
Discover the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity credit card

Learn all about the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card, with it you don't pay an annuity and have access to an application to move everything in the palm of your hand. And it also has advantages, such as the Offers Club and the Mastercard Surprise program.


Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity: access all the benefits of the card without paying anything for it

Conheça o cartão com anuidade grátis. Fonte: Melhores Destinos.
Meet the card with free annual fee. Source: Best Destinations.

Learn all about the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity credit card and see how it can be a great ally without having to pay absolutely nothing to access all the benefits. So read on, we'll tell you all about this card.

How to apply for a Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card

Apply now for this annual fee-free card with Club of Offers and digital invoice.

How does the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity credit card work? 

If you want to acquire a credit card, but haven't done so yet for fear of paying high annual fees, don't worry, because we've brought you the solution you need: a card with no annual fee and top-notch services for you.

Thus, the Pan bank card does not charge an annuity, but requires proof of a minimum income of one minimum wage during the application process.

And, in addition, the card is international, that is, it can be used by you anywhere in the world, as well as having a Mastercard flag that is also accepted in millions of establishments in Brazil and in other foreign countries.

So, don't hesitate to consider this card, as it has a Club of Deals, a personalized application and all the benefits inherent to the Mastercard brand.


What is the limit of the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity credit card?

So, the limit for this card is usually around R$2000, but everything will depend on the credit analysis carried out by the institution.

Is the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity credit card worth it? 

Mas, afinal, o cartão vale a pena? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, is the card worth it? Source: Pexels.

Check out the advantages and disadvantages of this card below.


Among the advantages of the Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card is the free annuity, because you can use all the services of this card without having to pay anything for it.

And, in addition, you also have access to the Pan bank Deals Club program that guarantees various discounts at online partner establishments.

In addition, you can also control everything that happens with your card through the Pan bank application, without having to leave your home or go to a bank branch.

Therefore, the Pan Mastercard Anuidade Zero card is the best card option if you want quality, security and practicality without paying anything for it.



Despite having several advantages, the biggest disadvantage of this card is the minimum income requirement. This is because there is a large category of people who cannot prove income and therefore would not be able to access the card.

How to make a Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity credit card?

Mas, afinal, como fazer o cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how to make the card? Source: Pexels.

So, you can apply for the Pan Mastercard Anuidade Zero card through the Pan bank website. So, to see the step-by-step process on how to apply for this card, click on the recommended content below.

How to apply for a Pan Mastercard Zero Annuity card

Apply now for this annual fee-free card with Club of Offers and digital invoice.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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