Crazy inventions: discover now the 20 creations of man that worked - but also went very wrong!
There's no one who hasn't imagined some crazy inventions, which could have turned out both amazing and horrible, right? In this text, we will talk about some of them.
There is no one who has not imagined some crazy inventions, which could have turned out both incredible and horrible, right? However, what separates the men from the boys is precisely the execution of the idea, no matter how crazy it may seem.
Obviously, among these executions, there were many crazy things that went well, but also went very wrong! If you are curious to know what man has been able to invent, then be sure to read our text on the subject!
20. A new way to fly
Certainly, this is one of those ideas that have not yet been put into practice, but which are sensational: the “zigzag” layout of airline cabin seats.
Individuality is grateful for such an invention, since the story of running into someone who is often a complete stranger would be over for good.
But it's not just individuality that would thank this one that is part of our list of crazy inventions (in this case, not so crazy)! Health – in addition to hygiene, of course – is also one of the things that benefits most from this.
After all, with the coronavirus, we learned the importance of maintaining social distancing during a pandemic.
In the case of airplanes, it is well known that the seats are stuck together, which greatly facilitates the spread of the disease. Therefore, this idea is a great alternative to flying safely!
19. Never again warm coffee
Who doesn't like a good cup of coffee, right? Not surprisingly, it is a great ally for our productivity, especially in the home office, and is one of the most consumed drinks in the world.
However, while the drink is delicious when it is made, it becomes inedible when it cools down. If the purpose is not to drink it cold, as it is often sold in coffee chains, such as Starbucks, there is no way – a good connoisseur will never drink cold or warm coffee.
With this in mind, the design studio Ammunition created something brilliant: a cup that doesn't let the coffee get cold. That's exactly what you read! With it, your problems of having to drink coffee all at once so you don't have to enjoy it cold are over for good! Isn't that the best news you could have?
18. The kitchen revolution
One thing is a fact: with the coronavirus pandemic and social isolation, there has never been a better time for those who would like to learn how to cook or those who want to improve their gastronomic skills.
Even more so if we take into account that several establishments remained closed during the quarantine, such as restaurants.
Anyone who ventures into the kitchen for the first time can count on a lot of help: the The Tasty™ One Top®. Launched by BuzzFeed, it is a smart pan with an induction platform, that is, it cooks without using fire or gas, enabled via Bluetooth.
In practice, the user must download an application on their cell phone, select the recipe they are making and synchronize it with the utensil. Automatically, the temperature of the device will be in accordance with the cooking method designated in the preparation mode.
In other words, the first-time cook will never get the food wrong or burn something again!
17. Forget the moving walkways
Speaking of technology, this is one of those crazy inventions that makes us stop and think: how come no one had invented this before?
And before you ask us what this invention would be, we'll answer you: a multidirectional elevator!
Yes, an elevator that not only works vertically, but also horizontally!
Obviously, moving walkways help with the mission of traveling long distances, especially when it comes to airports and subways. However, like the escalator, they are not as effective as an elevator, which works much faster.
Seeing this deficit, the company Thyssenkrupp revolutionized the industry and inaugurated MULTI, the world's first cableless elevator system that moves horizontally and vertically.
With it, those tireless strides you take to catch a plane or change on the subway are over!
16. The cure for lost vision
Another crazy invention that is only possible thanks to technology is eSight. For those who don't know it, it's an augmented reality glasses that allows blind people to see. It may seem like a lie, but it's true!
At first glance, the eSight 3 glasses look a lot like other virtual and augmented reality devices, but there is a key difference between them.
While most are designed to make digital worlds more realistic, eSight uses augmented reality glasses to help bring the real world to individuals who are legally blind.
Unfortunately, technology will not make a difference for people who are completely blind. This is because one of the factors that impair vision is the gradually increasing blind spot in central vision – and this is precisely where the eSight device works.
With an HD camera and two OLED displays, both work in conjunction with the user's natural peripheral vision to help them better see the world around them.
