It's “serto”: the 30 funniest Portuguese mistakes you'll ever see!
Who doesn't like to see some confusion with the Portuguese language?! With that, we list the 30 funniest Portuguese mistakes for you to relax.
Who doesn't like to see some confusion with the Portuguese language, right?! Even more so when they end up being extremely hilarious due to an extra accent, a missing comma or the writing error itself. With that in mind, we made a collection of the 30 funniest Portuguese mistakes for you to relax a little – which is very important in times of the coronavirus so as not to freak out! Wassup let's go for it?! It is impossible to finish reading this text without bursting out laughing!
30. Live and in color
Have you ever stopped to think about the different ways that there can be to cut your hair?! If not, then the barber below has discovered a very peculiar way: the live!
Yeah, no one knows for sure what he meant in this ad, but it is, to say the least, unusual. But since he's there, we hope the hair is cut live and also in color, right?! After all, we cannot lose this ready-made joke! You have to laugh not to cry!
29. That information that we don't know if it's good or bad
Just imagine the situation… you go to a bakery and are faced with this information: “all the products on this table contain glutes in their composition!”. But hi?! Like this?
Although it is clear that the intention was to write gluten, this warning was quite amusing, right? After all, it's the kind of information that we don't know if it's good or bad. So, how would you like it? With or without glutes among the ingredients? We prefer without, huh...
28. We even wanted to make a caption for this one, but it's difficult...
Of the funniest Portuguese mistakes, there are those that are completely indecipherable. You're trying to guess what the information means, but not even praying hard can. Well, it seems to be the case below.
And then, did you understand the warning message above? If not, we'll help you! It is written: "brief, snack bar and concert hall". Ufa! It was hard to decipher this one, right?
27. Without You Deiz
There are sockets that are 220 volts, while there are those that are 110v. However, you have certainly never seen the type of shot below: the one from sem ti deiz.
Regardless of the voltage of the socket in the figure above, one thing is certain: at least, the establishment complies with the mandatory three-pin socket, which is the only one allowed in Brazil since 2011. However, did you know that the federal government studies to end this standardization?! Yeah, just now that we've gotten used to it...
26. Sum of my life
The culture of credit has already fallen to the ground for a long time, right? After all, the amount of defaults that merchants took was not written anywhere... No wonder, this type of behavior of not paying the debt made several entrepreneurs very angry, as is the case below.
Yes, the bar does not sell beer on credit. So, please, before insisting, it's better that you don't even exist! Ai ai, just the mistakes in Portuguese even for us to see an ad like that…
25. For the rest of the week, Merisvaldo only speaks truths
You want to get your hair cut and you go to Merisvaldo's salon to get a new look. Here, then, you are faced with the information below: Merisvaldo Cabeleireiro – only lies on Sundays. But how good, right?! At the very least, you already know that if you go to the salon on other days of the week, you'll get an honest and honest opinion about your new cut.
And you know what's best of all about the ad above?! That Merisvaldo did the most difficult thing: getting the word hairdresser right. In other words, it was very close for him to get away with this, which is one of the funniest mistakes in Portuguese you could ever see.
24. No Cannibalism Here Please
How about going to a restaurant and seeing the warning that you cannot eat two people on the same plate?! Well, the management banned cannibalism in its establishment once and for all. Or, in the worst case scenario, first you take one person and put it on the plate and then take the other!
Although it's not the most grotesque Portuguese mistake you've ever seen in your life, the information above shows the importance of forming a direct sentence with the proper verb conjugations. If it had been written as “Two people are not allowed to eat from the same plate”, there wouldn't be that infamous pun, would there?
23. If you're down, imagine the iron table
Nowadays, it's hard to find someone who doesn't know someone who isn't in the worst of it – when that someone is the person himself! But know that there is something that is sure to be on its worst days: the iron table below.
Just imagine the situation of you going to a store to buy a cast iron table and you find this one, with a fundamental “n” missing from the word. And then, you would find all this amusing to say the least, wouldn't you agree?
22. But it's not just the iron table that's in the worst
And you know what's the worst of it all?! That it's not just the iron table that's in the worst condition! Sadia's processed cheese sold below is also not in its best days…
Apparently, people need to pay more attention to the word cast… Treacherous, forgetting an “n” is really, really missed! And it turns into that curse word that we know well!
21. I would prefer it to be from heaven
Without a doubt, the ad below is one of the funniest mistakes in Portuguese you could see in a store. After all, you go in search of winter children's clothing, but find, in fact, it's from hell! Get out, right?
So far, there have been 10 on our list of the funniest Portuguese mistakes, but there are still 20 more to go! From what remains, we can guarantee that you have already seen some mistakes in our language. Wanna bet?!
