How to get a job online in 2021
Getting a job online can be a good option for those who are unemployed and looking to put themselves on the market in 2021. Click and find out more!
Win your job online this year
We know that this pandemic moment caused many people to lose their jobs. And besides, many people are still looking for their first job opportunity. So, between those who are starting and those looking for a replacement, getting a job online may be the best option at the moment.
But do you know what are the best strategies to get a job online? Also, do you know good information about what the best placements are and how to find the one that is ideal for your profile?
Because if your answer was negative, you don't have to worry. Since in our article we tried to gather the best tips, information and strategies for those who want to get a job online in 2021.
So if you identified yourself and are curious, just stay with us. Check out all of the online employment information we've put together for you below!
5 information about online employment to pay attention to
As we said, the year 2021 is still full of restrictions due to the pandemic. In this way, the demand for home office workers increases and people increasingly focus their job search only using the internet as a means.
So, you need to understand which search tools can help you. And also what essential information you should keep in mind when you come across a job vacancy on the internet.
That way, getting a job online becomes less complicated and you avoid some pitfalls. Because whenever you look for a job or apply for jobs online, you need to pay extra attention. Since the internet can hide some people with bad intentions or misleading ads.
Therefore, we have gathered 5 essential information for you to pay attention to during your online job search. So stay with us and check it out!
How to get a job in 2021
Having trouble entering the job market? So check out the tips we've separated for you to win your spot this year 2021!
Job posting date online job search
It is very common for people who intend to get jobs online to register to receive vacancies on specialized sites. Or who are looking for vacancies in their area of interest on HR websites or open online vacancy platforms on their own.
But you need to pay attention to an important piece of information in every online job vacancy advertisement: the date of publication. Because the more recent the vacancy was posted, the greater your chances of sending a resume and having it seen by the advertiser.
Therefore, always be careful with vacancies that are more than 1 month old since publication, as there are already many CVs that have been sent and your chances will be much lower. And that brings us to another issue, ghost waves.
Yes! Phantom vacancies are those that have been online for more than 1 or even 2 months, with hundreds of applications, and remain idle. Because it can happen that the website, application or HR itself forget to delete the ad even though the vacancy no longer exists.
Also, it may happen that you receive an alert for this type of vacancy that is very old, as if it were recent. So, you might end up thinking you're going to get a job online, but you're actually applying for something that doesn't even exist in practice anymore.
So stay tuned for the vacancy publication date!
Salary range
If you already have experience in the field, you will have an idea of how much you want to earn when you are on your quest to get a job online, right? So, keep in mind which salary range is ideal for you, and check this information in job openings and proposals.
But it may happen that some vacancies put a salary “to match”, or only reveal the salary range in the final stages of the selection process. So, know your salary expectations well, so you can decide if that vacancy is really worth it.
In addition, it is possible to talk to the company during the selection, to find out what the proposed salary range would be. Thus, everything will depend on your profile in the job market, your experience and your expectations.
So salary range can be essential information for anyone trying to get a job online. Be aware of this.
company location
Another very relevant issue for anyone looking to get a job online in 2021 is knowing the location of the company you are going to apply to. Because it is essential to know what the need for displacement will be, both due to transportation expenses and the distance that will be traveled.
And in times of a pandemic, most companies will be hiring under a home office regime (work at home). But later, you may need to travel to the company, or even if it is a type of service that can only be done in person from the beginning.
So, keep in mind your willingness to travel to work, time, money and risks that may be involved in this journey. In addition, you need to think about two questions:
- If the company is located outside your municipality, are you willing to move?
- Are you already thinking about moving and want to apply in other cities?
So, think carefully about these business location questions when trying to get a job online. Since the internet provides the option to apply for vacancies in several places at the same time.
In addition, there is always the possibility of getting a job online even outside Brazil! At the moment, the majority of positions will be remote work. But consider the possibility of moving, whether from a municipality, state or even country. Because if that's your profile, getting a job online outside your current place of residence is a good strategy.
Type of contract
Another very relevant question currently for anyone looking to get a job online is: what type of contract will the company offer me? Because more and more companies are seeking hiring in Legal Entity (PJ) regimes, that is, there is no labor relationship of duties and obligations according to the CLT.
Also, pay attention to which type of contract your vacancy fits, at the hierarchical level as well. For example, contract types might be for jobs in:
- Trainee;
- Effective;
- Temporary;
- Partial.
So, pay attention to what type of hiring will be and under what regime of relationship between contractor and contractor this job will take place. For example, it has become increasingly popular to hire self-employed workers to provide services, which does not constitute a CLT-type employment relationship between the parties.
