
5 loan options for lawyer

Are you a lawyer and need a loan with special conditions? Know that there is a secured and unsecured loan, an exclusive program for law firms, and you can also receive advance payments. So, get to know the OAB partner institutions here!


See what options are available on the market for lawyers

Veja quais são as melhores opções e como funciona o empréstimo para advogado. Fonte: Canva.
See what are the best options and how the loan for a lawyer works. Source: Canva.

There are specific loan modalities for the needs of each person and that cover part of them. But there are also exclusive lines of credit for certain categories of professionals, such as lawyers. So, today we are going to introduce you to the loan for a lawyer.

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What are the types of loan for a lawyer?

Mas, afinal, quais as modalidades de empréstimos para advogados? Fonte: Canva.
But, after all, what are the types of loans for lawyers? Source: Canva.

Before presenting special credits to lawyers, we will show you the modalities that already exist in the market and are available to anyone else, without the need to register with the OAB.

So, let's get to know the types of loans for lawyers. Check out!


Personal loan with property guarantee

Now, let's get to know about the loan arrangements for lawyers. Starting with the personal loan with property guarantee.

In this type of loan, the lawyer gives the property that is in his name as a guarantee that the payment of the loan will be made. In fact, you can get up to 80% of the appraised value of your property, and the appraisal will be done by the institution.

Furthermore, it is ideal for those looking for a loan with higher limits and also with longer repayment terms.

Regarding interest rates, they are lower because it is a loan with an asset given as collateral.

It is important to mention that the good will continue to be used by you, only ownership will be temporarily transferred to the institution.

Uma pessoa assinando um contrato em um escritório

Loan with property guarantee for bad credit

If you are negative and need a loan, know that it is still possible. Banks offer home equity loans for exactly that reason. Look!

Personal loan with vehicle guarantee

Second, a secured vehicle loan is very similar to a secured home loan.

On the other hand, instead of giving a property as collateral, you will provide a vehicle as collateral and it will also undergo an assessment that will determine the value of the vehicle and the credit is usually from 70% to 90% of the assessment carried out.

By the way, an example of personal loan with vehicle guarantee is Creditas.

Personal Loan Review Creditas 2022

With Creditas, you can choose between two types of loan and benefit from the lowest rates on the market. Check out everything about this financial product.

Unsecured personal loan

Now, let us introduce you to the unsecured personal loan, which is one of the most popular loans. In this modality, what determines the interest rate is the customer's evaluation.

And precisely because it does not have any collateral like the ones mentioned above, the unsecured loan usually has high interest rates.

That way, before opting for this loan, know how to calculate the installments and interest rates, so you don't end up getting even more indebted! By the way, an example of an unsecured personal loan is Bom Pra Crédito.

Get to know the loan Good for Credit

The Bom Pra Crédito loan is ideal for anyone who needs money to pay off debts or put a project into practice. See below how it works, and how to request it.



Previously, we presented the conventional loan modalities that can be hired by independent lawyers. But there are also lines of credit for eligible law firms through the National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe).

Since 2020, being reformulated in 2021, this program was created for micro and small businesses, including certain law firms.

In it, the credit limit can reach up to 30% of the company's annual gross revenue in 2019 or 2020, whichever is greater. Meanwhile, interest can be up to 6% per year plus the Selic rate.

prepayment of receivables

To finalize the loan modalities, there is also the option for lawyer who has CNPJ which is the anticipation of receivables.

In this sense, this modality is a financial resource in which you receive amounts that the company already had predictability to receive, that is, it works as an advance payment. Thus, without any bureaucracy, you can pay off debts with this loan.

On the other hand, it is necessary to point out, once again, that like any and all loans, especially in the case of companies, it is important to be careful and carry out good planning and resource management.

Even more so when it comes to a resource that will not be in your cashier as planned in the future!

4 loans for self-employed lawyer with special conditions

E quais são as modalidades disponíveis? Fonte: Canva.
And what are the available modes? Source: Canva.

Initially, we looked at traditional lines of credit that are also available to other individuals. But there are also loan lines for lawyers that emerged during the 2020 pandemic in partnership with the Brazilian Bar Association.

Now, let's get to know 4 loans for a self-employed lawyer with great conditions. Check out!

1. Santander

First, let's talk about the Santander loan. Since July 2020, the OAB has proposed to partner with financial institutions such as Santander, seeking more interesting conditions for lawyers, mainly caused by the pandemic.

In this sense, the institution offers personal loans, with property guarantee and vehicle guarantee.

2. Bank of Brazil

There is also a loan from Banco do Brasil with special conditions for lawyers. There is even a list of financial products for this category of professionals on the institution's website.

Among them, there is vehicle financing and the “CDC Automatic and Salary Line”.

In this way, if you are an account holder at the institution, you can do an online simulation through the bank's application or Internet Banking.

3. Bradesco

Also, Banco Bradesco is also one of the banks that since 2020 has partnered with the OAB, to propose differentiated conditions for lawyers.

In this sense, it has a lawyer loan through an unsecured line, with interest from 1.10% per month and up to 60 months to pay.

4. Sicoob

Finally, Sicoob is an institution that offers differentiated financial products and is now also a partner of the OAB, but in Santa Catarina.

In this sense, the line has terms of up to 36 months to make the payment and reduced interest in addition to the grace period of 90 days to pay.

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About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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