20. Many mistakes for a bigger mission: to spice up the sausage
There are people who accidentally make mistakes when speaking or writing Portuguese. Until then, we understand, because, right, who never made a mistake, right? But there are those who seem to even try hard to write wrong due to the number of mistakes made… and this is exactly the case below!
In the ad above, it is difficult to find something that is correct. Perhaps only the word “sausage” thanks to the new orthographic agreement, which caused the umlaut to cease to exist. But let's be honest?! From the characteristic of the photo, it seems that it was taken well before these spelling changes, don't you think? That is, the word sausage is only correct nowadays by pure coincidence!
19. A new type of professional
One thing is for sure: in all moments of anguish, we give everything to be able to find out what will happen to us in our future to ease the pain a little. For this very reason, it is not uncommon for people to turn to professionals who can tell them what will happen in their lives; among them, the fortune teller.
However, what no one expects is that, when looking for a card reader to predict your future, you will actually find a (or is it a?!) “omancer card”. And then, what credibility would you give to this professional who spells the name of his profession wrong, huh?
18. Cuddles only at home, please
Who doesn't like to give and receive affection, right?! However, we are well aware that there are places and places for this and, according to the sign below, this gesture of affection is prohibited in the line for small purchases.
Although the above Portuguese error gave us an iconic message, it is always important to pay close attention to what we are writing. This is the only way to prevent mistakes like this one from being made and to ensure that the information reaches the interested person correctly – even more so in a commercial establishment.
17. Genetic mutation
Sure enough, the poster below provided the most enigmatic message yet. After all, would you know how to tell us what beef chicken would be??? Well, that's the question!
The problem with the information above is not just the placing of “beef chicken” on the same poster. This confusion could have been caused by a missing comma or slash, but it turns out that we know that chicken and beef prices do not compare, since the former is much cheaper than the latter. So, butcher shop, please solve this question of ours: what the hell is beef chicken, huh?
16. But skips school, huh?
Since the demonstrations of Free Pass Movement in June 2013, which took thousands of people to the streets with the main objective of reducing the cost of public transport, the population became more familiar with the act of protest. Then, the feeling of patriotism and a place of speech emerged, and it is not uncommon to see news of crowds of people contesting or even supporting something related to Brazilian politics.
The issue is that the idea is always very beautiful, but the practice not so much, as is the case with the banner above. Everyone has the right to protest, but, wow, writing flee with a “j” is painful for anyone who is (or is not) at the demonstration. This way, it's hard to defend!
15. It's time to malmit!
There are those mistakes in Portuguese that we want to keep in a jar, aren't there? And, without a doubt, one of them is precisely what is on the plate below. So, let's malmitate?
What makes the sign even better is that it is not enough to write marmitex wrong – you also need to end with an “alió”. Seriously, writing like that, you don't even want to correct it, right?
14. But at my door it's quiet
There's no one who doesn't know one of those very relaxed people who don't have the slightest shame in throwing their garbage at someone else's door, right? This, of course, takes away the sanity of any citizen who has the least education and common sense, but it seems that there is someone who is especially irritated: the zoto.
On the board above, the Portuguese error was pretty fun, right? After all, it seems that it is allowed to throw rubbish at someone else's door, including the person who wrote the notice, but woe betide anyone who dares to leave their waste at Zoto's house... That, poor guy, is chipped!
13. And when it's open it's because it's not closed?!
The card below has no errors in Portuguese itself. After all, there is no mistake in the writing, just as the verb conjugation is correct (although some commas are missing for it to be perfect in this regard). It turns out that the information that the message conveys seems to have come out of those logical reasoning tests with pranks that nobody can visualize, you know?
“Fritz Joinville Bar is currently not open because it is closed.”. But really swear?! So, by this incredible line of reasoning, we can conclude that when the bar is open, it's because it's not closed?! WOW!
12. You shall not drink this water
This Portuguese error is the classic of the classics: placing an undue circumflex accent on the word coco. When they place themselves on the first “o”, they invent a word that doesn't exist… However, the problem gets bigger when the accent stops on the second “o”, as is the case in the photo below.
As we well know, poop is an informal expression to refer to feces. Then the coconut seller, wanting to boost his sales, puts up a sign to indicate the price and write “poop water”. Creed! To paraphrase some, “you shall not drink of this water”.
11. To choose which is worse: hot or cold
Along the same lines as the “poop water” mentioned above, we have the greatest classic of all time: frozen poop. Let those who have never encountered this error throw the first stone! Inevitable!!!
So far, we've talked about the funniest mistakes in Portuguese on signs, notices, advertisements, etc. That is, mistakes that are completely circumventable. However, when will these mistakes end up on the skin because of poorly done tattoos?! That's exactly what we're going to see now!
