The Worst Movies in the World: Get to Know the Gross Side of Cinema
It's impossible to find someone who hasn't seen a movie that he thought was in poor taste. And the worst thing is the feeling you get after almost always wasting 2 hours forcing yourself to watch the film in the hope of a decent ending: it's pure impotence.
Find out which works of cinema are considered in poor taste
It's impossible to find someone who hasn't seen a movie that he thought was in poor taste. And the worst thing is the feeling you get after almost always wasting 2 hours forcing yourself to watch the film in the hope of a decent ending: it's pure impotence.
At some point in our lives, we saw a movie so bad, so bad, that we thought: this is probably one of the worst movies in the world! It is practically impossible to live without this tragedy that only wastes our time and nothing else.
However, classifying a work as one of the worst films in the world can often be a reason for discussion, as there are people who, inexplicably for you, liked what they saw. Want an example? Join a conversation circle and mention the nightjar – for sure, you will find quite divergent opinions about this Brazilian film.
Only there are those works that are hopeless, that is, that have unanimity with regard to popular taste (in fact, dislike). If you want to know which films didn't fall in favor of the people, for whatever reason, then you are obliged to read this text. Have a good time!
Discover the 15 Worst Movies in the World
1. Bahian Cinderella (1998)
Released in 1998, Cinderela Baiana is a Brazilian romantic comedy film, whose protagonist is none other than Carla Perez. Well, the eternal blonde from the musical group “É o Tchan!” has a movie to call your own. However, it is not known whether it is a reason for pride or shame, since it was a resounding failure at the box office and critics, and is still considered one of the worst films ever made by the Brazilian film industry.
Cinderela Baiana is about a dancer, who is greatly exploited by her manager, an unscrupulous man interested only in money, which is never passed on to her. With a rather weak story and of dubious quality, the film only became notable for being the first work of carla perez as an actress, in addition to having actors such as Lazaro Ramos and Lucci Ferreira, as well as musician Alexandre Pires and singers Netinho and Cátia Guimma.
2. Glitter (2001)
Since we are talking about artists from the musical area who took the risk of acting, how about we remember the “Glitter – The Shining of a Star“, by singer Mariah Carey? It, like Cinderela Baiana, is one of those films that today's celebrities must think it was better to have stayed only in music due to such a failure. By the way, in the case of the American, she really thought about it and even confessed that she regretted being part of the film.
“Glitter – The Shining of a Star” tells the story of Billie Frank, a character played by Mariah Carey, who dreams of being a great singer and of being reunited with her mother. Along the way, she is discovered by Timothy Walker, a producer who uses her as a chorus girl, but her luck changes when a talented DJ leads her to success. That is, nothing new in the plot and it even seems that the film sought inspiration in Cinderela Baiana, so similar are the two stories. Total fiasco!
3. From Justin to Kelly (2003)
One more film to join the ranks of disasters, premiered by musical artists who shouldn't have risked acting: Justin to Kelly (2003). In this case, the artist is the kelly clarkson, singer and winner of the first season of the reality show American Idol.
At least this film has one advantage over the first two: it's a different story, albeit still bread and butter. The synopsis of “From Justin to Kelly” is as follows: Justin goes on vacation to Florida with friends and meets the waitress Kelly, with whom he falls in love almost immediately; however, the jealous Alexa, the girl's friend, tries to keep them apart. In other words, a weak story and not for nothing the film was nominated for the Golden Raspberry award in 2005 for being the “Worst 'Musical' of Our First 25 Years”.
4. Double Explosive (2002)
Have you ever thought about the possibility of a film with Antonio Bandeiras being not only one of the worst films in the world, but also being considered the worst of the entire decade?! Yes, of the entire decade! This is the achievement of the work “Dupla Explosiva”, which was released in 2002 and we don't even need to talk about how unsuccessful it was.
With a budget of US$70 million, “Double Explosive” grossed only US$19.9 million at the box office, giving its producers a huge loss. It was such a flop that the film received an average rating of 2.6/10 on Rotten Tomatoes, a film and television review aggregator website. Despite the negative reception, the film was not nominated for any Golden Raspberry, the humorous film award in the United States whose objective is to reward the worst actors, films and other cinematographic attributes presented throughout the year.
5. Mad Hollywood (2007)
Considered one of the worst films in the world, “Deu a Louca em Hollywood” is a work whose inspiration came from “Everybody in panic“, a parody of several successful horror films from the 1990s, such as the Scream franchise. However, it seems that she didn't do her homework, and because of this, she became a total failure.
In the case of “Hollywood went crazy”, it is a saltless nonsense that makes fun of several successful blockbusters, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men, The Da Vinci Code, Superman and even Borat. However, the end result was disastrous. It seems that they threw the story of each reference film into a blender, thus creating a story that was completely over the top and without logic.
6. Bratz: The Movie (2007)
Nominated for the Golden Raspberry Award for worst film, “Bratz: The Movie” is, without a doubt, that work that makes people feel ashamed when they see it. After all, what does a movie that adapts the famous line of Bratz dolls for the theaters have to work? Hard to answer, don't you agree?
Despite having everything to be pumped, as it is a film with a commercial and children's appeal, “Bratz: The Movie” definitely did not work out. Released in 2007, it tells the story of Cloe, Jade, Sasha and Yasmin dolls, who become human and face the dangers of life in high school. In it, the girls are forced to separate and don't speak to each other for two years until they meet again in a “food fight”; from then on, they decide to fight so that everyone at the school can have contact with everyone else. In short: bad story, bad movie. There's no way!
7. Daddy's Camp (2007)
It is not enough to be chosen as one of the worst films in the world, it also has to be one of the most hated films in the history of cinema. Yes, “Acampamento do Papai”, released in 2007, is so bad, but so bad, that it won this title that we would not wish for our worst enemy.
