
Loan Meu Tudo online: fast credit and no bureaucracy

With Meu Tudo, you have access to different types of payroll loans that offer you better credit conditions than other types. Check out all the information about this credit in the post below.


Discover three types of low-interest loans

Conheça mais sobre essa opção de empréstimos consignados! Fonte: Meu Tudo.
Learn more about this payroll loan option! Source: My Everything.

Do you want to access a good amount of credit with low interest rates and special conditions? So, the Meu Tudo online loan could be a good option.

This famous loan platform allows you to access three different types of credit so that you can get the credit you need with the best conditions.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 1,70% am
Deadline to payDepends on the type of loan
release periodWithin 1 business day
loan amountDepends on the type of loan
Do you accept negatives?Yes
BenefitsProcess 100% online
No bureaucracy
Application to track the order
Loan features


My everything

reduced rates great deadline

Interest rates up to 30% LOWER than other modalities with a completely digital process!

You will be redirected to another website

Furthermore, the entire loan contracting process is online and you can even follow your proposal 24 hours a day through the app.

In the post below, you can learn more about the Meu Tudo loan online, its main features and how you can apply for it!

What are the types of Meu Tudo loans?

Conheça as modalidades oferecidas! Fonte: Pexels.
Discover the modalities offered! Source: Pexels.

In short, Meu Tudo can offer you three different loan types that work like a payroll loan. 

This means that the value of the credit installments will be automatically deducted from your salary or benefit.

This way, it is easier for you to access a loan with better interest rates and terms than other options.

Below, you can find out more about the three types of credit that you can access through the Meu Tudo loan online.


Payroll loan

Firstly, we have the conventional payroll loan, which allows public servants, retirees and INSS pensioners to access the credit they need.

This way, this audience can access low interest rates in addition to being able to follow the entire loan process online and conveniently.

FGTS loan

Secondly, we have the FGTS loan from Meu Tudo, which is a type of credit that allows you to access the birthday withdrawal that you would withdraw in the future.

This way, with the Meu Tudo online loan you can access this money in advance to use it on your current projects and purchases.

Brazil Aid Loan

Finally, the last type of Meu Tudo online loan is Auxílio Brasil, which allows all beneficiaries of this social program to access a loan with better conditions.

This way, this audience can have guaranteed approval for this type of loan and access a credit amount that helps pay their monthly bills or even start a business!

How to apply for loan assistance Brazil

Learn how to apply for this loan with good credit conditions!


How does the Meu Tudo loan online work?

In other words, how the Meu Tudo online loan works is very simple. As it is an online platform, Meu Tudo allows you to request any of the loans listed above in an easy and practical way.

This way, you just need to enter the Meu Tudo portal and select the loan you would like to access.

So, you just need to check the main information about them, such as payment conditions and the audience that you can request. On the website you can also carry out a loan simulation, which is the first step in requesting it.

This way, if the Meu Tudo online loan fits into your financial life, you can continue taking out it through the website or app, if you prefer.

Namely, Meu Tudo has a very quick approval process that you can follow online whenever and wherever you want. So, when the approval comes, just sign the loan contract and wait for the money to be released.

What are the credit conditions for the Meu Tudo loan?

In summary, as Meu Tudo offers different types of online loans, the conditions that each of them offers may be slightly different, as you can see below.

Payroll loan

Using the Meu Tudo payroll loan, you can spread your credit into up to 84 installments and also access interest rates from 1.70% per month. 

Furthermore, the value of the installments in this modality can consume up to 30% of your salary or benefit.

FGTS loan

In this online Meu Tudo loan method, also known as advance payment for your birthday withdrawal, you can access up to 7 installments of your withdrawal at once! 

Namely, the interest charged on this credit can start from 1.80% per month.

Brazil Aid Loan

Finally, in this type of loan you can access an interest rate that starts at 3.39% per month. In this modality, you can have up to 24 months to pay off the loan.

What is the limit for the Meu Tudo online loan?

The limit you can access with the Meu Tudo loan online may also vary according to the modality.

In a payroll loan, the amount will depend on the salary or benefit you receive, as the loan installments cannot consume more than 30% of your salary.

To exemplify this, we can take a person who earns a salary of R$ 1,000.00. In this case, her installment could be up to R$ 300.00. 

This amount multiplied by 84 installments, which is the maximum installment that can be made in this modality, would result in a total of R$ 25,200.00 of credit, not counting the interest rate.

Therefore, if the person's salary or benefit is higher, the total amount of the loan will also be higher.

In other modalities, Meu Tudo only stipulates a minimum contract value. Therefore, with the FGTS loan you can take out credit from R$ 300.00, and with the Auxilio Brasil loan it is from R$ 200.00.

Is it worth applying for the Meu Tudo loan online?

Now that you know the main features of the Meu Tudo loan online, it’s time to find out what the positive and negative points of this option are!


Starting with the positive points, we see what the Meu Tudo online loan can offer you.

  • 30% interest rates lower than other modalities;
  • Quick release of credit to your account;
  • Request completely online without bureaucracy;
  • Access to high credit without having to offer guarantees.


On the other hand, the Meu Tudo online loan also has some points to be desired in its solution, such as those described below.

  • There is no personal loan option;
  • All modalities offered are for a very restricted audience;
  • The application offered may present errors and delay in loading information.

How to take out a loan at Meu Tudo?

Entenda como funciona o processo em 6 passos! Fonte: Pexels.
Understand how the process works in 6 steps! Source: Pexels.

Did you like what you learned so far about the Meu Tudo loan online? So, learn how to apply for loans offered by the platform.

The process is very simple and can involve just 6 steps! So, you just need:

  1. Access the Meu Tudo platform;
  2. Go to the desired loan option;
  3. Carry out the simulation;
  4. Send documents for analysis;
  5. Be approved and sign the contract;
  6. Receive the money in your account!

In the following post, you can see in more detail how the Meu Tudo online loan can be requested by you.

How to apply for a Meu Tudo loan

Get a 100% loan online with the lowest interest rates!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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