10. The word psychopath has never made so much sense…
Tattooing the word psychopath is already minimally strange, right? After all, who in their right mind would register that about themselves on their own skin? But the worst is yet to come...
It's not enough to tattoo the word psychopath, you have to tattoo it with the wrong spelling! Ai ai, Senhor... We help those who want to be helped, but the guy above doesn't cooperate...
09. Is it true of the Portuguese you speak?
Who does not remember the sad car accident on June 24, 2015 that caused the early death of the singer Cristiano Araújo and his girlfriend?! The news shook Brazil, but mainly its fans.
After the tragedy, there were those people who decided to honor the singer in different ways. Among them, the tattoo, as is the case of the girl in the photo above. However, what anyone would expect, when writing part of the song “who knows“, a grotesque Portuguese error would come in the package. Well, as some say out there, what counts is the intention, right?!
08. The agent doesn't forget, but neither does he!
That a mother's love is the greatest in the world, that no one can deny. So great is this love that some like to leave it registered on their skin, as in the case below.
There is only one detail: it seems that the agent is one more person who also does not forget the love of a mother. What's up, huh? This tattoo, for sure, can join hands with the one from the previous topic in the item “what counts is the intention”!
07. The Big Family
As the song would say Dudu Noble: “this family is very close and also very passionate”… oops, I mean, in the case below, maybe the correct word was “family”.
This is, without a doubt, another tattoo to be part of the group of tributes that went from bad to worse! By the way, speaking of which, the “what counts is the intention” can now even ask for music on Fantástico, as we already have three tattoos of grotesque mistakes in Portuguese, but well intentioned.
06. Hey, Quele!
Dentre as homenagens mais comuns no mundo das tatuagens, há para os parceiros, família, amigos e, principalmente, Deus. No entanto, com apenas um erro de português, o que poderia ser mais uma mensagem de fé acaba se tornando algo hilário.
Who does not know the biblical verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, right?” He is probably one of the most popular in the Bible and it is not uncommon to find him recorded on the skin of several Christians. However, the man above was wrong in just one small detail: in writing the separate Que. In the end, the tattoo looked more like a reference to the person Quele than to God himself, don't you agree?
05. Just existing
You want to make a beautiful tribute to a girl, be it your mother, sister, friend or partner, but the plan ends up backfiring… After all, what was supposed to be romantic turned out to be bizarre!
The phrase "she just needs to exist to complete me" would be the perfect statement, if it weren't for the Portuguese mistake that compromises everything... Instead of writing the word exist correctly, the tattoo artist makes the mistake of going by the sound of the pronunciation and write with "Z"! U-hum, that's right you read!!! And then, after that mistake, would you have the courage to show that statement on your skin?
04. New conjugations of the verb to be
Of the funniest Portuguese mistakes, there are those that people invent words who knows how! Apparently, the photo below demonstrates this endless creativity of adding words to the Portuguese language dictionary…
Did you know the word “hajar”? We certainly don't! So, when we saw the tattoo above, we were at least surprised to see this new Portuguese thing…
03. From the verb to bless
Still on the subject of inventing words for the Portuguese dictionary, there is the word “abençoda” from “abençor”, which was written in giant letters on the lap of the person below. Jeez, this error was bizarre!
The best part of this story is that the person who made the tattoo himself published on the internet as the following comment: “then you research more than 20 tattoo artists… you go all happy to get your first tattoo, you feel different because you didn't feel pain and the guy gives one of those… find the mistake. People, seriously, if you work with these things, don't smoke marijuana”. You have to laugh so you don't cry!
02. Tati shack-breaker, “more”…
One of the funniest mistakes in Portuguese you could see is tattooed on funk singer Tati Quebra Barraco's ribs. She decided to write on her skin the chorus of a gospel song that quotes a biblical passage extracted from Psalm 91, but there are so many mistakes that it is even difficult to list…
Unfortunately, Tati Quebra Barraco’s tattoo drew much more attention due to the lack of punctuation and accents (in the case of “verás”) and also due to a Portuguese error – instead of “mas” it is written “mais”. As one funkeira follower said, “Salmo is beautiful. But the punctuation errors and that “more” are unacceptable in something that will not be corrected.” So it is…
01. When the tattoo artist stutters
We already talked about Gabigol in our text about “Before and after football players” and here he is again, only this time because of his tattoo. By registering on the skin the excerpt “Just seeing the sparkle in my eye makes the fake ones retreat” from the song Triumph by rapper Emicida, it seems that the tattoo artist choked or stuttered on the B and repeated the letter twice. The bright side of the story is that the player now has money to fix this bizarre error.
So, did you like our text about the funniest Portuguese mistakes you could see? If so, then always be attentive when writing because, as we said above, the plan can backfire…
About the author / Priscilla de Cassia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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