Government Aid
Discover the Young Apprentice Program
The Young Apprentice Program was created to encourage young people to continue their studies, but have an opportunity to work. Find out everything about the program in this article!
Find out everything about the Young Apprentice Program
In Brazil, it is common for young people to have to start working very early. This happens mainly due to the low income in many families. Therefore, all members need to work to support the group. However, for young people, this process can end up hindering their training. With this in mind, the government created the Young Apprentice Program.
How to apply for the Young Apprentice Program
Find out here how to sign up for the Young Apprentice Program and achieve your dream of your first job.
This way, students remain in school but still receive training and the possibility of working. In other words, they end up already having contact with the job market. In today's article, we will show you all the details of this program. Check out!
What is the Young Apprentice Program?
Firstly, the main objective of the Young Apprentice Program is to insert young people into the job market. But without removing them from school, as attending high school is mandatory. Therefore, the program is aimed at young people aged 14 to 24 who want to gain experience. Furthermore, in parallel with their work, students also receive training. This way, when they finish this experience they already have a better chance in the job market.
Furthermore, the program also influences companies to create these programs. Therefore, many companies already have a solid process. And at the end of the program period, they end up hiring their young apprentices. In fact, it is mandatory for every company to allocate between 5% and 15% of vacancies for young apprentices.
Therefore, the student can work between 4 and 6 hours if they are studying. If not, you can work from 6 to 8 hours. However, for those who have already completed high school, it is necessary to carry out theoretical activities related to work. For example, administration classes for those who are apprentices in this area.
What are the advantages of the Young Apprentice Program?
In summary, the Young Apprentice Program is a great way to enter the job market. In addition to being an opportunity to see a work option in practice. This way, young people can understand whether it is what they want to study or not.
Additionally, the program offers guaranteed basic benefits. For example:
- Special contract;
- Note in the work card;
- Salary between half and 1 minimum wage;
- Food and transportation assistance;
- Thirteenth;
- Vacation after one year of contract.
It is worth remembering that these are mandatory benefits. However, some companies may offer even more advantages for young people. It really depends on each person.
Furthermore, as a Young Apprentice the student can perform several functions. Mainly because there are large companies in Brazil that offer the program. Therefore, most companies still have a chance for growth. Therefore, it is very common that after the end of the contract, the young apprentice is hired fully.
Who has the right to participate?
To participate in the Young Apprentice Program, you must be between 14 and 24 years old. In addition, the young person must be attending elementary or high school. Or, you need to have finished high school frequently enough. It is worth remembering that for people with disabilities, there is no age limit. In fact, it is also possible to attend university and become a young apprentice. To do this, simply fulfill the other prerequisites.
How do you know if you passed the Young Apprentice Program?
Finally, if you want to apply for a vacancy as a minor apprentice, it's very simple. Just look for one of the companies that advertise these vacancies. These are usually companies specializing in job vacancies. For example, CIEE, IEL, ISBET and ABRE. In addition to publishing vacancies, they are also responsible for registering CVs, forwarding candidates and many other processes.
After registering on one of these sites or on the company's own website, just wait. In this sense, the result can be published directly online or the company's HR can contact the young person. In any case, always pay attention to the companies’ “Work with Us” page.
So, now you know more details about the Young Apprentice Program. If you want to register, read our other article. In it we tell you step by step how to register. Check out!
How to apply for the Young Apprentice Program
Find out here how to sign up for the Young Apprentice Program and achieve your dream of your first job.
About the author / Leticia Maia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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