15. Sitting on a wet bench is history
This is one of those crazy inventions that are genius precisely because they are so simple: the rolling bench. You know that story about sitting in a wet place? So, with this invention, this problem is over!
The rolling bench is nothing more than a bench that has a crank to rotate its seat. This way, if it is wet due to rain, for example, it would not become unusable, as happens most of the time.
Just turn the crank and voila! You will have a brand new bench! Is this idea brilliant or not?!
14. Opens doors that the baby wants to go through
In the rush of everyday life, many workers are using urban mobility resources that allow them to get to places faster.
Considering cities that are hostage to cars, like São Paulo, for example, you still run the risk of getting stuck in traffic.
Among the urban mobility options, one that has been standing out in Brazil and around the world is the scooter. Low cost, environmentally friendly and without the hassle of getting sweaty, as happens with bicycles, the scooter has won the hearts of many people.
However, there is a dilemma with those who have a baby and that is how to carry it. Fortunately, the invention above brought the answer: just place the stroller on the scooter's handlebars and that's it! Problem solved with a simple but incredible bag.
13. The right of an elderly person to cross the street peacefully
That the elderly and the physically disabled face problems when crossing the street is a fact. After all, due to their difficulty in moving around, they walk much slower than the average person, which becomes a huge problem on the streets.
No more in Singapore! There, people who have difficulty moving around have a magnetic card. With it, just pass the pedestrian traffic light and you'll earn a few bonus minutes so you can cross the street with the greatest peace of mind and safety in the world.
This is definitely one of the crazy inventions that came just to add value. We hope that Brazil adopts this measure as soon as possible, right?
12. A new way to share your umbrella
Is there anything worse than walking in the rain with someone and sharing an umbrella? Of course not? After all, there is always someone left out of the protection against the water and, if this is not the case, both people end up partially getting wet. Anyway, more chaos!
There was someone who thought about this problem and came up with a somewhat innovative solution: an umbrella for two people. Instead of opening horizontally, like most cases, it opens in a fan shape, protecting those below once and for all.
Obviously, it is difficult for someone to always go together to acquire something like this, but have no doubt that this is a great solution to the problem reported previously. Anyone who travels with someone, for example, can do very well with an umbrella like this!
11. Getting fat has never been so obvious
This is, without a doubt, one of the crazy inventions that worked, but it is actually one of the biggest slaps in the face for those who like to make excuses: a belt that is a measuring tape. Well, gaining weight has never been so obvious now!
And let's get to the part about crazy inventions that went wrong!
We've already talked about the crazy inventions that worked – in fact, that worked VERY well, huh? But now let’s move on to the ones that went wrong, that make us feel ashamed of imagining “such” an invention…
So, ready to laugh a little at what only human beings are capable of inventing?
10. Protecting your cigarette against rain
Today, thanks to a powerful awareness campaign about the harm of cigarettes, few young people smoke. However, as we well know, in the past it was a different story… Smoking was synonymous with social status!
With this reality, in which cigarettes were one of the most indispensable goods of the time, there was no shortage of crazy inventions that had them as their main object. Among them, a cigarette umbrella!
Extremely bizarre, but true, this invention, obviously, didn't work out very well. After all, if we look at the photo, there is only one direction in which the rain could fall so as not to wet the cigarette: from top to bottom.
Furthermore, the weight of the drop of water was completely disregarded, which would probably destroy this oddity in a matter of seconds.
09. Why smoke a single cigarette if I can smoke 15 at the same time?
That people in the past were addicted to cigarettes, no one can deny that. But what you perhaps didn't know was that the addiction was so great that they were able to invent one of the worst things in recent times: a mega device, where it was possible to smoke several cigarettes instantly.
Just looking at the photo we already have an idea of how bizarre it was. After all, if smoking one cigarette already causes harm to your health, imagine smoking that volume in one sitting?
We don't even need to talk about how wrong this is one of the crazy inventions on our list, do we?
08. The true proof of love: sharing your cigarette
From what we've already said, you can see that people in the past were too addicted to smoking. So, imagine the proof of love it was to let someone take a drag on your cigarette!
