
Get to know the 2021 Bolsa Família Loan

Did you know that there is the 2021 Family Scholarship Loan? Today we will teach you step by step how to apply for this loan from the Federal Government program! Check out!


Everything you need to know

Conheça o Empréstimo do Bolsa Família 2021 Imagem: Seu crédito digital
Discover the Bolsa Família Loan 2021 Image: Your digital credit

Initially, Bolsa Família is a program that transfers income to needy families in Brazil, to help them with food, school and health. So, how to get a family grant loan 2021? And what are the characteristics of this loan?

That said, today we are going to talk about how the loan from this program works, as well as provide other useful information. Check out!

What is the value of Bolsa Família for 2021?

Conheça o Empréstimo do Bolsa Família 2021 Imagem: FDR
Discover the 2021 Bolsa Família Loan Image: FDR

Well, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, the current values of the Bolsa Família program are R$190 or R$200 per month.

This is because the values vary according to the number of children and the family's conditions.


Who can access the Bolsa Família 2021 loan?

Conheça o Empréstimo do Bolsa Família 2021 Imagem: Diário do nordeste
Discover the 2021 Bolsa Família Loan Image: Diário do Nordeste

Therefore, the Bolsa Família 2021 loan is accessible to families with their own income above the value of the benefit.

Furthermore, the family also needs a guarantor, as well as the presence of an inspector at the residence to verify the mentioned criteria!

To access the loan, you must have a monthly income of less than R$170 reais (proof of income), as well as the children and young people in the family being enrolled in school.

And in addition, one must also participate in the actions of the Ministry of Social Development and Combating Hunger for women's health.

To access it, simply go to a Caixa branch in person and follow up on the request!

How to register for Bolsa Familia

Do you know how to register for Bolsa Família? Today we will teach you the step-by-step to register in this Federal Government program! Check out!

How do I take out the loan?

Well, to take out the loan you need to go in person to a Caixa Econômica Federal branch and then schedule a visit from one of the agents to your home. It is important to mention that the guarantor must be present on the day of the visit.

Furthermore, loan analysis usually takes an average of 8 days, starting from the agent's visit to the family's residence. After that, just wait for the values to be released!

What are the general characteristics of the loan?

So, in 2021, the Federal Government announced that Bolsa Família beneficiaries will have access to a type of credit.

Therefore, this microcredit program was created to encourage people to increase their income through the development of small businesses, with access to housing and education.

This is because, amid the new coronavirus pandemic, the unemployment rate in the country has grown significantly, further reducing the access of needy families to the job market.

Therefore, the program came to include these people in society, allowing them to create their own businesses.


What is the value of the Bolsa Família 2021 loan?

So, the value of this loan is 15 thousand reais, but the average amount withdrawn by families is 4 thousand reais. It is important to mention that it has interest rates that vary depending on income, number of installments and other variables.

Therefore, before choosing to apply for the loan, carry out financial planning to find out whether you will be able to pay off all the installments of this loan in the future!

How to apply for a loan from Banco Olé

Learn how to apply for the Olé bank payroll loan and other useful information about this loan, so that you can pay off all your debts!

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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