digital account

How to find out my Cash account number

Do you have a Caixa account but don't know or remember the number? Don't worry. Check out this content we prepared and see how easy it is to find out.


Find out your account number easily and conveniently

Afinal, como descobrir o número da minha conta Caixa? Fonte: Caixa Econômica Federal.
After all, how can I find out my Caixa account number? Source: Caixa Econômica Federal.

Mister Panda brings you very useful information, that is, how to find out my Caixa account number. This information has become essential, mainly because thousands of Brazilians have an account at Caixa or receive assistance with a bank account.

The process is simple and the easiest option is to call the call center. However, this content will show 5 different ways that any Caixa customer can use to find out or remember what their account number is.

So, check out all the possible ways to find out your account number below!

open rate free
minimum income Uninformed
rates From R$12.40 to R$37.80 (service package)
credit card Yes
Debit card Yes
BenefitsBonus basket and service network

Credit card

Caixa Tem digital account

safe Online

Caixa now has a free digital 100% account.

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Discover my Caixa account number: discover the 5 available options

There are several ways to collect important information about our account directly or indirectly with Caixa. Know the agency, account number, card number and many other information.

In this sense, the options are varied, from the call center to Caixa's own application or internet banking. These options are used by thousands of customers every minute.

They serve precisely to facilitate the collection of information in case the client forgets or even loses an important document that contained the information in question.

Therefore, we will see 5 options made available by the bank, where the customer can find out what his account number is easily and without bureaucracy. Anyway, let's start with Caixa's Call Center!


Call center

A Central de Atendimento Caixa oferece serviço quase 24h por dia para prestar informações e tirar todas as dúvidas dos seus clientes. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
The Caixa Customer Service Center offers a service almost 24 hours a day to provide information and resolve any queries your customers may have. Source: Adobe Stock.

When the user has any doubt about his account, it is normal for him to look for a way to get in touch with the agency to report the problem or clarify a question he has.

In this regard, Caixa has a complete call center available almost 24 hours a day to answer questions, carry out processes and much more. It is even possible to find out my Caixa account number by calling the Caixa Assistance Center.

Therefore, call 0800 104 0104 and inform your CPF, after that, just ask for your account number and the attendant will inform you. The whole procedure is quite simple.

Internet Banking

No internet banking é possível coletar todas as informações da sua conta e na palma da mão, sem sair de casa. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
In internet banking, it is possible to collect all your account information in the palm of your hand, without leaving your home. Source: Adobe Stock.

In addition to the call center, there are simpler and more objective ways that Caixa customers can use to collect data from their own accounts comfortably and without leaving their homes.

We are talking about the Caixa application or Internet Banking. These two tools, which are available for any physical bank account, provide users with access to a range of information. Including the account number.

However, it is necessary to log in to your account to access this information. After entering the account, just go to the menu that all information is visible.

Agency, full name and most importantly, Caixa account number. So go to internet banking right now and find out your account number.


This is one of the methods least used by the vast majority of Caixa customers. That's because no one wants to waste time going to a branch or lottery to find out simple information like the account number.

However, this is one of the ways Caixa makes available. So, it will be part of this content to fully inform you about it. Therefore, if you live close to a Caixa or lottery agency, you can attend one of them.

When you attend, just deliver your personal documents. With this, the attendant will inform you what your account number is. Anyway, despite not being practical, it is quite simple to obtain this information.



Finally, there is also one last possibility that we can use to find out what the correct Caixa account number is. So we're talking about checkbooks. These receipts carry on their first page various information relevant to the holder.

Therefore, it is, among many, information that will help you to discover my Caixa account number. 

Remembering that for other banks, the present information may change and the way in which it is distributed as well. Anyway, these were the ways to find out my Caixa account number!


A credit or debit card has a lot of information on the back, not just the front. However, many people let it go unnoticed and don't even take a look at the back of the card. As you look around, you'll see that it contains some very useful information.

There are four different number sections that are related to our account information. They serve to facilitate the collection of user information.

Like, for example, the card code and also our account number, agency and expiration date. Therefore, with the card in hand, we can easily know our agency and account number.

How to apply for the Caixa Mais card

Discover the step-by-step process for applying for the Caixa Mais card in a simple and uncomplicated way.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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