
Beware of negative loan scams

The internet is full of malicious websites and loan scams. Therefore, you need to be careful when applying for a negative loan online. We created a manual of tips for you to protect yourself. Check out!


Loan scams and bad debt loans

Golpes de empréstimos (Imagem: Pixabay)
Loan scams (Image: Pixabay)

Currently, many people are suffering loan scams. That's because they are looking for ways to stabilize themselves financially. However, there are some aspects that get in the way of this goal. Having a dirty name or a bad SERASA score are just a few examples.

So, this desperate search for credit often leads to false proposals and scams in negative loans. Therefore, looking for reliable alternatives to get money is essential. Thus, it is possible to get rid of these fraudulent situations. 

This is where the purpose of this post comes in. If you are thinking about seeking credit and want to do it safely, here you will find out everything you need to know about it.

Loan scams for negatives

Golpes de empréstimo para negativados (Imagem: Pixabay)
Loan scams for negatives (Image: Pixabay)

In order not to fall into a loan scam, you need to understand how it works. Let's go then. First, contact the fraudster. It says your loan application has been approved.

However, there is a small snag. To release the requested amount in your account, you need to deposit a small amount. The justifications for this are numerous. Therefore, fraudsters use very convincing tricks.

All of them are lies just to make you lose money. However, don't get confused. In reliable companies, it is possible to find some rates like these. The difference is that they won't charge anything like that to do it. loans for negatives.

So this is an illegal practice. Any and all out-of-pocket costs will be added to the total cost of the loan. So always follow a logical order. First you get the money. Only then do you start paying the installments. The reverse situation simply does not exist.

However, make no mistake. Sometimes, discovering a scam is not so simple. That's because the people behind these traps are well prepared. They ask for a series of documents for you.

All to make the process seem more reliable. In addition, they usually send registration forms with official logos and coats of arms. Basically they take advantage of your need. Therefore, always maintain an alert position.

Never agree to pay any amount in advance. Remember that this kind of thing doesn't exist. Therefore, if you are the victim of a scam like the one mentioned here, do not hesitate to report it. This prevents other people from also suffering from these consequences.

Beware of fraudulent websites

Cuidado com sites fraudulentos (Imagem: Pixabay)
Beware of fraudulent websites (Image: Pixabay)

The financial situation of many people is not the best. Several events in the country are responsible for this. Thus, it is normal to have individuals looking for options to get rid of debt.

However, this should not be done impulsively. Today, there are several profiles that are nothing more than fraudulent companies. Thus, they will do everything to make you fall for their false arguments. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful not to fall for loan scams.

Taking out a loan without thinking much about it is almost guaranteed to be a headache. This is especially true when talking about online platforms. There are several of them available on search engines. Most are not able to comply with the law. They are called scam sites.

Many people have already fallen into loan scams caused by these platforms. However, don't think it was neglect. The groups behind these sites are highly prepared to deceive you.

To do so, they use various tricks. The main one is to touch your pain well as a person. Unfortunately, sometimes, mistakes are only realized when there is no turning back. Then other more serious measures must be taken.

In the course of the article, you will see a list of links that you should not trust. However, they are not the only ones you should pay attention to. So, know that there are many more spread across the internet.

You cannot use Google ranking as a default to choose the ideal option. At least not in this situation. However, don't worry.

By the end of this reading, you'll know how to dodge these scams. Although it is not so simple, the tactics taught here will help you a lot in this process.

Is negative loan reliable?

Empréstimo para negativado é confiável? (Imagem: Pixabay)
Is negative loan reliable? (Image: Pixabay)

The answer is, it depends. As stated above, the internet is full of scam options. However, there are reliable alternatives. To identify them, you need to know a few things.

So, the first one is related to the fees charged. Loans for negative people charge higher values than the traditional ones. The second thing is that there is a personal transaction option, for civil servants, retirees and pensioners.

The next topic will show you the differences between each of these classifications. See which one fits you. Only then, it's time to look for a reliable company to request loans for negatives.

Average credit interest rate for negative credit

Taxa de juros média do crédito para negativado (Imagem: Pixabay)
Average credit interest rate for negative credit (Image: Pixabay)

In this case, there are yes alternatives of credits with low interest rates. They usually range from around 2% to 3% and are for people who have the “dirty name”. However, each of the available modalities works with different values.