However, love really wasn't about letting someone take a puff, but rather sharing the same cigarette and even buying a device for that! Almost as symbolic as a marriage proposal…
With this, this object of sharing such toxic and vicious love has earned its deserved space on our list of crazy inventions. But in the part that didn't work out, of course!
07. If only Michael Jackson had known about this invention before...
Who doesn't remember the controversy that involved pop star Michael Jackson when he exposed his baby to the public? hanging it out the window? Surely, if he had known about the invention below in time, he would not have faced the problem he faced.
This is a hanging box placed outside the window for the baby to stay in. Let's be honest: just looking at the photo makes it a little desperate to imagine this situation, doesn't it?
As it could not be otherwise, this hanging box is on our list of crazy inventions that went very wrong. But also, merit is what she doesn't lack! It will be what the person thought when inventing a business like this…
06. The literal meaning of “learning by force”
In addition to the hanging box, another crazy invention involving children that is ethically wrong these days is a device that forces your child to walk. As we can see below, the contraption is, in fact, a structure that connects the parents' legs to the child's, forcing them to walk as the adult walks.
We reached our top 5 crazy inventions, but all of those listed below went very, very wrong! So, let's find out what the latest bizarre creations are?
05. A very well-combed bald head
How about a comb to comb your bald head, huh? It's bizarre to say the least, don't you agree? Well, know that someone invented something like this that, as you can imagine, didn't work out at all!
The bald comb is ideal for those who have side hair. With the shape of the head, the object has a pillow at the top to massage the scalp and, next to it, the comb.
Of course, the idea had a cool purpose. After all, just because you're bald doesn't mean you need to be unkempt, right? Unfortunately, the invention didn't catch on and another one died on the beach...
04. The most accessible sauna in the world
There are those who hate saunas, but there are those who love them so much that they can't stay away, right? Imagine how these people are doing during the pandemic, when social isolation was forced and, as a result, public saunas were closed.
The solution to this problem would be at hand if the above invention had come to fruition: a portable sauna. And how it works? Simply! It is an electronic stove, with outlets for the head and hands.
So, if you are part of the group of sauna lovers, would you purchase a sauna like this during this period of quarantine? Pretty attractive idea, don't you think?
03. Tell me where you are going and I will sweep
Without a shadow of a doubt, this is one of the stupidest ideas anyone has ever had: placing two small brooms in front of the front wheels to sweep up the pebbles that appear along the way. The intention is good, but the execution of the idea...
Having a broom in front of the wheels would only work a hundred years ago, when cars couldn't travel at 40/50 km/h in cities. Nowadays, it would be unfeasible and even dangerous. After all, can you imagine the accident it would cause if the broom got tangled along the way?
For this reason, this is one of the crazy inventions that could not be missing from our text.
02. Trust is what moves relationships
Of all the crazy inventions we've talked about here, this is probably the most nonsensical of all: a seat in the front of the car! Yes, my dear readers, in the front of the car – even though there were already passenger seats!
We believe that we don't need to talk about how dangerous and unreasonable this invention is, right? In fact, if this ever worked, it was only possible in a reality where cars were rare and could not exceed 20km/h.
In any case, one thing we can't help but note: the person in front needs to have a lot of trust in the driver and his direction, don't you think? Have courage!
01. If this invention had caught on, perhaps we wouldn't have the coronavirus pandemic...
With the coronavirus pandemic, we saw how fundamental it is to use a mask and maintain a distance of 1m between people to avoid spreading the disease.
Unfortunately, these health protocols arrived too late and the virus had already spread, which would not have happened if the invention below had caught on.
So, what do you think about using this parrot beak shaped mask? The good thing is that it solves two problems at once: it protects your face and still maintains the distance recommended by health agents!
So, which of these crazy inventions did you think was the weirdest of all? Hard to list, right? But, as we have seen, the important thing is that several ideas came out that benefited society, such as the multidirectional elevator and glasses for the blind.
Now we just have to wait and see what the next creations will be. So, any guesses as to what will come next?
About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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