
Crefisa loan: how it works

Learn all about the Crefisa personal loan. He is ideal for people with a dirty name. As well as the values are defined according to the profile of each client and released in 24 working hours.


Crefisa Loan: 100% online and ideal for negatives

Mas, afinal, o que é o empréstimo? Fonte: Crefisa.
But, after all, what is the loan? Source: Crefisa.

Currently, Crefisa is one of the oldest and most solid credit companies founded in Brazil, thus offering loans in different ways to customers, one of them being the Crefisa personal loan with interest rates that, despite not being the lowest on the market, are accessible. In addition, it is ideal for negatives and is easy to apply for.

So, continue reading to understand a little more about this loan.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 1.5% per month
Deadline to payUp to 12 months
release period24 working hours
loan amountDepends on credit analysis
Do you accept negatives?Yes
Benefitslow interest rates
No bureaucracy
fully online
But, after all, what are the characteristics of the loan?

How to apply for the Crefisa loan

Do you want a loan with a repayment period of up to 12 months and an interest rate starting at 1.5% per month? So, click here and learn how to apply.

Crefisa Advantages

So, this loan has several advantages, such as not charging anything to do the simulation and contracting the loan, which, in turn, is completely online.

And, in addition, the institution also grants credit to negatives, that is, if you have a dirty name, you do not need to worry, as your loan will be approved.

In addition, loan amounts vary according to the profile and needs of each client, which is another great advantage that only Crefisa brings you, with amounts released in 24 business hours, which can be paid off in up to 12 months.

Main features of Crefisa

First, Crefisa is one of the oldest credit institutions in Brazil, so it has the credibility and security you need to apply for credit at the institution.

In addition, the Crefisa personal loan was created to provide an additional loan alternative for people with negative credit who cannot obtain credit from other financial institutions.

And, in addition, interest rates are affordable and vary according to the customer's profile.

Who the loan is for

Mas, afinal, quem pode solicitar o empréstimo? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, who can apply for the loan? Source: Pexels.

So, this loan is indicated for people over 18 years of age, provided they are federal, state and municipal public servants, INSS beneficiaries (retirees and pensioners) or military.

So, to know more about this loan, click on the recommended content below.

Discover the Crefisa personal loan

Do you want a loan with a term of up to 12 months to pay and that accepts negatives? So, learn more about the Crefisa loan here.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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