In the story, two friends decide to open a summer camp, offering handicrafts, contact with nature and learning simple values, but it doesn't take long for them to suffer from a big competition. The story, which didn't please anyone, is the 16th most rejected of the 2000s according to Rotten Tomatoes. Among the most frequent notes are the crude humor, the extremely childish narrative and the propaganda that military values can solve any problem.
8. Risk Contact (2003)
You may not even remember, but in the mid-2000s actor Ben Affleck and singer Jennifer Lopez formed a couple. And, at that time, what did you do with a romantic couple whose spotlight didn't go out? A movie, of course! In the case of the two artists, what was actually done was a true proof of love, since the work in which they starred together is extremely embarrassing, to say the least.
With a nonsensical text, embarrassing dialogues and bad performances, Contacto de Risco is one of those films that fails in practically everything it tries to accomplish. Even forcing the bar to put Affleck and Lopez as a romantic couple, there was no way and the plan backfired. It was even nominated for nine Golden Raspberries at the time of its release, winning five, including the worst film.
9. Catwoman (2004)
Imagine the following situation: one day, you are receiving the Oscar for Best Actress, being the first African-American to win the award, and, on the other, you receive the Golden Raspberry for worst performance due to a lousy film that agreed to make . Yeah, that's exactly what happened to the actress Halle Berry.
Who caused this downfall in the artist's career was the film Catwoman. He, who had the recipe for success in his hands, as it was an American action and fantasy film, champion category in box office, was a critical and commercial failure, grossing US$82 million against a budget of US$100 million. It received seven Golden Raspberry Award nominations and, in addition to Worst Actress, which we already talked about, it won in the categories of Worst Picture, Worst Director and Worst Screenplay.
10. Material Girls (2006)
While the Catwoman movie had the recipe for success in hand, “Material Girls“, on the other hand, had the recipe for failure. After all, this is an American teen comedy, the content of which is extremely weak and inappropriate. In addition, the weak performance of its protagonists, actresses Hilary and Haylie Duff, earned them nominations for the Razzie Award for Worst Actress and Worst Duo or Cast.
With “Material Girls”, we move on to the final part of the list of the worst films in the world. From here, the works are the last winners of the Worst Picture Golden Raspberry. So, let's check it out?
11. For adults
A work that carries the main image of our text, “Para Maiores” is one of the worst films in the world. This 2013 American comedy took nearly a decade to enter production as most studios rejected the script, which ended up being picked up by Relativity Media for US$ 6 million. In that case, it was better not to leave.
Even with an incredible cast that includes Halle Berry (seems like she doesn't have much luck choosing movies to act in, huh?), Emma Stone, Gerard Butler and Richard Gere, “For Adults is the real definition of other people's shame. The plot, which involves a collection of different stories, each more politically incorrect than the last, is filled with gleefully offensive and unfunny jokes. No wonder Michael O'Sullivan, of The Washington Post, called the film “a tasteless near-masterpiece”.
12. Saving Christmas
At number four on our list of the worst films in the world, it's Saving Christmas, a 2014 Christian comedy starring Kirk Cameron. In this case, the film was not only considered the worst of the year of its release, but its protagonist took the title of worst actor. In other words, this work is the purest catastrophe.
The story of the film is about little Danny, a boy who tries to prove, with all his intelligence, that Santa Claus exists. For this, he gathered his group of cool friends on an incredible adventure after the Good Old Man. That is, it is a cute plot, but it did not stick, being the target of criticism from both the public and professionals in the area. A curious fact is that Cameron blamed atheists for the film's poor reception. No comments.
13. Fifty Shades of Gray
Yes, Fifty Shades of Gray is on our list of worst movies in the world. It, which is one of those works that generate discussions about its quality or lack thereof, is here for having won the Golden Raspberry for worst film in 2016. So, if you are a fan of this story, do not want to throw us hate because we are only reporting what is fact.
There is no one who doesn't know Fifty Shades of Grey, but it doesn't hurt to remember what it is about: it is a film based on the best seller by British author EL James, whose story is about Anastasia, a university student who starts a relationship sadomasochist with young tycoon Christian Grey. Although there is a commercial appeal, what is criticized is, mainly, the fact that the relationship dealt with in the work is extremely abusive, where the power generated by the protagonist's money is the bargaining chip.
14. Fantastic Four
As well as Fifty Shades of Grey, another film that took home the award Golden Raspberry for Worst Film of 2015 it was the Fantastic Four. As you can see, this year's award was quite controversial, since, in addition to being the third tie in history in the category, it awarded two films with a lot of popular appeal.
21 years after its first version, which was released in 1994, Fantastic Four has achieved the unthinkable. Not only is the feature that tells the origin story of Marvel's superteam worse than the one from the 1990s, it is also considered the worst superhero movie of recent years. The main reason for this is that its protagonists are shallow, not creating a connection with the audience. In the end, it's 100 minutes of empty characters popping in and out of the frame.
15. Emoji: The Movie
At the bottom of our list of the worst movies in the world, we have Emoji: The Movie. Yes, dear reader, we are talking about a movie that brought to life the emojis that we use so much on WhatsApp. Was there any way this could work? Obviously not! Said and done: there was no other and this work became a complete failure.
To get an idea, the film is so downhill that, in 38 years of Golden Raspberry history, he was the first to take the award being an animation. But there's no denying it: he had the merit to guarantee it. After all, it is a boring work, without creativity and with a boring rhythm. Anyway, there's the recipe for going wrong.
With Emoji: The Movie, we come to the end of our list of the worst movies in the world. We strongly hope that you never wasted time watching one of them because, seriously, no one deserves to go through that.
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About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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