
Is there a Consortium for negatives?

Did you know that it is possible to hold a consortium even though it is negative? Learn more and discover the best options below.


Learn about Consortium options for negatives

Conheça opções de Consórcio para negativado (Imagem: A Folha Hoje)
Find out about Consortium options for negatives (Image: A Folha Hoje)

Many people dream of acquiring a property or a car and for that the negative consortium is one of the solutions. But, does this option exist? Is it worth it?

With more than 60 million people with a dirty name in the country, options that favor negatives are therefore the most sought after. But what to consider at this point? You can look for ways to clear the name or, if it is your priority, rely on options such as the consortium.

Therefore, to help you discover how this type of consortium works, which companies to apply for, the existing types and what precautions to take, we have prepared this post. Follow!

What is a negative consortium?

O que é consórcio para negativado? (Imagem: Foregon)
What is a negative consortium? (Image: Foregon)

A consortium is basically a union of people for the purchase of a good. Therefore, each month, all participants pay their quota which becomes a savings towards the acquisition of the desired common good.

Then, after the period established for the contract, all participants have access to the initially contracted good or service.

The organization of consortia is the responsibility of management companies, supervised by the Central Bank. Since, the number of months and the total value of the letter that will give access to the good is agreed in advance by contract.

Above, we explained the consortium in general, but it does not differ from that granted to negatives.

So, customers with CPF in credit protection who have difficulties in obtaining financing and loans, can resort to the consortium, since contracting for negatives is much easier than the other modalities.


How does the negative consortium work?

Como funciona o consórcio para negativado? (Imagem: Foregon)
How does the negative consortium work? (Image: Foregon)

Having said what the consortium is, it is valid to say that each administrator offers several products for the customer to choose from, along with the number of installments and payment deadlines to make the customer more comfortable.

In addition to specific products, it is possible to request a consortium called a letter of credit, where money is offered instead of a previously stipulated good.

Then, after choosing the product, the group begins to pay the installments. Since it is divided between them, the management fee charged by the company.

The amounts paid by each customer form a reserve that is used to pay the value of the good so that each customer has access to it. Every month, the recipients are chosen at the meeting, by drawing lots or by bidding.

Therefore, if someone has a cash value to offer in the month and none of the customers offer a higher value, he is the one who will withdraw the good that month. Therefore, the bid amount is deducted in your installments from back to front.

Advantages of the consortium for negative

Vantagens do consórcio para negativado (Imagem: Darwin Startups)
Advantages of the negative consortium (Image: Darwin Startups)

Even though it takes longer to reach the good through the consortium, there are some advantages in this modality. Are they:

  • No interest: The consortium offers only the company's management fee, with no interest rate. Therefore, the cash value of the chosen asset is paid in installments. Which helps balance the bills and not cause even more debt.
  • Planning is possible: Because it is flexible, the negative consortium allows for planning. Unlike financing, it does not require a large down payment. So your finances stay organized.
  • Trading with spot value: As the consortium offers the letter of credit after payment, it is possible to negotiate in cash a good that was paid in installments.
  • It's a good investment: For those who want to invest, the negative consortium is a great option. After all, the installments do not offer interest and it is possible to get the entire amount whenever you want.

In what situations is it possible to apply?

Em quais situações é possível solicitar? (Imagem: Melhor Taxa)
In what situations is it possible to apply? (Image: Best Rate)

The consortium possibilities for negatives are countless. As well as the options of services and products that offer this modality, there are many. However, in some situations it is even more favorable to have this option.


When can you expect to get good

Quando pode esperar para obter o bem (Imagem: Jornal Médico)
When can you expect to get good (Image: Medical Journal)

If you want to buy a car, a property, have surgery or anything else that needs the financing amount, but can wait, this is the best option.

For example, someone who already has a car paid off but wants a new one. In this case, as it is not fully on foot, it is possible to wait for the consortium to enjoy the benefits it offers.

It is even possible to request that your name not be included in drawings and that your letter of credit be granted only at the end of the cycle.

For those looking for lower interest rates

Para quem busca juros menores (Imagem: Terraço econômico)
For those looking for lower interest rates (Image: Economic Terrace)

Certainly the search for lower interest rates is one of the biggest searches of those who want to acquire a new asset. In that case, the consortium is the best option, even for those who are negative.

This is because the good is only delivered to the customer after the installments are all paid. Therefore, there are no risks to the administrator or the group. With this, interest can be exempt, not needing to cover risks.

For those who want low installments

Para quem quer parcelas baixas (Imagem: Pameval)
For those who want low installments (Image: Pameval)

The negative consortium is also a great option for those looking for a low installment. This is because with financing, due to the amount of interest, the amount ends up escaping the budget of many.

But, the consortium is the lowest installment option on the market. For example, good options for motorcycles such as Factor average 60 times R$ 220 and a car averages R$ 400 per share. While in a financing, with a down payment, the installment would be at least R$ 800.

For those who want guarantee

Para quem quer garantia (Imagem: Dok Despachante)
For those who want a guarantee (Image: Dok Dispatcher)

Have you ever thought that after buying something like a house, car or business you might regret it halfway through? In this case, if you were in the middle of a loan, the bureaucracy to “get off that boat” and move on to another one is quite large.

There is no way to simply cancel the contract, you would need to sell the asset to someone who can take over the financing.

However, the consortium offers greater guarantees in this regard. So, if you regret it, you can cancel the contract and receive a letter of credit for the amount already paid by you. It's easy and hassle free. Therefore, it offers more assurance in case your plans change from one hour to the next.

