if there are cases of accidents at home, car, fire or anything like that, it will be possible to use this fund to help with these expenses. That is, it will not be necessary to make debts, loans or cancel a payment because of this.


Planeje suas finanças e reserve um valor mensalmente para reservas de emergências e investimentos. Isto é essencial para sua saúde financeira. Fonte: Pexels.
Plan your finances and reserve a monthly amount for emergency reserves and investments. This is essential for your financial health. Source: Pexels.

In addition to the emergency reserve, we must strongly think about investments and how to make the money work for us. Yes, this is actually possible.

The best part of investing is that you are under no obligation to invest a certain amount every month. This is what you measure according to what your planning allows.

So you see, you can separate a specific value from your capital. For example: imagine that a family has an income of R$3,000.00. With monthly expenses, approximately R$1,250.00 will remain. Therefore, R$250.00 is allocated to the emergency fund every month. So, you can take either R$500.00 or R$250.00 and use these values in forms of investments every month, leaving about R$750 or R$500.00 for expenses.

It may seem like little, but with good planning, after a few months you will have an investment that starts to pay off and an emergency fund for adverse situations.

How important is financial planning?

Make no mistake, planning is indispensable for anyone. Of course, not everything will happen as we want and imagine, but having a plan is a way to reduce the chances of financial problems.

In this sense, we can give countless examples of people who achieved financial independence by starting a good plan. That is, for big goals, planning is indispensable. Therefore, use all our tips to create a effective and efficient financial planning that fits with you. Secure your future!

Now that you've learned how to do good financial planning, how about knowing how to have an extra income online? So head over to our recommended content below and check it out!

How to earn extra income online

Here are some tips to get an extra income that help you with annual financial planning.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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