What is error 57 on the card?
Do you know what errors on card machines mean? It’s not always about your balance or limit. Today we’re going to explain more about error 57 on your card. Keep reading and find out!
Understand what error 57 is and find out how to solve it
Making a purchase, trying to swipe your card and having the purchase declined is very embarrassing. Given this, do you know what error 57 is on your card? There are several errors and not all of them have to do with your balance or card limit.
In order to standardize some of these problems, card machine companies have assigned different numbers to these errors. These numbers detail errors that occur with the network, the connection, and even with the card itself.
The right thing to do would be for the company to disclose these numbers more widely. That way, customers and employees would be more aware and would know what to do when a problem occurs. However, since this is not happening yet, we are here to explain each and every detail of these errors. Today, more specifically, error 57 on the card. Keep reading and find out!
Main card errors
First, we'll show you some of the most common errors between cards and machines.
01 - Unauthorized sale
This error occurs when the card issuer does not authorize the purchase. The reason is usually security issues. The bank identifies that the customer is making a transaction that is much higher than normal and does not authorize the purchase. In this case, the solution is to speak directly to your bank.
54 – Expired card or incorrect expiration date
Error 54 occurs when your card has expired or the expiration date entered is incorrect. This issue is usually related to typing errors. However, it is always a good idea to talk to your bank to understand if your card is still valid.
96 - Authorization denied
In this case, the authorization was denied by the card company. In other words, there was a communication problem between the machine and the credit card company. The solution here is usually to check the machine's connection or even contact the central office.
51 – Transaction denied – Sale not authorized. Contact your card issuer
Error 51 on the card is extremely common. This code is used when the sale is not authorized. Usually, due to the card limit or suspicious transaction.
Therefore, here and in all other problems, the best solution is always to check the situation with your bank. Whether through the app or by phone, contact the Customer Service Center to understand.
Now that you know some of the errors, let's see what error 57 means on the card.
Check Returned reason 31: how to settle
Understand what the check returned for reason 31 means, in addition to other reasons on the Central Bank list and learn what to do to regularize your situation!
Code 57 on the card: what does it mean?
Error 57 is one of those errors that can make you feel embarrassed, but it has nothing to do with your balance or limit. This problem occurs when the card brand is not accepted by the machine. This happens because some devices are designed to accept only specific brands.
Unfortunately, there is no solution to this problem. Ideally, you should have a second card with you. Otherwise, your purchase will have to be canceled. Therefore, it is very important to check the cards accepted by the establishments before making any purchase.
Also, another case of card error 57 is when the card is blocked. A card can be blocked for a number of reasons, such as suspicious transactions, incorrect password, etc.
Finally, check out the recommended content below about having your credit card denied and understand even more about the subject.
Credit card denied: what are the reasons
Have you ever had your credit card denied and you don't know why? Find out the reasons and how to avoid it next time.
About the author / Leticia Maia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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