Therefore, each institution determines these charges. Ideally, you should talk about this before making any decision. In this way, you avoid unforeseen future events.

One of the biggest causes of damage is when you don't pay attention to these numbers. This goes for both blows and renowned companies. It is recommended that this be one of the first issues to be addressed.

Loan for negatives who own a property paid off

Empréstimo para negativados que possuem um imóvel próprio quitado (Imagem: Pixabay)
Loan for negatives who own their own property paid off (Image: Pixabay)

This modality works as a kind of real estate refinement and does not offer loan scams. So, you can put your property as collateral for the loan you need. However, this is a very risky step.

Therefore, never choose this option without being sure that the company is reliable. Also, your property cannot have any related debts. If you find a site that goes against this principle, beware. No doubt it is a fraudulent platform.

Loan for those who have their own vehicle paid off

Empréstimo para quem tem veículo próprio quitado (Imagem: Pixabay)
Loan for those who have their own vehicle paid off (Image: Pixabay)

Another type of refinancing. However, the focus here is on your vehicle, regardless of car or motorcycle. The scheme here is the same. Do not trust your means of transport to any company. So, research well before making any decision.

Loan for self-employed negative

Empréstimo para negativado autônomo (Imagem: Piabay)
Loan for self-employed negative (Image: Piabay)

It is common for a self-employed person to think that there is no way to apply for a loan. However, it is not like that. Of course, here you need to be even more careful than with other modalities.

Many websites are known to trick small business owners with loan scams. Otherwise, you can get financial help that is reliable. Identifying these renowned institutions is not always straightforward.

However, most of them require some documentation. Without them, you can't even take the first step towards getting help. Check what they are.

  • Income tax declaration;
  • Formalization of the MEI or presentation of a CNPJ;
  • Presentation of a bank statement, with the movements of the last 3 months.

What to do for negative ones not to fall into scams on loan

O que fazer para os negativados não caírem em golpes (Imagem: Pixabay)
What to do to prevent negatives from falling for scams (Image: Pixabay)

Still in the same logic of the necessary documentation, this topic shows you how to avoid scams. Any website or support institution does not work without guaranteeing the safety of both involved.

That's why a loan requires the following proofs. They apply to any modality mentioned above. So, check them out below.

  • Document with photo: RG, agency card, work card or other proof;
  • Payslip, paycheck, bank statement, proof of income tax;
  • Electricity water, telephone, rent contract, IPTU or other residence document.

Now then, let's say you decided to carry out the formalities of this transaction online. In this case, there are a few more points that deserve attention. The next topic will tell you what they are.

5 tips to avoid falling into negative loan scams

5 dicas para não cair em golpes de empréstimo para negativados (Imagem: Pixabay)
5 tips for not falling into negative loan scams (Image: Pixabay)

The internet is full of alternatives for those looking for loans. However, most of them are scams. You need to be very careful not to fall into any of these traps. So, we've prepared 7 tips that will help you escape these situations.

1- Beware of overly attractive offers

Cuidado com as ofertas atraentes demais (Imagem: Freepik)
Beware of overly attractive offers (Image: Freepik)

This is a very important point. Don't get hung up on offers that seem to be "too good". Remember that the more attractive she is, the greater the chances of scams. Therefore, when taking out a loan, a lot of calm is needed.

Precipitating can bring very serious future consequences. Therefore, always try to check all the points that involve this transaction. Still, having the help of someone who has been through this situation can be a good alternative. Sharing experiences is always valid.

2- Companies with a good reputation are the best

Empresas com boa reputação são as melhores (Imagem: Eficazz)
Reputable companies are the best (Image: Eficazz)

There is no point in trusting companies that do not have a good reputation in the financial market, as these are loan scams. A tip is to check if they follow all the rules established by the Central Bank. Thus, you avoid unwanted unforeseen events.

