
7 ideas to make money in 2022

What to earn an extra income in 2022 and carry out that project stored in the drawer? Well, here is a list of very profitable and easy-to-implement ideas.


Learn how to make real money in 2022

Muitas pessoas têm procurado ideias alternativas para ganhar dinheiro fazendo uma renda extra. Mas não se preocupe, de fato existem muitas opções lucrativas no mercado. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Many people have been looking for alternative ideas to earn money by making extra income. But don't worry, there are indeed many profitable options on the market. Source: Adobe Stock.

Ideas to make money abound and never will. However, they are updated following the flow of technological advancement that has been taking place in recent years. Therefore, we must also update ourselves and look for new options to generate extra income and earn real money. Whether in online or physical business.

So, in today's content Mr. Panda separated some tips with ideas for you to earn money in 2022. Check it out!

Discover the best ideas to earn money in 2022

Afinal, quais as melhores ideias para ganhar dinheiro em 2022? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, what are the best ideas to make money in 2022? Source: Adobe Stock.

In 2022 business opportunities, mostly online, are growing frighteningly. Many people don't realize the opportunities they are missing. Whether in the sales niche, content production, influencer or any other. However, the internet is a great weapon that can be used to make an extra income. Or, who knows, opening a business to be your main income.

Therefore, we prepared this list with 7 sensational ideas. These ideas could be the key you were looking for in 2022 to earn real money. Anyway, let's start talking about the pets niche. So let's go!

1. Pet items online store

The first idea to earn money goes especially to pet lovers all over Brazil. Therefore, pet stores and items in this niche grow every year because of people's love for their pets. Therefore, the sale of pet items is also growing exponentially. In this way, it is worthwhile to open a virtual store and start selling these products.

Remembering that we don't necessarily need to have a physical store, we can have social networks where we promote the products and sell them there. Anyway, this network can be Instagram, Facebook or YouTube itself.

In addition, it is also recommended to have a virtual store. In this way, it will be possible to bring even more credibility to the created brand. All of this will depend on the style of business you want to open. However, it is rather a great business idea to earn money.

2. Digital products

The second money making business idea is selling digital products. Therefore, these sales occur on online platforms, social networks, stores, among others. But what are digital products?

It's simple. Digital products are the opposite of physical products which, in turn, are those that the customer can physically touch, such as clothes, accessories, among others. On the contrary, digital products are usually specific courses, which add knowledge to the buyer of some niche, such as makeup courses, business, animal care and many others.

These types of products can be sold on various platforms and also advertised. That is, we can also place our contents within affiliate sites. Therefore, on these affiliate sites, interested people will promote and sell digital products in exchange for a commission.

3. Dropshipping

You saw that here there is no shortage of ideas to earn money, especially on the internet. This happens because the internet is always expanding, that is, it is always growing and gaining more and more users.

Consequently, online shopping grows every day and becomes the preference of most of the current population around the world. So we can use dropshipping to earn money.

Dropshipping is the sale of products without stock, that is, we can sell products in our virtual store, without necessarily being the owners of the product sold. In this case, we buy the merchandise directly from the supplier at a very low price and sell it directly to the customer. In this way, we only pay the value of the delivery of the product.

4. Person caring for the elderly

Os cuidadores de idosos também estão em alta. Além disso, podemos encontrar cursos profissionalizantes EAD para área. Fonte: Pexels.
Elderly caregivers are also on the rise. In addition, we can find distance learning professional courses for the area. Source: Pexels.

The elderly population has grown a lot in the country. According to IBGE data from 2021, of the 210 million Brazilians, almost 38 million are 60 years of age or older, i.e. they are elderly. In addition, many of these people have comorbidities and depend on elderly caregivers.

Therefore, whether by their own will, because they do not have a family member who can take care of them, or out of necessity due to the worsening of their comorbidity, the elderly person who needs special care will depend on a caregiver. This service can be offered in the so-called Nursing Homes or in the elderly person's own residence.

Finally, caregivers for the elderly are usually hired by families that have an elderly person who needs day-to-day care. Or even establishments aimed at the elderly. Therefore, with the growth in the number of elderly people in Brazil, more and more job opportunities are appearing to care for the elderly.

Earn money by paying bills

Want to earn money paying your bills? Know that this is possible with the cashback system of digital accounts. See more here.

5. Virtual assistant person

Also, we have the virtual assistant. That is, a person hired by a company or who provides a self-employed service who can perform customer service, administrative functions, take care of a personal agenda, among other things.

It is a function that has grown a lot. This is because with the advancement of technology, people began to communicate with companies, banks, applications, directly from the internet, without the need to go to a place in person. Therefore, the need for people to work as virtual assistants on these digital platforms has further increased.

But which platforms are these? It's simple, apps like PicPay, finance or apps in general. These platforms have a team of virtual assistants who help customers with questions or problems.

In addition, many companies or professionals such as doctors, influencers, hire virtual assistants to take care of their schedule, answer emails, among other things. And the best part of this type of work is that you don't need a lot of experience or specific professional training. Therefore, it is very accessible to the public and can enter this list of ideas to make money.

6. Affiliate Marketing

In addition to virtual assistants, being part of the affiliate market is always a viable option for those interested in money making ideas. Especially because affiliate marketing is, on the internet, one of the few jobs that do not necessarily need initial capital to invest in advertised products.

Therefore, we can find several affiliate platforms on the net. These platforms offer several digital products in which the user can advertise and, consequently, make sales.

In this sense, the promoter of the digital product through affiliate marketing will receive a commission on the sale. So, the only job is to publicize the product you joined, be it a digital or physical product, and the company delivers.

The most used platform today is Hotmart, but there are others that are also reliable.

7. Production of content for social networks

Produzir conteúdos para redes como TikTok, YouTube e Pinterest também está em alta. Além disso, é um mercado que atraí um público diversificado. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Producing content for networks like TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest is also on the rise. In addition, it is a market that attracts a diverse audience. Source: Adobe Stock.

Finally, content producers are making waves around the world. In addition, it has gained increasing popularity among children, young people and adults. However, producing content for social networks is not just about gaining fame. Therefore, it is possible to earn real money producing content for networks like TikTok, YouTube or Pinterest.

Therefore, these platforms are great weapons for content producers who can do quality work and gain more and more popularity within the networks. In this sense, the consequence of this popularity is the monetization they offer to content producers. 

Therefore, currently the production of content on social networks is very high, in addition to being considered one of the best ideas for making money on the internet at the moment.

Did you like the tips? You saw that there is no shortage of ideas, right? And they don't stop here, because there are several ways for you to get an extra income. Check out our recommended content and see some other cool tips.

Extra income ideas for 2022

Access our recommended content and see that making extra income has never been so simple.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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