
Discover the Supera Card

How about an easy-to-apply credit card that helps you with your purchases? Then meet the Supera card!


Find out if the Supera card is a good option

Como funciona o Cartão Supera? (Imagem: MobileTransaction)
How does the Supera Card work? (Image: MobileTransaction)

O card overcome is one of the products that has been gaining more space in the world of finance. The fact that it offers a number of advantages undoubtedly contributes to all this success.

Therefore, he is an essential tool for those who seek to achieve financial autonomy. However, it is necessary to understand very well how it works.

That's why we prepared this post for you. By the end of this reading, know everything about the card overcome. See what its advantages and disadvantages are. In the end, decide if it's really worth it.

Minimum Incomenot informed
BenefitsAll benefits associated with the card brand

Apply for Super card

Do you want to apply for the supera card and enjoy the advantages that the bank offers? Click right now and start shopping with the card. It's easy and fast!

How does the super card work?

Quais as vantagens do Cartão de crédito Supera? (Imagem: CartãoaCredito)
What are the advantages of the Supera credit card? (Image: Credit Card)

He is that type of card ideal for those who want to have greater financial control. That's because with prepaid, you can't spend more than you have. It works on a recharge scheme.

So imagine you put a value of R$ 400 on it. In this way, it will only be possible to consume within that amount. Also, there is no installment option here. Everything is paid on time.

This is also Supera's proposal. It is a nationwide card. In this way, you can buy in thousands of physical and virtual stores. Also, it does not charge annuity.

No more paying unnecessary fees. The only requirement to use this card is to have a balance in your digital account. So, you are not in the red. This is exactly why this product is indicated for people who seek financial autonomy.

He will not contribute to your debts increasing, quite the contrary. Therefore, it is essential that you know more about the possibilities of this tool. Now, first, let's talk about the provider of this innovation, Banco Supera.

Getting to know Banco Supera

Conhecendo o banco supera (Imagem: Supera)
Getting to know the Supera bank (Image: Supera)

This bank is a Fintech. This means that he is a Startup that provides financial products and services. The most interesting thing is that everything works virtually.

Also, anyone can open an account at Banco Supera. This applies to both natural and legal persons. Even those who are MEI have access to this opportunity.

In this way, the entire account opening process is simple and fast. Thus, the company does not believe in bureaucracy. Also, if you've got the dirty name, don't worry. to get the card overcome, your data is not consulted in the SPC or in Serasa.

So, he helps you organize your income the way you prefer. Also, you can enjoy all the services of the bank. All via app. The prepaid card is just one of the products offered.

In summary, each and every transaction works 100% digitally. So you don't even have to leave the house. This undoubtedly pleases many users.

What are the advantages of the super card?

Conhecendo o banco supera (Imagem: Freepik)
Knowing the bank overcomes (Image: Freepik)

As you may have noticed, the purpose of this card is to facilitate financial transactions for individuals and companies. That's why being negative here is not a problem.

So, the first advantage is related to opening an account. Everything is very fast and practical. However, she is far from the only one. Check out other equally important benefits just below.

  • Issuing tickets is free: Many other companies with prepaid card don't give you this alternative. Thus, you always pay a certain amount when issuing a boleto. Supera does not follow this line of operation. So you don't spend anything on it.
  • unlimited transfers: Another reason why some companies charge fees. This product allows you to make as many transactions as you like. That way, you don't pay anything on top of that.
  • payments without restrictions: O card overcome does not impose limits on payments. So you can do as many as you want throughout the day. After all, it would make no sense to have to pay a fee to make a payment. It seems even pleonasm, doesn't it?
  • Ease of withdrawals: You can make cash withdrawals at any ATM 24 hours a day. This way, everything is more practical and you don't run the risk of running out of reservations.
  • No extra fees: This card does not charge you an interest rate or annuity. Also, you don't pay any account maintenance fee. This is even a very common charge in most companies with these services.
  • Offer for negatives: Even those with a dirty name can apply for the card.

How do I know if my name is dirty?

There's no shame in going through a financial crunch and getting a dirty name. But, you may not know if this is your case. So learn how to query CPF

What are the disadvantages of the Supera card?

Que desvantagens esse cartão apresenta? (Imagem: F360)
What disadvantages does this card have? (Image: F360)

In fact, there is only one downside to this card. However, it is very important and needs to be considered at all times. This is a product with national reach.

So, if you usually buy from international stores, it is not indicated. This is especially true for companies that do more of this type of transaction. Therefore, do not purchase this tool without first thinking about it.

Now, there is a possibility of change. The company considers a lot about expanding its operations to an international level.

In this way, it may be that in a short time, this will even be another obstacle. In the end, this turns out to be only a temporary drawback.

Does the card have credibility in the market?

Esse é um produto de confiança? (Imagem: MarketingcomBrunoMarinho)
Is this a reliable product? (Image: MarketingwithBrunoMarinho)

O card overcome It is the creation of a company that has a good reputation in the market. The company follows all required rules and regulations. Not to mention that it is conquering more and more space.

All this recognition demonstrates a commitment to its public. It wouldn't make sense to throw all that away by providing a poor quality service. That way, you have nothing to worry about in that regard.

This tool is reliable, you can use it without fear.

And then, is the card overcomes worth it?

E então, o cartão supera vale a pena? (Imagem: Veja.abril)
And then, is the card overcomes worth it? (Image: Veja.April)

Everything will depend on your consumer profile. This is a card that has many benefits. So, to use it, you just need to have a balance on your digital account. Now, as you saw above, it doesn't have an international reach.

This for some people is a big barrier. However, in general, it is worth buying this product. It does not charge fees and you are completely free to handle your money.

Still, the company is full of goals for the future and of course, that includes the card. So, she intends to invest in cryptocurrency management and in the card machine function.

In this way, you can expect a series of innovations in this service. That said, this product is very interesting. After all, in addition to already offering great benefits, you can still expect more things.

One tip is to study the possibility of acquiring the card overcome. See how it will be useful within your reality. It might just be the alternative you've been looking for for a long time.

How to make the Supera card?

Como adquirir esse cartão? (Imagem: meutudo)
How to buy this card? (Image: meutudo)

This is a very simple procedure. The best option to order this product is by accessing the company's website. You can do this when you finish the process of opening your digital account.

So, just enter your registered CPF and password. Then, go to the cards tab and select the “request” alternative. So, all you'll need to do is follow a very quick step by step.

Still, don't worry about bureaucratic issues. Remember that the purpose of this company is to get you out of this type of situation. Acquiring the card is very easy and you won't have any difficulty.

Finally, that's all you need to know about the card overcome. Now it is your turn. Enjoy all the advantages that this product can offer you. Don't leave your dream of conquering your financial autonomy aside and acquire this tool.

Apply for Super card

Do you want to apply for the supera card and enjoy the advantages that the bank offers? Click right now and start shopping with the card. It's easy and fast!

About the author  /  Heloisa Trindade

I'm Heloisa Trindade, journalist at DRT 1424/MS in Campo Grande, graduate in publicity and advertising at Estácio de Campo Grande, editor and content producer for 4 years. My passion for reading and writing came since I was a child, influenced by my mother. In the midst of a financial crisis, I discovered that I could use my passion to generate income and that's when I started my first blogs. My goal is to always deliver true, quality content and information to our readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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