So, be aware of what type of contract you are looking for on the internet. And establish what your parameters are, hierarchical level, type of employment relationship, etc. So getting a job online is easier and uncomplicated, without misunderstandings and frustrations.
job description online job search
This is the main information you need to pay attention to if you want to get a job online. Because in general all vacancies have a complete description in their advertisement, which contains the following information:
- Name of the company you are hiring;
- Contracting regime, whether it is a legal entity or CLT;
- Position hierarchical level: internship, trainee, junior, full, senior, etc;
- Hiring type: permanent, temporary, partial;
- Period of work: Full-time (full day), part-time (morning, afternoon, evening);
- Workday: how many hours, if it will be 5 days a week, work 2 days and 1 day off, etc;
- Profile for the vacancy: what are the skills and characteristics that the company is looking for to fill the vacancy. There may be requirements such as education level, languages, specialization courses, postgraduate degrees, etc;
- Job activities: what the job requires of the worker. That is, what you will do on a daily basis if you are chosen to fill that specific vacancy.
Have you seen how much information the job description can bring to anyone looking to get a job online? Therefore, read very carefully and make sure that your profile fits with what the company is looking for. Otherwise, you may end up sending resumes to jobs that will never call you, and get frustrated that your search is not bringing positive results.
So, have a well-organized resume and check that you meet all the requirements for that vacancy. Also, note in the description whether what the company is offering is in line with what you are looking for, in terms of type of contract, period and working hours, salary range, job activities, etc.
Which companies offer jobs online?
For those looking for an opportunity, getting a job online can be an excellent way to increase your chances in the job market. It is very interesting to consider the companies that are offering vacancies to work through the internet, especially in this moment of pandemic that we are in 2021.
And to facilitate the search for those who want to get a job online, we have selected some companies that are offering remote work vacancies over the internet. So everyone who is unemployed and has been affected in some way by the current context, will be able to guarantee their income without even having to leave their homes.
Very good, isn't it?
So be sure to check out the list we've put together for you below!
This is a company that operates in the field of digital solutions services. At the moment, he is working entirely in a home office regime, and intends to make new hires. That is, a great opportunity to get a job online this year!
Mainly for those working in the technology area, there are around 200 open positions waiting for applications. Therefore, go to the company's website and look for the "careers page" tab.
safe harbor
Porto Seguro is already a popular company in Brazil for its services and is now looking for candidates to work from home (remote work). Once again it's an excellent way to get a job online in the technology field, with openings for:
- UX/UI;
- TeachLead;
- PM;
- Scrum Master.
And many others! Thus, whoever is selected starts working at home, and may be relocated to the headquarters of Porto Seguro in São Paulo when face-to-face activities resume their pace.
The company in the internet payments industry is offering opportunities for anyone looking to get a job online this year! Because with the increase in the use of the internet in all sectors, PayPal found itself in the position of making new hires in the areas:
- Marketing;
- Accounting;
- Legal;
- Information Technology;
- Among others.
And the best part is that although PayPal only has offices in the cities of São Paulo (SP) and Vitória (ES), home office vacancies are open to professionals from all over Brazil! And for that, just access the company's website and make your application completely online.
This is yet another company in the digital solutions sector that offers vacancies for those who work in the technological area. As this is the fastest growing area of activity today, it is very advantageous for anyone looking to get a job online in 2021!
And you can apply for developer jobs in the following languages:
- Java;
- .IOS;
- Android;
- Salesforce;
- Node.js;
- .Net Core;
- SAP;
- React;
- Among others.
Did you see how many opportunities to get a job online at BRQ? And all in a home office with flexible schedules and more company benefits. So go to the official website and apply!
This is a company in the technology consulting business, which saw the possibility of increasing its hiring due to the huge demand of the digital world. Therefore, anyone who wants to get a job online and works in the areas of technology and strategy must enter the official website of the company and apply!
Agibank is a digital bank that joined home office work, managing to increase its hiring even during the pandemic. But what a good thing, isn't it? Thus, it offers opportunities in several areas for the cities of:
- Rio Grande do Sul;
- São Paulo;
- Maranhão;
- Acre.
So, don't miss this opportunity to get a job online! And for that, just access the company's recruitment page and look for the vacancy that best matches your profile.
Did you see how many amazing vacancies and good opportunities to get jobs online later this year? So don't be discouraged! Pay attention to all the information relevant to a vacancy, and start your search with the companies that we have listed for you. So we hope you get your job online!
Home Office: 20 tips to be more productive
Many people are unable to be productive at home, with disorganized schedules. But our article can help you! Click and find out how.
About the author / Aline Saes
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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