For those who want flexible payment

Para quem quer pagamento flexibilizado (Imagem: Garupa)
For those who want flexible payment (Image: Garupa)

With any call option, you make an agreement at the beginning and must hold until the end. But the consortium then offers some flexibility that becomes advantageous.

This is because the payment of this modality adjusts according to your financial situation. You then choose the number of installments, with an appropriate amount to pay.

But, if you are tight, it is possible to negotiate with the administrator. Or, if there is an amount left over in the month, it is possible to pay in advance or bid to try to acquire the item faster.

For those who need financial discipline

Para quem precisa de disciplina nas finanças (Imagem: Blog Fatura Simples)
For those who need discipline in their finances (Image: Blog Fatura Simples)

Have you ever had the feeling that you were spending a lot of money on superfluous things, but you couldn't keep it? The negative consortium is then a good option for you.

This is because you may not want the good in question, but it will therefore be forced savings. You will have a monthly commitment to pay and if you decide, you can take the amount at the end and spend it however you want.

What are the most common consortium options?

Quais opções de consórcio mais comuns? (Imagem: FGTS)
What are the most common consortium options? (Image: FGTS)

Contrary to what many think, the consortium is not only used to acquire goods such as a car and a house. It also serves to hire services, pay for procedures, buy appliances and even save money.

If you are curious to know what it is possible to acquire with a consortium, see the list below with the most diverse possibilities existing in the market today for a negative consortium.

  • New and used cars;
  • New and semi-new motorcycles;
  • Trucks;
  • Aircraft;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Televisions;
  • Computers;
  • Tablets and other home appliances;
  • Houses;
  • Apartments;
  • Land;
  • Rural real estate;
  • Plastic surgery;
  • National or international travel;
  • Language courses, postgraduate courses and the like;
  • Aesthetic procedures;
  • Birthday, graduation or wedding parties;
  • Letter of credit to use the money freely.

There are numerous options available for consortium today. Each one has different conditions and deadlines, but what they all have in common is: You can't want the good or service urgently.

If you can wait, the chances of making an excellent deal, with good installments and without interest are quite attractive.

Where to find consortium options for negatives?

Onde encontrar opções de consórcio para negativado? (Imagem: Freepik)
Where to find consortium options for negatives? (Image: Freepik)

And if you have already decided to opt for a negative consortium, but still have doubts about which company to choose for this procedure, we have a tip to help you.

Really the choice of a company for any financial service must be very careful. That's because, a wrong choice can then compromise all your investment and frustrate a dream.

Thinking about it, the Serasa eCred is a company that acts as a bridge between those who need a financial service and secure companies that offer this type of service.

The platform offers benefits such as:

  • Products for everyone;
  • Low interest rate;
  • Products for negatives;
  • Free online simulation;
  • Easy payment;
  • Loan with quick approval;
  • Unlimited simulations without interfering with your score;
  • Security and privacy;
  • Indication of guarantors;
  • Low bureaucracy.

To do this, simply access the site, update your registration with all your personal information and then the site will show you offers from partners available for your profile. It's easy, fast and secure. Meet some Serasa eCred partners that provide financial services for you:

  • Legendary;
  • BMS;
  • Yes Simple Loans;
  • Bari Bank;
  • Super Yes;
  • My everything;
  • Biorc;
  • Geru;
  • Credits;
  • Finmax;
  • Jeitto;
  • rebel,
  • Financial BV;
  • BCredi;
  • Crefaz;
  • Simplify;
  • Ferratum;
  • Value Financing.

Precautions before taking out this type of credit

Cuidados antes de contratar esse tipo de crédito (Imagem: YouTube)
Precautions before taking out this type of credit (Image: YouTube)

Like every financial process, the negative consortium also requires some important care so that you don't fall into scams and don't regret it in the future.

If you have decided to form a consortium, know that it is essential not to sign the first contract. So take a good look and consider the tips below.

  • Look for authorized institutions: Above we separated a topic to mention reliable companies that are partners of Serasa eCred. Remember then that there are many scams and if you don't analyze the administrator well, you may regret it in the future.
  • Don't believe in guaranteed draw: There are no quotas with guaranteed draws. If you received this promise, then know that other people received it too and how will it be done for everyone? So remember that a lot of goodness can be suspect, since the consortium is for those who are in no hurry.
  • Follow the moves: Don't be that person who just pays the installments and lets things roll. So participate in the assemblies, try to find out who were drawn and be aware of changes.
  • Do not delay payments: The consortium is indeed one of the best investments for not offering interest. However, those who think that defaulters also have this condition are mistaken. The draw of the month is waiting for its value to have its good, when you delay, it harms the process and at that moment interest is applied.
  • Do not think that contemplation is discharge: Many people then have the erroneous idea that after contemplating the contract, it is discharged. Don't think like that, because it can get you into trouble. If you were drawn and have pending installments, they continue to be charged normally.


Conclusão (Imagem: Proteste)
Conclusion (Image: Protest)

Well, so here you can see that it's not just those who have a clean name who can access financial solutions, right? So, whether to acquire a good, to make savings or to circumvent interest, the negative consortium is a great option.

But remember, therefore, that it is important to ensure that you will be able to sustain the contract, get to know the administrators and choose a reliable one, and guarantee all the precautions that we passed above so as not to fall into a “hole”.

Now yes, it's time to run to your consortium and guarantee the good of dreams. Of course, even if you get the consortium, you intend to clear your name, so it's important to know the best loans for this purpose!

Payroll loan to clear name

Do you want to know how the payroll loan works to renovate the house? Check it out and apply!

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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