3- Beware of requested deposits

<sup>Cuidado com os depósitos solicitados ( imagem: jornalíbia)</sup>”  id=”15436″ src=”” class=”w-full object-cover object-center border mx-auto uploadcare-image”/><figcaption class=Beware of requested deposits (image: Jornalíbia)

A good tip to avoid loan scams is to pay attention to whether the company asks for advance deposits. Know that no reliable company works this way to release your money.

4- Do not disclose your personal data

Não divulgue seus dados pessoais (Imagem: Pixabay)
Do not disclose your personal data (Image: Pixabay)

Never pass your data on to unknown people. In the case of contacting WhatsApp, make sure that the number actually belongs to the company. Only then continue the loan process.

5- Be wary of accounts related to natural persons

Desconfie de contas relacionadas a pessoas físicas (Imagem: Pixabay)
Be wary of accounts related to natural persons (Image: Pixabay)

Let's say a company asks you to pay the loan installments into an individual account. In that case, be immediately suspicious of a scam. Do not accept this type of proposal. Transfers must always be made to a CNPJ.

List of scam sites to watch out for

Lista de sites fraudulentos para tomar cuidado (Imagem: Pixabay)
List of scam sites to watch out for (Image: Pixabay)

Now you know how to avoid falling into loan scams. Even so, this is a situation that involves many variables. This is especially true when talking about the internet. There are hundreds of websites promising things they cannot deliver.

So, to make you even smarter, check out some platforms that deserve a lot of care. They are known to apply blows in different ways.

1- Loan for Negative People

Empréstimo Para Pessoas Negativadas (Imagem: Quero financiar)
Loan for Negative People (Image: I want to finance)


This platform asks for deposit in advance. The most interesting thing is that it is a well-placed site on Google. Just search "loans for negatives”. One more reason to be very careful.

2- BrasconCred

BrasconCred (Imagem: BV)
BrasconCred (Image: BV)


Another example of a site that asks for an advance deposit from the loan applicant. They claim that the money refers to the title of convenience fee. Brascon's platform is also well positioned in search engines.

3- Quality/ Finnish Credit Bad Credit Loans

Empréstimos Para Negativados Quality/ Finnish Credit (Imagem: Jornal Contábil)
Loans for Bad Credit Quality/ Finnish Credit (Image: Jornal Contábil)

Website: loans to negative

The site claims that the loan will have no cost, but it is also among the loan scams. Soon after, they ask for a significant amount in advance. The justification is that this amount is necessary to prepare necessary documentation. So you wouldn't need to do anything.

4- Ibi Credits from Brazil

Ibi Créditos do Brasil (Imagem: Jornal Contábil)
Ibi Credits from Brazil (Image: Jornal Contábil)


The platform says that the transaction has no cost. However, the notary fee must be borne by the applicant. This is where the attendant asks for the advance deposit. Several people have already reported the scam of this site. They even get aggressive when they realize something is wrong.

5- Financial MD

MD Financeira (Imagem: MD Consultoria)
MD Financeira (Image: MD Consultoria)

But they don't have a website. So they use the same advance deposit scam. Their argument is that they need to pay the IOF fee in advance. In case, you need to give 5% of the total amount. This so that it is possible to release the credit card. Undoubtedly a bad excuse.

I fell into one of the loan scams, now what?

Caí no golpe e agora? (Imagem: Pixabay)
I fell for the scam, now what? (Image: Pixabay)

So this topic is for people who unfortunately couldn't escape a fraud and fell into loan scams. If so, there are some actions you can take. However, the main one is to report.

For this, it is necessary to have all the loan documentation in hand. Every contact or conversation exchange must be saved. This regardless of anything.

These measures are essential for the crime to be properly investigated. However, otherwise, the fraud you suffered may not be resolved. There is no way to escape the damage done.

So then, gather the emails, WhatsApp conversations, offender information and so on. Then you need to go to a Civil Police Station. So there, it will be necessary to open a police report and report absolutely everything that happened.

Conclusion on loan scams

Conclusão golpes de empréstimos para negativados (Imagem: Pixabay)
Conclusion scams for negative loans (Image: Pixabay)

Finally, there are many loan scams. However, this does not invalidate the other diverse opportunities that you have available. With these tips then, it will be possible to escape from unwanted situations.

Do you want to know a reliable loan option? Click the button below!

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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