
What to do to have an extra income in 2022?

Looking for a way to make an extra income in 2022? Check here 7 lucrative business ideas that we separate for you to make money.


Discover the best options on the market to earn extra income

Conheça as melhores opções para fazer uma renda extra em 2022 e comece o ano lucrando. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Learn about the best options to make an extra income in 2022 and start the year making a profit. Source: Adobe Stock.

Seeking to earn an extra income is already normal in Brazilian life. However, this search has been intensified in recent years due to the economic crisis that has haunted so many families. One of the reasons is the increase in the unemployment rate, especially as a result of the pandemic. In addition, another factor is the countless possibilities that the internet offers. Therefore, this set makes more and more people seek to earn extra income through the network, for example.

Therefore, today Mr. Panda prepared exclusive content with 7 business ideas for you to earn extra income in 2022. Check it out!

How to earn extra income in 2022: 7 ideas to start today 

So, first of all, we must understand that, especially the internet is full of opportunities that allow you to earn extra income. Some simpler to execute, others more complex. However, just like any business, it takes study, knowledge and effort to prosper. And this usually takes a little time depending on the activity.

So, use these tips as a starting point. Put into practice the side business ideas that you can open to profit and make a good extra income in 2022.

1. Sell miles

Possui milhas acumuladas no cartão de crédito? Saiba como vender e lucrar dinheiro com elas. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Do you have accumulated miles on your credit card? Learn how to sell and make money from them. Source: Adobe Stock.

The first idea is to sell miles. Yes! Selling miles is a great way to make a profit in a relatively simple way. Therefore, if you are a person who uses a lot of credit cards and has accrued miles, you can sell them. That is, there are many companies that buy your miles, such as HotMilhas, MaxMilhas, CashMilhas and many others.

Extra income ideas for 2022

There's no shortage of lucrative ideas for you to make extra income in 2022. Check out our content!

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is one of the main businesses that has gained ground in the market with the advancement of e-commerce. It really is a transformation in life for those who sell and those who buy. Therefore, it became much simpler for people to make an online purchase without leaving home. Whether by app, website or any online platform.

Therefore, many people looking to earn extra income are opening online stores and entering the dropshipping market. In addition to being very profitable when done right, it is quite simple to put into practice.

However, it's not easy! Working with this type of business requires a lot of knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to take courses and read a lot of content about it to acquire more information.

3. Dog walker or pet sitter

Afinal, o que faz um Dog Walker? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, what does a Dog Walker do? Source: Adobe Stock.

This is an idea that is already widespread abroad. Therefore, the role of Dog Walker or Pet Sitter is specially made for animal lovers. There are currently thousands of people with pets in their homes, apartments, etc.

Therefore, many of them end up not having much time to properly care for their pets due to the rush of everyday life. And, for this task, they hire Dog Walkers or Pet Sitters. 

Therefore, for those of you who did not know this modality to make extra income, know that it is a very lucrative business. Many people pay dearly for someone who is willing to take their pet for a walk, give food, bath, among other functions.

4. Freelance services

In addition to the options already mentioned, we will talk about freelancing services. Working as a freelancer is a great option for people who have a service to offer. Be it language courses, copywriters, proofreaders, translators and many other functions sought after in the market.

Therefore, these services can be captured through online platforms that offer all conditions for both contractors and freelancers.

And make no mistake, the number of freelancers grew exponentially right after the start of the pandemic. Well, people have discovered that working from home can be a very viable option. Therefore, it is one more option so that we can profit and make an extra income in 2022.

5. Affiliate Marketing

O marketing de afiliados já é uma forma de renda extra bem conhecida na web, além de lucrativa. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Affiliate marketing is already a well-known form of extra income on the web, in addition to being profitable. Source: Adobe Stock.

Another extra income option that is highly sought after on the internet, profitable, but laborious, are the affiliates who work on various online platforms. 

But, how does affiliate marketing work? It's simple. That is, when accessing the platforms dedicated to these professionals, there are several products that are usually digital, such as courses, e-books, etc., where you can register as an affiliate for sale.

So, the affiliate has the job of publicizing the product and making sales with the personalized link that the platform will make available. With this, the affiliate earns a commission on each sale made. Remembering that there are higher and lower commissions, which depend on the selected product.

6. Infoproducer

Much like the previous option, we can use our expertise in specific subjects to create content, such as e-books and courses, and sell them or even provide them to affiliates.

An example of this are financial market or marketing professionals, who develop courses with the best methods and sell this digital product to those interested in the subject in question.

Therefore, if you have specific knowledge in a certain niche, you can develop content of this type to make extra income.

7. YouTube or Pinterest

Afinal, como fazer renda extra com o Pinterest? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, how to make extra income with Pinterest? Source: Adobe Stock.

Finally, YouTube or Pinterest are also great options for social networks where we can create content for profit. On YouTube, for example, we can create channels and start producing content. In this sense, the videos produced on the platform are remunerated according to their performance within the platform.

Currently, YouTube is one of the main video platforms that exist, and many people have migrated to this area and started to develop different types of content. Thus, in addition to being fun for some, producing videos can generate extra income. So just start and put your hand in the dough. 

Did you see how countless the possibilities are? And don't think the list stops there, as these are just some of the options. So choose the best option for you and start making your extra income! Also check out our recommended content and see what you can sell to earn money.

What to sell to make money

We separate the 15 best ideas of profitable things that you can sell to earn money. Check out!

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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